to add to what trip said: one spearman might even do it.
No announcement yet.
Plan Eagle
I would have to agree that Plan Eagle is the best option on the table at the moment. Every turn that passes is another turn that leaves us toiling in the jungle. What we need right now is a "short, victorious war" to knock out the Americans, our greater foe at the moment. France is far less warlike, and we would do well to leave them as a brake against stronger enemies. Through America we will find better land, and thus a chance for survival.
Anything is better than jungle!2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle
Concerning the AI (mostly militaritic ones), I am normally met by fierce counterattacks. On the other hand, this is early.
And Americans are usually kinda dull in civ3.
So I do not know. (Had they been Russians..... Heavy fighting, you bet! )
Ok, I just don't want you to get surprised!
As long as we do not know their numbers and types, we are not neccesarily driving towards a major victory... we are fighting the unknown.
In the essence of not having the time to wait for a complete buildup, this becomes dangerous. The AI usually operates by roughly organized counterattacks when they have both off/def units. Then it could be a draw, or our destruction?
Think, and think hard... and think even harder...My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Originally posted by Trip
I'm going to make a poll on whether or not people want to adopt this plan.
I guess the people will stand behind you on this one, and vote yes. Nice, but the consequences of too weak frontal defences (and cities, of course) according to your accurate plan, could maybe cost us our capital ! Build, build more, and build hard...
Or am I wrong? I've never before fought the Americans, really... just hardcore militaristic tribes and other sissy bastards.
What are the odds here?My words are backed with hard coconuts.
I'm well aware of what may occur with defeat, but I'm confident that we will win nevertheless. However, a must for this assault to succeed is for all of our Archers to be Veterans. That is what will win battles for us. Archer VS Fortified Spearman will be a very difficult battle to win unless we have that extra HP point to push things over the edge for the good guys. I would say that if all of our forces were Regulars and not Veterans, then the plan would most likely fail.
My suggestion is that we should postpone the invasion and concentrate on the research of army-enhancing technologies like Mathematics. If we put all our resources towards science, we can research strong military units before our American rivals do, and have less of an army to deal with in the defeat of them.
For example, we should develop a few catapults, some horsemen (If we can get out hands on some horses), and some swordsmen (If we have the Iron resource). Then we can overrun the American archers and spearmen and warriors quicker.
P.S. If we don't have those resources, mabye we can trade with the Americans until we declare war and take advantage of the peace while we still have it. Or we can trade with the French for needed resources.
P.P.S. Vote for me in the upcoming election; I'm running for military minister.Peace Out!!!
Ben Berman
Well, Benjamin... the odds are not actually swinging in our favour.
Doing research is kinda slow at the time, but there is a well formed tech-trading plan ready for execution. (what's been done already?) Hmmm... we could at least get the Alphabet, but that would'nt help us now. We ought to rely on numerous archers and spearmen at this time. Though only 4 to 8 mounts could help us out somewhat, it could be a nightmare to aquire them soon enough?My words are backed with hard coconuts.
As the Americans are industrious and and expansionistic, they will be a threat later in the game when they expand and become a major empire. Unless of course we kill them.You are right, TPR, that we could invite a vicious counter-attack. This is why Plan Eagle relies on nailing all of the American units at their cities. If we can quickly capture all of their cities, they lose. They may have one or two military units wandering around though, and they could be a problem until we finish off Boston and Philadelphia. Here the jungle is helpful, as they won't be able to reach our cities before we close on them.
Really, the biggest problem that we face is trying to catch them with all of their units nice and sleepy inside their cities. Which razes..., I mean raises, another question: what will we do with the american cities? Capture them, or burn them? It has been my experience that the AI doesn't always build in the best spot, so we might want to build our own city where Washington or New York, or more likely, Boston is. Just a thought.2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle