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Pre Poll Discussion: Structuring of the CoL

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  • Pre Poll Discussion: Structuring of the CoL

    This is to discuss how amendments will be added to the Code of Laws in the future. To set up a standard to prevent so much debate as ha been occurring here recently. No Idea is perfect, so weneed as much input as possible.

    Recapping the debate, current administration proposed ammendments to reword the constitution. I became VERY vocal against such a thing, and many seemed to support my views. Timeline then proposed a compromise plan that took care of most, if not all, my objections, and provides what they wished for as well.

    The proposed structuring is thus:

    Here is what our CoL would look like:

    Minister of the Military:
    This officer is the principal military advisor to the President and the people, and prepares military plans and reviews overall military requirements for our nation. He/She also has the responsibility to assess threats to the security of the country and keep everyone up to date on these threats.

    The Military Advisor is granted the power to set up the army's strategy. He tells what troops to move where, and which battles to engage.

    The Military Advisor is granted the right to take an active part in negotiations of Peace Treaties, Mutual Protection Pacts, or a Right of Passage agreements. (Note: The Foreign Advisor calls the shots, but the Military Advisor must have his voice heard).

    Minister of Foreign Affairs:

    This minister is given the power to enter into diplomatic negotiations with other countries, however should refrain from making commitments until approved by the people.

    The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make peace, accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer Right of Passage Agreements, and forge Military Alliances.

    The exchange of all items, except Luxury, Gold, or Strategic resources falls on the broad shoulders of the Foreign Affairs Minister. It is, however, strongly recommended that the Foreign Affairs Minister consults with other ministers whose office may be affected by such trades.

    This Minister is required to consult the Minister of Economy when Luxury, Gold, or Strategic resources are involved in a trade.

    Trade Embargos must first be approved by both the Minister of Economy and Foreign Affairs Minister before they may be enforced. -Amendment IV (07/20/02)

    City Planner:
    The City Planner is truly an artist and an economist, for he is responsible for making the foundation of our nation, cities, as prosperous and successful as possible. The City Planner manages building queues and citizens, but may also request the Public Works minister to improve city tiles when needed.

    The City Planner is strongly recommended to accommodate all Ministers who approach him/her with their various needs.

    Now, here is the Amendment section:

    Article IV: Amendments

    Amendment IV: Rewording of Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Date amended: July 20, 2002
    Acting President: Ninot
    Location: Article 1, “Minister of Foreign Affairs”
    Comments: Reworded section to make reference to Minister of Economy, changed laws regulating Trade Embargoes.

    Previous wording:
    “Minister of Foreign Affairs:
    This minister is the government’’s chief advisor on foreign affairs and is responsible for carrying out foreign policy. He/She is given the power to enter into diplomatic negotiations with other countries, however should refrain from making commitments until approved by the people.

    The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make peace, accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer Right of Passage Agreements, and forge Military Alliances. The exchange of all items, except Strategic, Luxury, or Gold resources falls on the broad shoulders of the Foreign Affairs Minister. It is strongly recommended that the Foreign Affairs Minister consult the appropriate ministers when gifts or exchanges are involved.

    This Minister is required to consult the Trade advisor when Gold, Luxury or Strategic resources are involved.”
    If structured in suh a way, it will provide easy reading for those who wish to look things up quickly, without having to read all the ammendments as they will have been changed in the original body. It also preserves as a referance and historical view the original text which will be contained in the 'ammendment' section.

    Please post with any suggestions to better refine this idea.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    As long as we don't delete anything, I'm fine with it.


    • #3
      I support this
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #4
        Can we have a complete copy and a restructured copy? One that we use practically, the other for history.


        • #5
          I support this.


          • #6
            Me too. And we should keep the two copies, as mentioned by Skywalker.
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #7
              I support skywalker's two copy proposal.


              • #8
                Sorry if I missed something (it pretty late here ), but is this sugestion different from the compromise suggested by Timeline in the poll ?
                Anyways, I agree with this proposal, because the CoL remains clear : all old and useless things are pushed in the last section. The beginning of the document shows current laws only, which is what I'm looking for.

                Should this compromise be suggested in a poll, I'd vote for it because it satisfies me, and it would have more chances to win.

                A constructive sidenote : maybe we should work a little bit on the style of the amendment (I mean : bold characters, italics etc.)

                I suggest an amendment would look like this :
                Amendment IV: Rewording of Minister of Foreign Affairs
                Date amended: July 20, 2002
                Acting President: Ninot
                Location: Article 1, “Minister of Foreign Affairs”
                Comments: Reworded section to make reference to Minister of Economy, changed laws regulating Trade Embargoes.

                Previous wording:
                Minister of Foreign Affairs:
                This minister is the government’’s chief advisor on foreign affairs and is responsible for carrying out foreign policy. He/She is given the power to enter into diplomatic negotiations with other countries, however should refrain from making commitments until approved by the people.

                The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make peace, accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer Right of Passage Agreements, and forge Military Alliances. The exchange of all items, except Strategic, Luxury, or Gold resources falls on the broad shoulders of the Foreign Affairs Minister. It is strongly recommended that the Foreign Affairs Minister consult the appropriate ministers when gifts or exchanges are involved.

                This Minister is required to consult the Trade advisor when Gold, Luxury or Strategic resources are involved.
                This way, we'll dinstict amendments more clearly when there are hundreds of them. I also suggest most recent amendments are the first to show in the amendment section.
                "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                • #9
                  Small tweak, otehr wise is good: portions of the original constitution that have changed should be italicized.


                  • #10
                    Spiffor, what you propose is fine. I only spent about 10 minutes (not even that) making up that demonstration, and your improvement is about right.

                    As for new amendments appearing first, I don't think this would work. You see, amendments in this section are numbered (amendment I, II, III, IV, etc) And they would appear from 1 to the last. So this would mean new ones will probably appear last (not a big deal, I don't think).

                    For my next trick, I will demonstrate how our entire CoL would look after being "restructured".

                    Any objection to me calling this (hopefully) future amendment "Timeline's New Deal"?

                    It could be the mark of my career in government


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by civman2000
                      Small tweak, otehr wise is good: portions of the original constitution that have changed should be italicized.
                      We are half a step ahead of you . It's already been done.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, that didn't show up in the quote....
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          I agree with skywalker. It would be great for history to have a nice, pristine copy of the original code of laws that has all ammendments added at the bottom. Then we can have a more readable version, like spiffor's idea, which I like, noting civman's point of italicizing all changes made to the original text.

                          The one thing I would like to add is perhaps citizens should take it upon themselves to print out a copy of the original, incase, the Creator forbid, the posted one gets deleted somehow on accident (or maybe the Apolyton server explodes), or more importantly, we find that some corrupt official has been tampering with the original to his own end. It would be easy to spot something like this if alot of people had a 'tamper' proof hard copy. This is just a suggestion though, if my father's printer worked I'd do it now, but I'm gonna have to wait until I go back home....
                          "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                          - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                          Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                          • #14
                            I like Spiffor's tweaks, as well as skywalker's suggestion of the two copies.


                            • #15
                              I agree with skywalker's proposal

