As a citizens group, keeping the intellectual thoughts aflow,
is the Thinkers main goal. Therefore they travel much through the empire (preferrably to universities) holding lectures for the populace... Both with scientifical and political content.
If you feel like thinking, this is a guild for you!
A Thinker may vary from doctors, students, poets, artist, architects, inventors, and many many more....
They are mostly democrats, but eager to promote critisism and questioning the system. Usually, they are working at building libraries in every city... for the best of the intellectual empire!
- dr.PlagueRat
is the Thinkers main goal. Therefore they travel much through the empire (preferrably to universities) holding lectures for the populace... Both with scientifical and political content.
If you feel like thinking, this is a guild for you!

A Thinker may vary from doctors, students, poets, artist, architects, inventors, and many many more....
They are mostly democrats, but eager to promote critisism and questioning the system. Usually, they are working at building libraries in every city... for the best of the intellectual empire!
- dr.PlagueRat