Would you like to follow the Democracy game, but don't have the time?
Confused as to what is going on?
Not sure what party to join?
Can't keep track of all those polls?
Just want to follow enough to mock those crazy Demo guys?
Subscribe to The Jungle Gazette
Let us track all the information for you, and add a bit of humor to your days in Apolytonia! Subscribe and we will send you a Private Message with a handy link to each edition of our paper, thus saving you the time of searching through the threads. Cost is only 10 Lytons/week.
First issue located here.
Edit: To better serve the public, we now offer a variety of formats, please indicate which you would prefer when you subscribe. Sn00py has joined the staff and is expanding possibilities.
Options are:
Thread in the forums, PM me a link.
Send my issue via E-mail.
Edit again: If you prefer E-mail, please post your address below, thanx.
Confused as to what is going on?
Not sure what party to join?
Can't keep track of all those polls?
Just want to follow enough to mock those crazy Demo guys?
Subscribe to The Jungle Gazette
Let us track all the information for you, and add a bit of humor to your days in Apolytonia! Subscribe and we will send you a Private Message with a handy link to each edition of our paper, thus saving you the time of searching through the threads. Cost is only 10 Lytons/week.
First issue located here.
Edit: To better serve the public, we now offer a variety of formats, please indicate which you would prefer when you subscribe. Sn00py has joined the staff and is expanding possibilities.
Options are:
Thread in the forums, PM me a link.
Send my issue via E-mail.
Edit again: If you prefer E-mail, please post your address below, thanx.