First of all, Robber Baron I´d like to offer my sincere apologies for the foul mouthings i directed at you. They were uttered in a moment that insanity had gripped my very soul and bound it in darkness so bleak that the brightests torch could not, nor even would try to penetrate it.
Second thing I would like to mention: why are we gunning for the Americans if they do not have luxury nor is it certain that they have Iron. While the french have both, tagged and waiting to be bagged. Is it the thought that the Americans are more aggressive, more expansionistic. These factors will contribute little to the equation if it is our intention to start an oscillating war. While the fact that we take French first will mean that we can entrench our position sooner and get connection to the strategic and luxury resourcess sooner.
If you´r getting tired of me always rambling on about attacking French first, then you gotta do something about it.
Support going to war against French first and I´ll stop.

Second thing I would like to mention: why are we gunning for the Americans if they do not have luxury nor is it certain that they have Iron. While the french have both, tagged and waiting to be bagged. Is it the thought that the Americans are more aggressive, more expansionistic. These factors will contribute little to the equation if it is our intention to start an oscillating war. While the fact that we take French first will mean that we can entrench our position sooner and get connection to the strategic and luxury resourcess sooner.
If you´r getting tired of me always rambling on about attacking French first, then you gotta do something about it.
