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Department of Public Works

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  • Department of Public Works

    This thread is for those concerned about tile improvement in Apolytonia to voice their opinions. Feel free to send my private mesages as well. I will do my best as Minister of Public Works to hear all your concerns and serve Apoytonia's citizens as best I can.
    If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.

  • #2
    Thanks for opening this up, Goodfella.
    Do you see opportunities ahead for stacking our workers, so that improvements come on-line sooner? Perhaps on the road to Banana HQ project (once the production improvements surrounding the new city are finished).
    aka, Unique Unit
    Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


    • #3
      GoodFella, two questions:
      - What's your policy on new workers being sent to America? Do you think we should have some there to help improve the land after the war, or is it too much of a risk?


      - Do you feel that we should immediately send new workers to any new city sites (like on Uber Isle) once we create them, or should we keep them in the core to help improve our existing infrastrucutre?


      • #4
        Do you think we should mine the last unmined grassland near Termina as soon as possible (7 turns with the worker south of Tassagrad if I calculated correctly), or have you other priorities ?
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #5
          Right now I am in favor of stacking. First north of Tassagrad to build road, then south to build another road, then back north to build a mine in the cleared spot. After I want jungle cleared south of Banana H.Q..

          I don't see too much of risk in sending workers to America. Hopefully, we'll capture some of theirs though and they'will have already put in improvements.

          So far we don't know what Uber Isle is like. If it proves good for settlemnt, I would be in favor of sending one worker after we have our selves dug in there.

          I need to check the game again, but right now I am in favor of working on the tiles around Tassagrad and Banana H.Q., as they need the most work done.
          If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


          • #6
            1400 B.C
            Worker south of Tassagrad moves southeast.
            If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


            • #7
              Termina is 2 turns from growth as at 1400BC. When it expands, it will put a new worker on either the coast or the last cleared grassland - which is unmined and unroaded. I do not know how much Termina's production factors into plans, but if we could get a worker there ASAP, we can ensure we get another shield and arrow out of that city at least.

              Apolyton is growing too slowly to worry about - ne further terrain improvements needed there.

              Banana HQ is fine at the mo' as well, but when it grows in 8 turns all it can do with the worker is get 1 food + 2 arrows out of the coast, or 1 shield from the mountain.

              We must look at when we can free up the two workers we have to improve these cities also.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                I suggest to build the road Apolyton-Tassagrad-BananaHQ ASAP. It shall speed up our attacking armies and reinforcements. If we capture workers in America (we will!), let them start to build a road from America toward Apolyton. We shall have a road to America. This has 3 main benefits:

                - It's a quick way out of the jungle for our armies, even for War Chariots.
                - It'll lessen the corruption of the captured American cities, when they're connected with our capital.
                - Our productive cities will be connected to the Dyes in America.

                A road, that's it.


                • #9
                  I do agree that the road as detailed by Sn00py should be constructed first - the plan towards the war should take precedence above all else.

                  The war is a huge gamble, and our only real choice. We must throw everything we have into it, to maximize our chances. This includes cooperation from ALL government departments, kinda like an assumption of an overruling executive jurisdiction in a state of emergency.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                    ... kinda like an assumption of an overruling executive jurisdiction in a state of emergency.
                    Careful. Don't encourage Uber!
                    aka, Unique Unit
                    Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


                    • #11
                      Yes, I am aware that Termina is going to expand soon. FOr the moment though, I decided it was most important to improve the tiles to the south of Tassagrad and finish the road to Banana H.Q. I felt that it was more important to improve the tiles around these two cities because they will also be expanding fairly soon it will definately not experience any of the unhappiness that I suspect Termina will get when it grows to a population of 4. After the road to Tassagrad is finished though, I might divert a worker over to improve the tile near Termina (if still neccessary and if it is favored over cutting jungle).
                      If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


                      • #12
                        You have a good head on those shoulders, GoodFella. Glad to see you are taking everything into account - your priorities seem to me to be the most sensible.

                        From your plans, assuming that the next pop point in Termina can be employed other than as an Entertainer, how long do you think it would be (assuming we have just the two workers we currently do), until Termina starts to see some improvements?

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #13
                          Actually to my surprise I discovered we have three workers.

                          Currently one is cutting jubgle between Tassagrad and Banana H.Q. and will be finished I believe in 1350 B.C when I'll have it begin building a road.

                          The other two are currently stacked on the south-south-east tile of Tassagrad. One is already building a mine and next turn I'll have the just moved one finish it (1375 B.C.)

                          Then I'll have the two build roads on the new mine tile and the tile directly south of Tassagrad.

                          By 1275 B.C I think I'll have a worker availabe to either mine the tile by Termina or cut jungle by Tassagrad/Banana H.Q. Right now I am leaning towards cutting jungle but it's too early to tell.

                          Thanks for the compliment, just trying to make sure I do the best job possible.
                          If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


                          • #14
                            I should be able to make it tommarow (Sunday) for the next turnchat but in case I can't here are the plans:

                            1375 B.C.
                            Worker in south-south-eastern tile of Tassagrad builds mine.

                            1350 B.C.
                            Both workers after finishing mine on south-south-eastern tile of Tassagrad build road.
                            Worker finishes clearing jungle and between Tassagrad and Banana H.Q. builds road.

                            1325 B.C.
                            Road on south-south-eastern tile finished, move both workers to the tile directly south of Tassagrad.

                            1300 B.C.
                            Both workers directly south of Tassagrad build a road. Worker between Tassagrad and Banana H.Q. finishes road and begins work on mine.

                            1275 B.C.
                            Put another worker on building mine between Tasssagrad and Banana H.Q.
                            Put third worker into cutting jungle on river by Banana H.Q. (or any jungle tile pending best judgement of time and quality).
                            If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


                            • #15
                              one of the workers is a babylonian indentured serverant and only works at half pace (well, "normal" pace because we are industrailist).

                              that worker suprised me the first time i saw it too, then i remembered the trade deals
                              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

