Well, while waiting for the final result of the poll on what positions we should have at start we might as well start discussing what the different offices shall do.
These are the positions with currently over 50% support
Science Advisor
Foreign Advisor
Military Advisor
Trade Advisor
City Planner
Imperial Expansion
Public Works Minister
Financial Minister
I know that some of this already has been stated in the Constitutional Convention
However, I think it is best to have a thread sole for this, or maybe a thread for each position, and just links to them from here. (That can be decided later). The entries in the Constitutional Convention about these jobs has been moved here. I might have added a few things, but I've not removed anything.
And remember these are just suggestions everything can change. We'll probably have to poll on some of the powers of the advisors anyway, so I decided to keep everything.
I'll post a second post in this threat to have expansion space if needed later.
The President shall physically play the game after conducting polls, referring to his advisors, and generally checking with his people. If we are to have turnchats he shall play the game during these chats were instant decisions, which couldn't be planned for, are taken.
Once the turns for a chat are played the president shall send out the save per email to the people authorized to have access to the save. The Historian shall receive saves from the beginning of each turn, but the others shall only get the latest save.
The President shall be granted the power to veto any action that was passed with less than 50% of the vote, so long as the Vice President agrees, and backs him. He may call for a re-vote with a detailed explanation of why he vetoed the action. The veto cannot be overturned, but if the revote yields similar result, the President must go with the will of the people.
The President shall have the power to call for a vote to change our Government type. The vote must pass with a 2/3 majority.
The President also has the power to call for a vote of confidence if he thinks that any minister is working against the empire.
The right hand of the President; in case the President fails to show up for the turnchat the Vice-president shall play the turns instead. He shall then follow the rules for the president. This means that he shall have the latest save.
Science Advisor
The Science Advisor is given the power to choose which advances to research, and which path on the tech tree we travel. He has the power to create polls for all of his powers, but is NOT obligated to FOLLOW them, unless one option gets over 50% of the votes. He has the power to choose on his own what is best for our nation.
The Science Advisor is granted the power to offer/accept deals regarding the exchange of Technology.
The Science Advisor needs to work closely with the other ministers to be able to do what is bet for out nation. He needs to come to an understanding with the finance and trade advisor to get a tech rate that suits the empire. He also needs to work with ministers who want certain technologies for their duties.
Foreign Advisor
The Foreign Advisor manages all the treaties of our game.
The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make/accept peace, declare war, offer/accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer/accept Right of Passage Agreements, and offer/accept Military Alliances.
For gifts in treaties the appropriate ministers shall be consulted.
Military Advisor
The Military Advisor is in charge of all military planning.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to make polls on the # of cities dedicated to making military units.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to set up the army's strategy. He tells what troops to move where, and which battles to engage.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to request that the Foreign Minister Demand Tribute from an enemy civ.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to take part in the Negotiation of any Trade including the signing of a Peace Treaty, Mutual Protection Pact, or a Right of Passage agreement. (Foreign Advisor calls the shots, but the Military Advisor must have his voice heard)
The Military Advisor can request the Public Works minister to build fortresses in war-zones, as well as roads and rail roads up to the war-zone.
It’s in the duty of the Military Advisor to protect all the Workers that our Nation posses, both captured and trained. The Advisor must also maintain the security for Settlers sent out by the Imperial expansion minister as well as provide over sea transports for non-military units if requested. These obligation are also involving protection of great leaders.
The Military Advisor is also responsibly for the protection of our borders and cities from invasions.
The Military advisor has the power to request a city to draft citizens. However, this has to be done in agreement with the City Planner.
The Military advisor shall have the power to call for a vote to change of Mobilization. The vote must pass with a 2/3 or 50% majority. - POLL Now
Trade Advisor
The Trade Advisor manages all international trade.
The Trade Advisor is granted the power to make/accept Trade Embargos.
The Trade Advisor is granted the power to offer/accept deals regarding the exchange of luxury or strategic resources.
The Trade Advisor may request the Public Works minister to connect cities to the trade network as well as to new resources and to international trade networks.
The trade advisor may request the City Planner to create Harbours and Airports for connections to the trade network. These requests are limited to one per local network not over other civs territories.
(NOTE: The Science Advisor and the Trade Advisor both play a role in Diplomacy. The Science Advisor would have to say "I allow you to trade Nationalism at free will", if the Trade Advisor wanted to trade Nationalism for Dyes) Shall we amend this?
City Planner
The City Planner is in charge of controlling the cities under our control.
The City Planner has the power to control Building Queues and manage the citizens in the Cities.
The City Planner may request the Public Works minister to improve the city tiles.
The City Planner may request the Trade Advisor to connect the city to the trade network.
Imperial Expansion Minister
The Imperial Expansion Minister is in charge of placing new cities.
The Imperial Expansion Minister may request the City Planner to build Settlers in certain Areas.
The Historian logs everything that happens to our nation.
The Historian has no power to control anything, and is the only governmental post not allowed to vote in governmental polls.
The Historian may request detailed information on certain things from the President, and shall be granted access to one save per turn.
Public Works minister
The Public Works Minister is in charge of all Workers in our empire.
The Public Works Minister has the power to assign workers to different projects.
The Public Works Minister may request workers to be produced.
The Public Works Minister has the power to decide whether to keep slave workers or join them with cities.
Financial Minister
The Financial Minister has the power to control the budget of our civ. That involves assigning Income for science, trade and luxury. It also involves making the maintenance payable in all cities.
The Financial Minister has the power to create a budget surplus or budget deficit when the treasury requires or allows it.
The Financial Minister has the power to request financial improvements to be built in cities were they would mean an earning with at least five gold per turn after the maintenance for them are paid.
The Financial Minister also has the Power to regret any more Buildings/Units if the economy can’t handle it. In such cases the game shall halt and the high council shall take a log at the economy together to be able to solve the situation, or decide what to cut down on. Units needed for the safety of the cities may not be regretted.
These are the positions with currently over 50% support
Science Advisor
Foreign Advisor
Military Advisor
Trade Advisor
City Planner
Imperial Expansion
Public Works Minister
Financial Minister
I know that some of this already has been stated in the Constitutional Convention
However, I think it is best to have a thread sole for this, or maybe a thread for each position, and just links to them from here. (That can be decided later). The entries in the Constitutional Convention about these jobs has been moved here. I might have added a few things, but I've not removed anything.
And remember these are just suggestions everything can change. We'll probably have to poll on some of the powers of the advisors anyway, so I decided to keep everything.
I'll post a second post in this threat to have expansion space if needed later.
The President shall physically play the game after conducting polls, referring to his advisors, and generally checking with his people. If we are to have turnchats he shall play the game during these chats were instant decisions, which couldn't be planned for, are taken.
Once the turns for a chat are played the president shall send out the save per email to the people authorized to have access to the save. The Historian shall receive saves from the beginning of each turn, but the others shall only get the latest save.
The President shall be granted the power to veto any action that was passed with less than 50% of the vote, so long as the Vice President agrees, and backs him. He may call for a re-vote with a detailed explanation of why he vetoed the action. The veto cannot be overturned, but if the revote yields similar result, the President must go with the will of the people.
The President shall have the power to call for a vote to change our Government type. The vote must pass with a 2/3 majority.
The President also has the power to call for a vote of confidence if he thinks that any minister is working against the empire.
The right hand of the President; in case the President fails to show up for the turnchat the Vice-president shall play the turns instead. He shall then follow the rules for the president. This means that he shall have the latest save.
Science Advisor
The Science Advisor is given the power to choose which advances to research, and which path on the tech tree we travel. He has the power to create polls for all of his powers, but is NOT obligated to FOLLOW them, unless one option gets over 50% of the votes. He has the power to choose on his own what is best for our nation.
The Science Advisor is granted the power to offer/accept deals regarding the exchange of Technology.
The Science Advisor needs to work closely with the other ministers to be able to do what is bet for out nation. He needs to come to an understanding with the finance and trade advisor to get a tech rate that suits the empire. He also needs to work with ministers who want certain technologies for their duties.
Foreign Advisor
The Foreign Advisor manages all the treaties of our game.
The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make/accept peace, declare war, offer/accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer/accept Right of Passage Agreements, and offer/accept Military Alliances.
For gifts in treaties the appropriate ministers shall be consulted.
Military Advisor
The Military Advisor is in charge of all military planning.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to make polls on the # of cities dedicated to making military units.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to set up the army's strategy. He tells what troops to move where, and which battles to engage.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to request that the Foreign Minister Demand Tribute from an enemy civ.
The Military Advisor is granted the power to take part in the Negotiation of any Trade including the signing of a Peace Treaty, Mutual Protection Pact, or a Right of Passage agreement. (Foreign Advisor calls the shots, but the Military Advisor must have his voice heard)
The Military Advisor can request the Public Works minister to build fortresses in war-zones, as well as roads and rail roads up to the war-zone.
It’s in the duty of the Military Advisor to protect all the Workers that our Nation posses, both captured and trained. The Advisor must also maintain the security for Settlers sent out by the Imperial expansion minister as well as provide over sea transports for non-military units if requested. These obligation are also involving protection of great leaders.
The Military Advisor is also responsibly for the protection of our borders and cities from invasions.
The Military advisor has the power to request a city to draft citizens. However, this has to be done in agreement with the City Planner.
The Military advisor shall have the power to call for a vote to change of Mobilization. The vote must pass with a 2/3 or 50% majority. - POLL Now
Trade Advisor
The Trade Advisor manages all international trade.
The Trade Advisor is granted the power to make/accept Trade Embargos.
The Trade Advisor is granted the power to offer/accept deals regarding the exchange of luxury or strategic resources.
The Trade Advisor may request the Public Works minister to connect cities to the trade network as well as to new resources and to international trade networks.
The trade advisor may request the City Planner to create Harbours and Airports for connections to the trade network. These requests are limited to one per local network not over other civs territories.
(NOTE: The Science Advisor and the Trade Advisor both play a role in Diplomacy. The Science Advisor would have to say "I allow you to trade Nationalism at free will", if the Trade Advisor wanted to trade Nationalism for Dyes) Shall we amend this?
City Planner
The City Planner is in charge of controlling the cities under our control.
The City Planner has the power to control Building Queues and manage the citizens in the Cities.
The City Planner may request the Public Works minister to improve the city tiles.
The City Planner may request the Trade Advisor to connect the city to the trade network.
Imperial Expansion Minister
The Imperial Expansion Minister is in charge of placing new cities.
The Imperial Expansion Minister may request the City Planner to build Settlers in certain Areas.
The Historian logs everything that happens to our nation.
The Historian has no power to control anything, and is the only governmental post not allowed to vote in governmental polls.
The Historian may request detailed information on certain things from the President, and shall be granted access to one save per turn.
Public Works minister
The Public Works Minister is in charge of all Workers in our empire.
The Public Works Minister has the power to assign workers to different projects.
The Public Works Minister may request workers to be produced.
The Public Works Minister has the power to decide whether to keep slave workers or join them with cities.
Financial Minister
The Financial Minister has the power to control the budget of our civ. That involves assigning Income for science, trade and luxury. It also involves making the maintenance payable in all cities.
The Financial Minister has the power to create a budget surplus or budget deficit when the treasury requires or allows it.
The Financial Minister has the power to request financial improvements to be built in cities were they would mean an earning with at least five gold per turn after the maintenance for them are paid.
The Financial Minister also has the Power to regret any more Buildings/Units if the economy can’t handle it. In such cases the game shall halt and the high council shall take a log at the economy together to be able to solve the situation, or decide what to cut down on. Units needed for the safety of the cities may not be regretted.