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  • Recent chat!

    heres a copy + paste of a chat i've just had.
    please shair any veiws you have on the topics descust!

    18:41:32 Ninot enters this room

    18:41:41 [Ninot] hello

    18:41:52 [HazieDaVampire] hello

    18:41:56 [Ninot] whats up?

    18:42:17 [HazieDaVampire] i'm waiting for Uber whats his namey

    18:42:31 [Ninot] UberKrux?

    18:42:50 [HazieDaVampire] yeah

    18:43:01 [HazieDaVampire] talk about the Diplomatic games

    18:43:33 [Ninot] yup... i can't wait for the game to actually get going... too bad its gonna take forever to set up propperly

    18:43:56 [HazieDaVampire] i know how to vote for it!

    18:44:21 ADG enters this room

    18:44:31 [HazieDaVampire] to make sure nobody is voting for their own party in an election

    18:45:00 [HazieDaVampire] we get a universal observer, and every sends an e-mail to them with their vote, and they tot it up!

    18:45:10 [HazieDaVampire] everybody*

    18:45:30 [Ninot] what do ya mean?

    18:45:34 [ADG] Does anyone know when the game is set to begin?

    18:45:41 [Ninot] you want to eliminate voting for a party/

    18:45:54 [Ninot] not for a while im guessing, ADG

    18:46:20 [HazieDaVampire] if we have partys, they won't be able to vote for their own party, cuz that'd just be unfair. So we need a way to regulate that nobody is voting for their own party

    18:47:03 [Ninot] yeah.. but in real politics, George W Bush voted for George W bush.. and so did **** Cheyney..

    18:47:12 [Ninot] nothing wrong with voting for your own part

    18:47:16 [Ninot] party

    18:47:40 [HazieDaVampire] ah, but thats cuz the hole nation is voting for them, this will be politions voting for polititions

    18:47:49 [Ninot] just we need to make sure there is enough sway in the public so that not everyone is in a party

    18:47:50 [HazieDaVampire] you see?

    18:48:22 [Ninot] i see what you mean, but stopping people from voting for who they agree with (thus the same party) is outrageous

    18:48:50 [Ninot] if i happen to be in the same party as the guy i want to vote for.. why shouldn't I?

    18:48:59 [HazieDaVampire] But that justs means the largest party will instantly win

    18:49:27 [Ninot] perhaps... but the way i believe your idea would be is even worse, it would guarantee the ruling party never holds power

    18:49:32 [HazieDaVampire] but i suppose the largest part will be the largest cuz every agrees with them

    18:49:44 [Ninot] yeah

    18:50:07 zulu9812 enters this room

    18:50:24 [Ninot] hiya Zulu

    18:50:31 [HazieDaVampire] we cant, unde any curcumstances, have a facist party, cuz people will just get upset and pissed at people

    18:50:44 [Ninot] no.. Fascism would never happen

    18:50:53 [Ninot] i agree there

    18:50:55 [HazieDaVampire] whsy Uber not coming?

    18:51:03 [zulu9812] boo

    18:51:26 [HazieDaVampire] lol

    18:51:26 [Ninot] well, from the looks of the forums, it seems there will be quite a few people who refuse to join parties.. i dont think this "problem" will be very bad

    18:51:49 [zulu9812] what we talking about? the democracy game?

    18:52:15 [HazieDaVampire] people will of course have always have an alliegence with a party

    18:52:44 [Ninot] yup zulu, demo game

    18:52:44 [HazieDaVampire] slightly

    18:52:59 [HazieDaVampire] WHERE TF is Uber

    18:53:07 [Ninot] well, perhaps Hazie.. but there will be people who, regardless of party, vote who they think will do the best

    18:53:36 [zulu9812] that's very noble of you, ninot!

    18:53:47 [HazieDaVampire] lol, yeah

    18:54:26 [Ninot] honestly, i have no clue what kind of party i might be in.

    18:54:32 [HazieDaVampire] thats a sign of curruption, isn't it. People voting just to make the most popular party even more powerful

    18:54:41 [Ninot] i like warmongering..

    18:54:47 [HazieDaVampire] not because they actualy agree with them

    18:54:56 [Ninot] huh?

    18:55:00 [zulu9812] does anyone think civ should have a future era, or should it be solely about history?

    18:55:09 [HazieDaVampire] never mind

    18:55:14 [zulu9812] just a thought

    18:55:21 [Ninot] uhhh.. i dunno zulu, cuz who knows what the future will be like/

    18:55:26 [HazieDaVampire] a near future, i've always been with that

    18:55:39 [ADG] I like the idea about a future era

    18:55:39 [Ninot] sorry Hazie, i just am lacking something... what is the "sign of corruption"

    18:55:51 [zulu9812] a chance to show a bit of imagination!

    18:55:55 [ADG] But only near future

    18:56:36 [HazieDaVampire] people voting for a party, not because they agree with them, but to simply propell a winning party to even greater hights

    18:57:20 [Ninot] yeah.. but why would anyone do that? if they disagree strongly, they wouldn't dare do that

    18:57:37 [HazieDaVampire] if they disagree strongly, yes

    18:57:45 [Ninot] the undecided betweeners might vote for the strong party in power.. but only if theya re doing well

    18:58:25 [HazieDaVampire] the follow the leader effect

    18:58:54 [Ninot] yeah.. but no one follows the leader over a cliff

    18:59:15 [HazieDaVampire] of course

    19:00:13 [HazieDaVampire] once multiplayer is working, we can have a two nation demo game! hehe

    19:00:25 [Ninot] that would be very interesting

    19:00:39 [Ninot] if we had enough people of course

    19:01:01 [Ninot] password protected forums, so one nation doesnt spy on the other

    19:01:52 [HazieDaVampire] i think the demo games gunna be more like a republic

    19:02:11 [HazieDaVampire] the British government is a republic really

    19:02:27 [Ninot] a republic eh? no, i think it would be closer to a full democracy, cuz we arent gonna be millions, so everyones voice might just be heard

    19:02:35 [HazieDaVampire] brb

    19:02:58 [HazieDaVampire] in a democracy, everbodys voice isn't heard anyway

    19:03:19 [Ninot] well... in a very true democracy, yes, everyone is heard

    19:03:49 [Ninot] that is the theory of democracy.. that everyone decides as a group..

    19:04:08 [Ninot] its under republics that the representatives decide, and they represent the public

    19:04:58 [Ninot] but... we wont have true senators or members of the house, that will just be our little voting group... and they are just representing themselves, thus, democracy

    19:05:37 ADG exits from this room

    19:05:57 [Ninot] man, i wish these counted as posts

    19:07:04 [HazieDaVampire] copy and paste them

    19:07:15 [Ninot] muwahahaha

    19:08:28 [HazieDaVampire] tasks, like, firing a nuke should be a complicated process

    19:08:58 [HazieDaVampire] agree?

    19:09:19 [HazieDaVampire] we really should get out own chat room, and call it, the Houses of parliment!

    19:09:25 [HazieDaVampire] our*

    19:09:59 [HazieDaVampire] i need feeback

    19:10:14 [Ninot] uhhh..

    19:10:32 [Ninot] well, the process we have for firing a nuke would be less than realistic, but yeah, very detailed

    19:11:39 [Ninot] but wont we be using chat rooms often anyways?

    19:11:51 [HazieDaVampire] We'd need a ever lasting thread, where the president, has to post howmeny nukes he will fire, and their designated targets. so we can say "you did say you wanted us to drop a nuke on Berlin!"

    19:12:23 [HazieDaVampire] i don't mind setting up a filing system for things like that

    19:13:10 [HazieDaVampire] so we can log what we've done

    19:13:55 [HazieDaVampire] i can have things like, Where we droped a nuke, where and why we declared war, and great battles

    19:14:23 [HazieDaVampire] we can log things like large troop movements! so should they be massicard, we know who's fault it was

    19:14:32 [Ninot] heh

    19:14:47 [Ninot] so a crisis/battle board?

    19:15:03 [HazieDaVampire] pritty much, i'd like to be incharge of it

    19:15:46 [Ninot] rofl

    19:15:54 [HazieDaVampire] i'll work out small codes for things

    19:16:06 [Ninot] im signed up as Foreign advisor candidate, woohoo

    19:17:25 [Ninot] all i am hoping for is we dont get presidents who ignore advice from advisors, that would piss me off slightly

    19:17:36 [HazieDaVampire] like we drop a tacticle nuke on Berlin in 1661, and its the first ever nuke we droped, it would be TN01, and i'll have a word file with all the full descriptions, and i'll post it ever so often as an update, so people can refer to it in that code

    19:18:12 [Ninot] yeah, code and abbreviation will be needed

    19:18:19 [Ninot] well, you could nominate yourself for Historian

    19:18:43 [HazieDaVampire] so people can refer to it as "remember the TN01 situation!" instead of, "can you remember when we droped out first tacticle nuke on Berlin in 1661ad!"
    Help negate the vegiterian movement!
    For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!

  • #2
    I have no comment on any of the things I may have said or responded to.

    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • #3
      Hey, that's just stuff from when I wasn't in there, so it doesn't matter.


      • #4
        bah! i miessed it!
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #5
          Nothing important anyways.


          • #6
            i'm putting HazieDaVampire as a historian candidate. tell me if you dont want the job
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #7
              This isn't that important.


              • #8
                so what if its not that important, putting 5 pence/sense in a chartity box isn't very important, but it helps!
                And i'd love to be the historian!
                Last edited by HazieDaVampire; June 10, 2002, 14:45.
                Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                • #9
                  HaziaDaVampire has this citizens support.

                  It should make the game more fun to follow too if we can have reports like:

                  Istanbul falls to British Expeditionary Force
                  After months of heavy bombardment by the 3rd and 4th Artillery divisions and the destruction of the city walls, the BEF took the large metropolis in heavy fighting. The elite Patriots Regiment led the charge of cavalry that routed the four defending rifleman divisions. Three other veteran British cavalry divisions (18th, 21st, 22nd) suffered minor losses and the accompanying infantrymen division (33rd) scarcely reached the battlelines before it was over. A quarter of Istanbul is resisting but a heavy garrison of 6 infantry divisions are on their way to restore order. A barracks is being hastily constructed there to speed the troops recovery for the next push into Persian territories. More on A11

                  btw, Hazia - it's going to be a heckuvallota work to keep up to speed - maybe you should try to recruit some bureaucrats from the citizenry to help you.
                  Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                  Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                  Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                  Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                  • #10
                    i'll probubly try to write them down like new paper reports, any chance some apolyton guy would give me my own thread that only people in power and me can post in? That way if the prez decides to declare war, they can post a message, (kinda like a contract style of writting "I, Mr Prez, has had the idea, to declare war on Mr i want to kill the prez") and if it has repercutions or we lose loads of men, we can blame him. Of course if the prez is acting from a maj vote, we cant really blame him.
                    Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                    For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                    • #11
                      oh by the way, i'd been under the impersion that everybody playing was acting as a politition, not some polititions with a populace!
                      Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                      For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                      • #12
                        No, we're all citizens but only elected officials have executive political power. Citizens just get to vote on who their reps are, and make a lot of noise.
                        Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                        Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                        Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                        Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                        • #13
                          lol, they have to keep the 'bit 'dim AI populace happy, and the incredibly stupid Apolyton players happy, this going to be hard! lol, no really! The Apolyton civilians will be abit easyer on polititions, we'll understand if times are hard. If Evil Germany, or Desisive Rome has built a circle of citys around our land!
                          Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                          For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


                          • #14
                            well, depending on how much time I have (today I've have a lot free) - I might just make a lot of noise so that we have something exciting to do (after all, we're not playing the game ourselves). Even if they're doing exactly what I would do in my own game, I might make alternative suggestions.

                            Active spectators... that's what we are!
                            Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                            Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                            Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                            Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                            • #15
                              lol, suddenly anybody whos not running for a post, becomes an activist!
                              Help negate the vegiterian movement!
                              For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!

