A tie-in with the Culture Club thread.
Definition of terms:
Polytheism-- Belief in very many gods (Greece, Rome, Egypt, Hinduism)
Oligotheism-- Belief in a few gods (Persia) (BTW- is "oligotheism" a word?)
Monotheism-- Belief in one god (Christianity, Judaism, Islam)
Nontheism-- No belief in gods/belief in no gods. (Could allow for worship of individuals, i.e. Bokononism)
Edit (again): The top belief system will be used. A later poll will be posted after this one closes to determine the pantheon of gods (if any).
Definition of terms:
Polytheism-- Belief in very many gods (Greece, Rome, Egypt, Hinduism)
Oligotheism-- Belief in a few gods (Persia) (BTW- is "oligotheism" a word?)
Monotheism-- Belief in one god (Christianity, Judaism, Islam)
Nontheism-- No belief in gods/belief in no gods. (Could allow for worship of individuals, i.e. Bokononism)

Edit (again): The top belief system will be used. A later poll will be posted after this one closes to determine the pantheon of gods (if any).