Not long ago, a poll about embassies was created, whether we should begin them or not. The majoriy voted aganst them. For many, this is a clear sign of the people's whishes. BUt I think it is also a blow agaist our chosen way of government, bad for the future, an simply, unconstitutional (or must be). Why?
We elect ministers to advise the president , which means, of course, that the ministers decide what to do, since rarely does the president refuse to carry out the advice of the ministers (if the president CAN is an interesting question). Thus, the ministers are the ones that make the everyday decisions of their posts. No one posts a poll about how our military commander should move the troops. There was never a vote on Plan Pink, it was simply viewed as wise, and carried out. Why then should the Foreign Minister be shackled against taking an action that is clearly in the perview of their office? Because it uses money? Then we will have to poll whenever we want to rush something. That is obviously not going to happen. Whether we have embassies or not is, and must be, solely the discretion of the Foreing Minister and the President. Why? What is the point of electing officials if they have no real power, if when anyone posts a poll, their power is sapped away? No, we elect officials, give them power and responsibility, and the way we hold them responsible is at the ballot box, or soon, with the courts. Both of these ways are fine and alllow the system to work: restricting the ability of ministers by POLL disrupts the system and creates havoc. We elected our ministers for a reason, most citizens never will go to a turnchat, which is just as well, and at turchat they make decisions. They must be free to act , free of polls, always knowing that they bear full resposibility (good or bad) for their actions.
The question then is, if direct polling is a bad way to restrict the acts of ministers, how can the average citizen, who again, will never be at turnchats, voice their views besides every two months?
We now have two branches of government, the executive, and the judicial. That leaves a third out, the legislative. We supposedly had a Dem Game senate, but that fell apart and has no power. Just as we have created a court system, we need to create a legislative system also. On what laws will the court judge? Just the constitution? How wil we handle future constitutional changes? will the executive continue to be the one to handle that too? Up to a point, since most people are only halfway involved, it gives the ministers too much power. Since polls are a terrible way to counter this power (we never were a direct democracy, ets not imagine we are), we need the third branch of government, the legislative.
Of course, this leaves big huge question open. What powers, what size, what lenght of terms, method of election?, so forth. But I think it is an important conversation to start. As we progress, the questions will only get tougher, so we might as well handle them now, and not three admins from today.
I wul finally add that a legislative branch may hopefully allow for greater participation, by giving more official posts to more citizens, making them part of the system, hopefully making them more present to the game we ar all trying to construct together.
We elect ministers to advise the president , which means, of course, that the ministers decide what to do, since rarely does the president refuse to carry out the advice of the ministers (if the president CAN is an interesting question). Thus, the ministers are the ones that make the everyday decisions of their posts. No one posts a poll about how our military commander should move the troops. There was never a vote on Plan Pink, it was simply viewed as wise, and carried out. Why then should the Foreign Minister be shackled against taking an action that is clearly in the perview of their office? Because it uses money? Then we will have to poll whenever we want to rush something. That is obviously not going to happen. Whether we have embassies or not is, and must be, solely the discretion of the Foreing Minister and the President. Why? What is the point of electing officials if they have no real power, if when anyone posts a poll, their power is sapped away? No, we elect officials, give them power and responsibility, and the way we hold them responsible is at the ballot box, or soon, with the courts. Both of these ways are fine and alllow the system to work: restricting the ability of ministers by POLL disrupts the system and creates havoc. We elected our ministers for a reason, most citizens never will go to a turnchat, which is just as well, and at turchat they make decisions. They must be free to act , free of polls, always knowing that they bear full resposibility (good or bad) for their actions.
The question then is, if direct polling is a bad way to restrict the acts of ministers, how can the average citizen, who again, will never be at turnchats, voice their views besides every two months?
We now have two branches of government, the executive, and the judicial. That leaves a third out, the legislative. We supposedly had a Dem Game senate, but that fell apart and has no power. Just as we have created a court system, we need to create a legislative system also. On what laws will the court judge? Just the constitution? How wil we handle future constitutional changes? will the executive continue to be the one to handle that too? Up to a point, since most people are only halfway involved, it gives the ministers too much power. Since polls are a terrible way to counter this power (we never were a direct democracy, ets not imagine we are), we need the third branch of government, the legislative.
Of course, this leaves big huge question open. What powers, what size, what lenght of terms, method of election?, so forth. But I think it is an important conversation to start. As we progress, the questions will only get tougher, so we might as well handle them now, and not three admins from today.
I wul finally add that a legislative branch may hopefully allow for greater participation, by giving more official posts to more citizens, making them part of the system, hopefully making them more present to the game we ar all trying to construct together.