President Ninot and Head of the Dept of Public Works GoodFella - I believe there is a worker squad being sent to the depths of the Notylopa jungle that has a spare shovel...
No announcement yet.
PNN - Phoenatican News Network
Originally posted by GoodFella
I am predicting that one of those "unexpected, completely accidental, and extremely fatal" construction accidents will soon strike Tass...
(ive discovered new lands)
No, I changed it to 4:00 EDT, so more people can come, even Apolytonians!Come over to CFC! | My Pre-Apolyton Roots! ;)
Civfanatics Moderator of the Civ3, Civ4 Sections and the MP Demogame
Born in TUC2S, Raised in Apolyton, Currently living in CFC. :D
civil war in phoenatica!
releated thread coverage:
The free western provinces of phoenatica call all of our willing citizens to arms against the evil united eastern provinces. We would like to see all citizens of the western provinces join the IDA! The western provinces are: Istar Normandy Ameri New Cormyr Victoria Scythia Free...
Welcome to the IDA HQ. As you know, continued plotting, agression and name-calling by the Millitary Department has caused a civil war Science Department. To aid the science department against thier barbaric enemies, the IDA was established. Any government agency, citizen group or citizen...
It has come to my attention that the 5 eastern-most provinces (those provinces that rely solely on the forbidden palace) are all governed by children of Asphinxia. I proposed that we use this common tie to form the United Eastern Provinces group, a millitary and economy alliance designed to...
our nation will be split in half by this east versus west civil war!
the end of days has come!
Just a thought, but should we of apolytonia be forewarned that a victory of any type will eventually led to a selfdestructive civil war?
Anothther thing when can we expect to see your new nation opening a new embassy or shall we, the older and wiser nation who opens the embassy?
One more annoying question as a matter of history and politics, how did the civil war start?
Strider sabotaged a bunch of Aircraft/Spacecraft which were standing by for the Airshows since we were all arguing about who's craft was better. He thought he'd solve the situation, instead he instigated war.Five-Star General in the CFC Demogame (Military Leader)