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Senate Session 23

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  • #16
    awaiting the next session , hopefulyl an hour away !!!
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #17
      yes we are on track ..... 38 minutes from now

      Glad you will be there...

      anybody else...

      The save is listed above, please do not play ahead.
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #18
        I'll be there

        Edit: But i'll probably be reading a book at the same time. lol
        Duddha: I will return...
        Arnelos: ... and the civilizied world shudders ...
        "I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing..."
        Free California!


        • #19
          some detail needed on how to conenct pleae !!!
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #20
            OK, I need to look that up for you....

            mine is all set up...

            I will be back
            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • #21
              ok awaiting ...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #22
                Here are the instructions

                IRC CHAT CHANNEL
                Short instructions to connect to our irc channel

                1) Go to, download mIRC if you dont have it, and install it
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                4) Fill in the fields: Real Name, E-mail, Nickname, Alternate(in case the first nick is taken) and press "Connect!"
                5) mIRC will connect you to the server and the Channels Folder will appear. Type #Apolyton, press "Add" to store it, and then press "Join".
                You're in!

                we are in the #civ3dem room of the IRC server
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #23
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #24
                    The Minutes and Pictures will be posted soon

                    Thank you for your patience
                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • #25
                      still waiting
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #26
                        Just wait till you are the President.

                        I have 19 pages of transcript to edit so it is presentable to be read by all.

                        The there are 10 to 15 pictures that need to be copied, cropped and loaded...

                        Yeah, I can see why you are frustrated that they are not loaded yet...

                        Plus getting the Children to bed...
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • #27
                          TurnChat / Senate Session 23 Part I

                          Paddy enters the Senate

                          Nimitz enters the Senate

                          Nimitz: hello
                          Paddy: hello

                          Paddy: Rasputin is having issues with getting in here
                          Paddy: loading mIRC that is
                          Nimitz: hey I use trillian
                          Paddy: hahaha
                          Paddy: Arthur would be proud of you
                          Paddy: Zaphod may not be though
                          Nimitz: well what happened to the survey
                          Paddy: for the Bugle
                          Nimitz: yup
                          Paddy: It is a hold over due to the elections.... can only do so much etc
                          Nimitz: lol
                          Nimitz: I thought you could do everything at once
                          Paddy: Raz has been stirring the pot on the forum
                          Paddy: hahahaha
                          Nimitz: ;-)
                          Nimitz: well you have the election so
                          Nimitz: I think he wants posts
                          Paddy: he should be here any minute
                          Paddy: could be
                          Paddy: he certainly has been posting
                          Nimitz: but I guess we all do
                          Paddy: and stirring
                          Paddy: hahahaha
                          Paddy: Duddha, just posted that he may be here as well
                          Nimitz: he certenly is almost every where on the forum
                          Nimitz: thats good
                          Paddy: just going to post the starting thread
                          Paddy: do you have the save
                          Nimitz: no I'll be getting that
                          Paddy: it is on the main thread ss23, and loading it also on the start thread just now/....
                          Nimitz: ya I'm getting it
                          Nimitz: got it

                          Rasputin enters the Senate

                          Paddy: hello
                          Nimitz: hello
                          Rasputin: Greetings senators
                          Nimitz: echo
                          Nimitz: echo
                          Paddy: Glad you could make it
                          Nimitz: :-)
                          Paddy: have you been to one of these sessions before
                          Rasputin: my first time at a meeting
                          Nimitz: They can be really fun if they get going good
                          Paddy: welcome to Senator Rasputin, may this warrior be welcomed by all, and enjoy this time
                          Paddy: 12{Judy, drinks all round lass}
                          Paddy: do you have the 230BC save and open in PTW?

                          Duddha enters the Senate

                          Duddha: hi
                          Paddy: it is important that it is open in PTW as C3C does amazingly different things
                          Paddy: Hi
                          Rasputin: ok hang on wil lfind the latest save and open it
                          Paddy: The save is on both Senate Session 23 threads
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • #28
                            TurnChat / Senate Session 23 Part II

                            theViking enters the Senate

                            theViking: hi
                            Paddy: hi
                            Rasputin: ok it open
                            Paddy: theViking, do you have the save???
                            Paddy: Raz, we have a simple system here
                            theViking: Just started it
                            Rasputin: i hope it simple too
                            Paddy: some chat on certain moves, then when a decision is made the turnPlayer (that is me at the moment) will post it in 4red
                            Paddy: that is the official move...
                            Rasputin: ok
                            Paddy: unless I back pedal really fast due to a typo, etc
                            Paddy: Nimitz and the lads are ever watchful of me. lol
                            Paddy: 12ok, so does anyone see anything else that needs doing
                            Paddy: ???
                            theViking: no
                            Rasputin: are the citys all optimised
                            Rasputin: seems some citys could do with some citizens moved
                            Paddy: for what purposes
                            Paddy: an example please
                            Rasputin: increase production in some, increase growth of foos in others
                            Rasputin: New Asgard
                            Paddy: a specific example please
                            Paddy: to pin point a certain workforce we use the number pads
                            Duddha: many of our cities can't grow because the plebes would just revolt, and we can't stop them
                            Paddy: ie: 4-1 has 2 food, 1 shield and 2 gold
                            Rasputin: i find letting the governor work out the best balnce is good sometimes
                            Paddy: ok, we are micro managing this, not the goverenor
                            Duddha: arg... the persians are placing pikemen in their garrisons
                            Paddy: yes
                            Rasputin: by opening each city and double clciking the city cneter it will move citizens to balanced position
                            Rasputin: also why we still making wariiors ?
                            Paddy: no we do not just do that here
                            Paddy: ok, we are focusing on 1 item at a time
                            Paddy: anyone else like to explain cirty management 101 quickly
                            Rasputin: sorry my first time her.
                            Paddy: all is good
                            Duddha: i think we are good for this turn
                            Paddy: ok, warriors are being built cheap, then marched to Ring of Viking for upgrade to Swordsmen
                            Rasputin: ok
                            Paddy: thanks Duddha, any one else find anything yet
                            Rasputin: and do e need walls to be built
                            Paddy: where
                            Duddha: i have a question, til when are the polls open, I'm still hoping for a comeback
                            Rasputin: togas town building walls why ?
                            Paddy: the polls are 7 days
                            Paddy: because there are 40 to 50 barbarian units just in the shadows
                            Paddy: of Togas town
                            Rasputin: ok, cant see them

                            Nimitz departs the Senate

                            Paddy: you need to visit the previous Senate Session minutes, plenty of great pics...
                            Paddy: ok, so we can end.,.... ????
                            Rasputin: i only see one horse barb onoutskirts of town.

                            Nimitz enters the Senate

                            Duddha: *fear the unknown!
                            Paddy: 4ok, so we can end.,.... ????
                            Rasputin: ok if you not doign city managment it must be time t omove on
                            theViking: yes
                            Paddy: 4end turn
                            Paddy: enjoy the ride
                            Rasputin: end turn done
                            Rasputin: next ?
                            Paddy: ok, just to put it on the table: we are not authorised to go to war at this time. Add to this a debate is building on whether we should go after Spain first, this will be on the threads in the coming days
                            Paddy: catapult in RoV name = ????
                            Duddha: hmmm, persia still has colonies on our land...
                            Paddy: yes, that is why there is debate
                            theViking: Wallbreaker
                            Duddha: Cowpult
                            Paddy: 4catapult in RoV name = wallbreaker
                            Paddy: cowpult will be next one then
                            Paddy: I say we move wall breaker to Thors hammer???
                            Paddy: Nimitz???
                            Paddy: Duddha???
                            theViking: why

                            Nimitz2 enters the Senate

                            Duddha: hmmm, do we need it there for defense?
                            Paddy: welcome back
                            Duddha: or would it be better for offense?
                            Paddy: no, I thought SMC wanted to attack with them
                            Paddy: Thors Hammer gets it near the Galley construction etc
                            Paddy: your suggestions???
                            Rasputin: if we not going to war ywet. i stil think we move it to border ready for war
                            Duddha: thors sounds ok then
                            Paddy: yeah, the idea of Thors is so we can ship it out asap
                            theViking: ok
                            Paddy: 4 wallbreaker moves 9
                            Paddy: 4 wallbreaker moves 6 then
                            Paddy: opps
                            Paddy: bloody jungle
                            Rasputin: hang on game frozen on me
                            Paddy: ok
                            Paddy: would like land lubbers to join Horror of Sidon archer???
                            Duddha: ok

                            Rasputin departs the Senate

                            Paddy: bye
                            Paddy: 4landlubber and scrathes and ormuzd move 2
                            Paddy: 4eirick upgrades
                            Paddy: 4grog upgrades
                            Paddy: 4Forget Work moves 1
                            Paddy: 4 Flint and Fire moves 7
                            Paddy: 4 Mantis upgrades
                            Paddy: Persian hatred committee work pack to mine???
                            theViking: yes
                            Paddy: 4Persian hatred committee work pack to mine
                            Paddy: fortify the galleys in the channell
                            Paddy: ???

                            Rasputin enters the Senate

                            Rasputin: sorry bout that
                            Paddy: welcome back
                            Rasputin: so where did we move that catapult
                            Paddy: 6
                            Rasputin: why to thor when we got persians on our home land
                            Paddy: these orders also took place :
                            Paddy: Paddy: landlubber and scrathes and ormuzd move 2
                            Paddy: Paddy: eirick upgrades
                            Paddy: Paddy: grog upgrades
                            Paddy: Paddy: Forget Work moves 1
                            Paddy: Paddy: Flint and Fire moves 7
                            Paddy: Paddy: Mantis upgrades
                            Paddy: Paddy: Persian hatred committee work pack to mine???
                            Paddy: theViking: yes
                            Paddy: Paddy: Persian hatred committee work pack to mine
                            Rasputin: ok hang on
                            Paddy: to get it close to the galley
                            Paddy: I believe the war will be spain, but we will see
                            Paddy: either way it needs to get to the roads
                            Paddy: and war is a way off
                            Paddy: the SMC wants 15 to 20 spears before he commits to war
                            Paddy: I hope that you all will be a part of the war debate
                            Rasputin: ok i think i done al lthos emoves.
                            Rasputin: what is after persian hatred committee
                            Paddy: fortify the galleys in the channell????
                            Paddy: Nimitz is having computer problems at his end
                            Rasputin: did we action wrecking crew ?
                            theViking: TS 1-4-2 to keep an eye on Tyre
                            Rasputin: the worker , wrekcing crew did we action anything ?
                            Paddy: yes, that stack is mining
                            Rasputin: thanks
                            Nimitz: I'm just not going to be able to play along till I get this fixed
                            Paddy: you will see many mines throughout our lands Senator
                            Rasputin: not enough mines...
                            Rasputin: need more, less irrigation
                            Paddy: we are working on them all over, actually all of our work force are mining at this time
                            Rasputin: good
                            Rasputin: TS to fortify
                            Paddy: and they have beenn for some time
                            Paddy: theViking has an idea for Thors Sickle...
                            Rasputin: TS can be a bridge
                            Paddy: TS 1-4-2 to keep an eye on Tyre
                            Paddy: ???
                            Paddy: 4 TS 1-4-2 to keep an eye on Tyre
                            Rasputin: leaving it where it is allows us to move units from north island to south
                            Rasputin: ok 1 4 2
                            Paddy: we have two more galleys in that stack
                            Rasputin: k
                            Rasputin: can we leave one then
                            Paddy: madrid and gems to fortify
                            theViking: yes
                            Paddy: 4madrid and gems to fortify
                            Rasputin: k
                            Paddy: 4bold axe 4-1 fort
                            Rasputin: done
                            Paddy: 4Gunnas 2
                            Paddy: 4Slashers 2
                            Duddha: isn't that moving into persian territory
                            Paddy: 4Bobs worker stack to mine
                            Rasputin: who is gunners
                            Paddy: Slashers moved into Bifrost
                            Paddy: Gunnas are swords 8 of Bifrost
                            Paddy: yeah my bad
                            Duddha: my save says they are in TWH
                            Paddy: gunna was rong
                            Paddy: yes sorry
                            Rasputin: **** moved wrong unit then
                            Paddy: putting blinds down here
                            Paddy: meant to move 4 Forgotton Warrior 2
                            Rasputin: too late, i invaded persia LOL
                            Paddy: opps
                            Paddy: sorry about that
                            Rasputin: oh well do it anyway we can moive out next turn
                            Paddy: new save available soon
                            Paddy: cool
                            Paddy: did you get the Forgotten Warrior move
                            Rasputin: yes moved him too
                            Paddy: did you get the 4Bobs worker stack to mine
                            Rasputin: did that thanks
                            Paddy: warrior name in NA =
                            Paddy: ???
                            Rasputin: can i name him after me ?
                            Paddy: hahahaha
                            Paddy: what iss your suggestion
                            Paddy: warrior name in NA = Rasputin???
                            Rasputin: brave heart
                            Paddy: hahahaha
                            Rasputin: woohoo rasputin would be nice
                            Paddy: 4warrior name in NA = Rasputin the BraveHeart
                            Duddha: cool
                            Paddy: 4Rasputin the BraveHeart moves 4-1-1
                            Rasputin: move?
                            Rasputin: k
                            Paddy: we get him retrained in swords quikly
                            Rasputin: yeah
                            Rasputin: hope he lives long and prospers
                            Paddy: Orm, 6-6-6???
                            Paddy: he will, wait till the SMC gets to him
                            Rasputin: ok
                            Paddy: theViking??? ORM
                            theViking: 6-6-3?
                            Paddy: 4Orm 6-6-3
                            Rasputin: done
                            Paddy: The Big Free 4-4-4???
                            Rasputin: yes
                            theViking: yes
                            Paddy: 4The Big Free 4-4-4
                            Paddy: I so want to take them down..... bloody persians
                            Rasputin: me too
                            Rasputin: swordsman rush will be good agaisnt them
                            Paddy: The War debate - Persia or Spain thread is up
                            Paddy: yes it would, you will see 4 swords outside sardi
                            Paddy: Jonny is preparing well
                            Rasputin: id like to clear our homelands
                            Paddy: 12Ok, there are no more unit moves, so do we have any other business in the cities before we end turn???
                            Rasputin: maybe get spain to join our crusade
                            Paddy: yeah, so would we all...!
                            Rasputin: scrathes belly ??
                            theViking: check valhalla
                            Paddy: 7may be smash spain over the sharp blade of our axes...
                            Rasputin: where did we move scratches belly
                            Paddy: Scratches belly went 2
                            * Nimitz has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
                            Rasputin: k
                            theViking: it will grow in one turn
                            theViking: forget that, it will not grow
                            Paddy: should we change the tax tro entertainer for the moment
                            theViking: no
                            Paddy: I believe that GodKing has great plans as the Minister of the Interior
                            Rasputin: ok , so godking is doing city managment ?
                            Paddy: that is part of the MoI job description
                            Paddy: what do you suggest then theViking???
                            theViking: nothing, it is already on 6 in pop
                            Paddy: ahhh yes
                            Paddy: we could swap the harbour for a worker, loose three shields, but still gain the pop???
                            theViking: could move wf 4-1 to 4-7
                            Rasputin: are we ending turn
                            Paddy: soon Raz, we need to micro manage these things first
                            Rasputin: what is wf 4-1 to 4-7 mean ??
                            Paddy: theViking are you on C3c or PTW?
                            theViking: c3c
                            Rasputin: hehehehe
                            Paddy: Raz, 4-1 means go into the city and from the centre, look to the tile at 4, then to the tile 1 from that one.1
                            Rasputin: k
                            Rasputin: thanks'
                            Paddy: theViking, I like that move, Raz???
                            Rasputin: ok
                            Paddy: 4Valhalla WF move wf 4-1 to 4-7
                            Duddha: is this a new turn or not
                            Paddy: 12can you all search the other cities... before we end turn
                            Duddha: sorry, ok
                            Duddha: what to do in FOG
                            Paddy: it is messy
                            Duddha: the plebes will revolt if left alone
                            Paddy: suggestions???
                            Paddy: the galleys will not help with happiness, will they????
                            Rasputin: wFOG WF 9-9 to 4
                            Duddha: yeah
                            theViking: make wf 8 to tax man
                            Duddha: agree
                            Duddha: don't cut porduction
                            Paddy: good
                            Paddy: 4FoG make wf 8 to tax man
                            Rasputin: damn
                            Duddha: ok
                            Paddy: what Sir???
                            Rasputin: i preferd my option
                            Rasputin: it ok thoguh
                            Duddha: paddy is the MOI
                            Paddy: the buck stops with me, but then Senator Rasputin, I know what you feel of my actions, from our debates for the Presidency.
                            Paddy: so it is all good
                            Paddy: 12anything else
                            theViking: no
                            Paddy: ???
                            Rasputin: hehehehe
                            Duddha: no
                            Paddy: 4saving now then
                            Rasputin: i only playing wit hyou paddy in elections
                            Paddy: it is all good, I am glad you are there
                            Paddy: 4end turn
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • #29
                              TurnChat / Senate Session 23 Part III

                              Rasputin: just trying to add some spice, you have been playing well.
                              Rasputin: just dont report that last bit
                              Paddy: I will be abck, just load the save to the thrad
                              Paddy: hahahahaha
                              Paddy: opps, the Persians want to chat...?
                              Paddy: ????
                              Paddy: shall we entertain him? or ignore him???
                              Duddha: really, i didn't get that
                              Rasputin: ignore him
                              Rasputin: actually i have to go, this was good, next time i cna stay longer.
                              Duddha: ok, bye
                              Paddy: Thank you Raz
                              Rasputin: ill look for post om poly for next session i learnt a lot thanks
                              theViking: bye
                              Paddy: have a great night at work.
                              Rasputin: will have heaps to post about now LOL
                              Paddy: we will be here for a while, and more sessions soon
                              Paddy: ouch,
                              Rasputin: byr

                              Rasputin departs the Senate

                              Paddy: so do we talk to the Persian?
                              Duddha: sure
                              theViking: yes
                              Paddy: ok
                              Paddy: 4Sure we will listen
                              Paddy: he offeres world map
                              Paddy: he wants world map and 30 gold
                              Paddy: he is annoyed
                              Paddy: their military is the same size as ours
                              Paddy: they do have Immortals
                              Paddy: our people are looking at their culture
                              Duddha: i doubt we'll get any new info from a map that they only want 30 for
                              Paddy: ok, so Thats it goodbye or not a chance
                              Paddy: ???
                              theViking: not a chance
                              Duddha: thats it good bye
                              Paddy: hahahaha
                              Paddy: thanks alot
                              Duddha: your choice i guess
                              Paddy: 4Thats it goodbye
                              Paddy: His Sidon ARCHER is moving on us
                              Paddy: Togas Town was attacked
                              Paddy: Spanish building Sistine Chapel
                              Paddy: wallbreaker 2??
                              Paddy: or 8??
                              Duddha: 8?
                              Paddy: 8 for Thors Hammer...
                              Paddy: 2 is better
                              Paddy: 4WallBreaker 2
                              Paddy: eirick 2
                              Paddy: 4eirick 2
                              Paddy: umm, will be a minute here... pc issues with PTW
                              Paddy: while we wait, theViking, as Raz is in Qld, you are in Vic, WIA is in NZ, and I am in NSW, we should set up and ANZAC VIKING alliance???

                              theViking departs the Senate

                              Paddy: ok
                              Duddha: hmm
                              Paddy: I just had to relaod the save, and choose to ignore the Persian, his troops then moved differently.... will be a moment
                              Duddha: ok
                              Paddy: the spanish have requested an audience,.....
                              Paddy: no not now???3
                              Paddy: 4no not now to the Spainards
                              Duddha: ok
                              Paddy: The Impaler in Togas Town is now Elite
                              Duddha: cool

                              theViking enters the Senate

                              Paddy: 4Forget Work upgrade
                              Paddy: hi
                              theViking: my adsl line dropped
                              Paddy: 4Flint Upgrades
                              Paddy: ouch
                              Paddy: are you ready to continue?
                              Paddy: 4Grog 2
                              Paddy: 4Mantis 2
                              Paddy: 4Land L 2
                              Paddy: 4Ormuzd 2
                              theViking: yes/no I am off for dinner, will be back afterwards
                              Paddy: cool see you then
                              Paddy: 4Scratches 2
                              Duddha: ok
                              Paddy: bifrost new spears name = Busby Berkeley Beauties. ???
                              Paddy: 4bifrost new spears name = Busby Berkeley Beauties
                              Duddha: lol
                              Paddy: 4 Busby Berkeley Beauties fortify
                              Paddy: Slashers 4-2
                              Duddha: do you know i'm in berkeley?
                              Paddy: no, I did not know that
                              Paddy: ahhh, is that the Dude connection???
                              Paddy: I saw the pic you posted
                              Paddy: you have it sorted
                              Duddha: the dude connection is from where i grew up, Venice Beach Ca
                              Paddy: ahhh
                              Paddy: 4Slashers 4-2
                              Paddy: Orm, back to Gordium for another snap shot?
                              Paddy: 4-4-7
                              Paddy: 4Orm, back to Gordium for another snap shot 4-4-7
                              Paddy: 4Thors Sickle 7-4-1
                              Paddy: 4SaG new Spears = The Bankers
                              Paddy: 4 The Bankers fortify
                              Paddy: 4The forgotton Warrior 2-4
                              Paddy: 4Raz the BH 1
                              Paddy: 4new warrior in NA name = Marshall Amps, then moves 4-1-1
                              Paddy: 4The Big Free 8-7-4
                              Paddy: ahh he has a warrior fortified there
                              Paddy: 12Sir, could you help me look through the cities before the end turn
                              Duddha: ok
                              Duddha: Vahl is a problem
                              Paddy: ???
                              Paddy: the pop
                              Duddha: yeah
                              Paddy: we have an entertainer there, and the pop will then be level?
                              Duddha: i think
                              Paddy: 2 happy, 2 content, 2 unhappy???
                              Paddy: suggestions?
                              Duddha: wait, it doesn't have an aquaduct, no need to worry
                              Paddy: well said, ol eagle eyes
                              Paddy: waste of good pop
                              Paddy: 7I so want to take NM out of Togas and let him beat the crap out of some Babr horsemen....
                              Paddy: ok, so nothing else then?
                              Paddy: 4Saving
                              Duddha: sure, let's do it
                              Paddy: 4end turn
                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.


                              • #30
                                TurnChat / Senate Session 23 Part IV

                                Paddy: hahahaha our galleys are up setting Persia
                                Duddha: yeah
                                Duddha: so we;re not allowed to declare war yet
                                Paddy: no
                                Paddy: we are to maintain peace at all costs
                                Duddha: better withdraw then
                                Paddy: they can declare
                                Paddy: hahaha
                                Paddy: well said
                                Paddy: 4Our Mistake troops automatically withdraw
                                Paddy: 4Thats it goodbye
                                Duddha: egypt settled the northwestern most island in the western island chain
                                Paddy: yes, the buggers
                                Paddy: 4wall breaker 2-1-1
                                Paddy: 4eirick 2
                                Paddy: 4grog & Mantis 2
                                Paddy: 4land lubbers 2
                                Paddy: 4Ormuzd 2
                                Paddy: 4Scratches 4-2
                                Paddy: Orm has been automatically removed to 8 of Thor was here
                                Duddha: yeah
                                Paddy: what shall we do with him
                                Duddha: hmm
                                Paddy: back up to patrol near Thors Hammer
                                Duddha: ok[b][color=black]
                                Paddy: 4Orm 8-8-8
                                theViking: I am back
                                Paddy: would you like a moment to get those last orders in
                                theViking: jus did end turn
                                Paddy: can you see the last orders...?
                                theViking: yes
                                theViking: done
                                Paddy: ok
                                Paddy: 4slashers fortify
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: 4Forgotten W Fortifies
                                Paddy: FoG new warrior name = ???
                                theViking: Nick
                                Paddy: 4FoG new warrior name = Nick
                                Paddy: 4Nick 9-9-8
                                Paddy: 4Persian Hatred Comittee worker stack Roads
                                Paddy: rainbow...?
                                theViking: 1?
                                Paddy: ok
                                Paddy: 4rainbow moves 1
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: 4Ras the BH upgrades
                                Paddy: 4Flint moves 3
                                theViking: what is the prize for upgrade in PtW
                                Paddy: 40gold
                                Paddy: c3c?
                                theViking: its 80 in c3c
                                Paddy: ouch
                                Paddy: 4Forget Work moves 3
                                Paddy: 4Marshall Amps moves 1
                                theViking: where is he
                                Paddy: new warrior in NA name = ???
                                Duddha: His Dudeness
                                Paddy: 4new warrior in NA name = His Dudeness
                                Paddy: well done
                                Paddy: 4His Dudeness moves 4-1-1
                                Paddy: 4Longshoreman Stck of Swordsmen to Fortify
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: we need to watch that down there
                                Paddy: do we unload the Big Free outside Tyre????
                                theViking: Tyre?
                                Paddy: sorry Samaria
                                theViking: yes
                                Paddy: looking at Samaria, typed Tyre
                                Duddha: we could load troops from FOG to move on Tyre
                                Paddy: yes, we are waiting for more to arrive before loading any from FoG
                                Paddy: we do not want them to sink
                                Paddy: do we unload the Big Free outside Samaria???
                                theViking: for how long can we stay there
                                Paddy: do you mean on the island , there is a chance that Samaria culture will grow
                                Duddha: true
                                theViking: yeah,
                                Paddy: plus I have this whole issue with Spain, and it is along way to go get troops from out here to get them to spain
                                Paddy: Persian Immortals are 4-2-1
                                Paddy: our swordsmen are 3-2-1
                                Paddy: ???
                                Paddy: we could move TBF 3-3-2 close to the longshoreman stack
                                theViking: TBF 3-3-2 ??
                                Paddy: es
                                Paddy: yes
                                Paddy: Duddha?
                                Duddha: ok
                                Paddy: 4move TBF 3-3-2
                                Paddy: Persian culture is growing here
                                Paddy: thors Sickle... 1 = back up the channel 2= 2-2-2
                                Paddy: 1 = 6-6-3
                                Paddy: ???
                                theViking: 2
                                Paddy: 4thors Sickle. 2-2-2
                                Paddy: more barbarians for Senator Rasputin
                                Paddy: 12any other business before ending the turn
                                Paddy: theViking, before I did not realise you were not here, I made this suggestion 7 while we wait, theViking, as Raz is in Qld, you are in Vic, WIA is in NZ, and I am in NSW, we should set up and ANZAC VIKING alliance???
                                theViking: ok, doing what
                                Paddy: hahahaha getting drunk
                                theViking: Palace of Ice and Snow WF 8 to WF 1
                                Paddy: 4Palace of Ice and Snow WF 8 to WF 1
                                theViking: A pub crawl...
                                Paddy: thats the way
                                Paddy: Aussies and Kiwis Pub
                                Duddha: i've got to leave, good turn chat
                                Duddha: bye
                                Paddy: bye

                                Duddha departs the Senate

                                Paddy: 12anything ekse
                                theViking: no
                                Paddy: Saving
                                Paddy: 4Saving
                                Paddy: 4end turn
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

