Paddy: loading the save on the thread
Paddy: 4wallbreaker 2-4
theViking: you are continuing?
Paddy: oh yeah
Paddy: are youstaying
theViking: ok
Paddy: good
Paddy: I put 5 hours away for this today, I was expecting a lot of stops from Senator Rasputin, due to the elections
Paddy: hahaha


Paddy: 4Land Lubbers and Ormuzd 2-1-1
Paddy: 4Eirick 2
Paddy: 4Grog 4-1
theViking: f?
Paddy: 4ggog forts
Paddy: 4Mantris 4-2
Paddy: Scratches Fortifies
Paddy: 4 Scratches Fortifies
theViking: ok
Paddy: Persian hatred comm stack 1???
theViking: yes
Paddy: 4Persian hatred comm stack 1
Paddy: 4Rainbow to mine
Paddy: 4Nick 8-8
Paddy: 4Octavians Slave to Road
Paddy: 4Flint 2
Paddy: 4Forget Work 2
Paddy: where shall we take Ras the BH
theViking: to the front
Paddy: ok
Paddy: R t BH 3
Paddy: 4 R t BH 3
Paddy: 4marshall Amps upgrades
Paddy: 4His Dudeness 1
Paddy: 4Worker Bee stack to road
Paddy: 4Orm 8-9-9
Paddy: New warrior in NA name = ???
theViking: Long day
Paddy: 4 New warrior in NA name = Long Day
Paddy: 4Long Day moves 4-1-1
Paddy: TBF stays on station???
theViking: yes
Paddy: 4 TBF stays on station
Paddy: Thors Sickle 2-2 then look, then chose again???
theViking: ok
Paddy: 4Thors Sickle 2-2 then look,
Paddy: 4Thors Sickle 3
Paddy: I hit it by error, sorry abiout that
theViking: ok, more for Ras
Paddy: we could sell this map to spain and egypt now
Paddy: hahaha yes
theViking: good idea
Paddy: We now know that Tyre is on its own island
Paddy: going to approach Egypt now
Paddy: 4approach Egypt
Paddy: they have no gold....
Paddy: they have great technology, just getting a pic
Paddy: too bad for her then
Paddy: 4approach spain
Paddy: they will offer a territory map for our world map
Paddy: ???
Paddy: I would like to take that
theViking: any mony on the side?
Paddy: they have 38 gold
theViking: she will not give any in c3c only territory map or 2 gold
Paddy: i would like to take it, updates our intelligence on her city sizes etc
theViking: take the map
Paddy: ok
Paddy: 4Take offer a territory map for our world map from Spain
Paddy: 4 approach Persia
Paddy: no from them
Paddy: they have the knight now....!
Paddy: 12 Do you see anything else
theViking: nothing
theViking: sword -:[/b][/color] Knights ?
Paddy: ok, 1 moment.
Paddy: Knight 4-3-2
Paddy: Swords 3-2-1
Paddy: ouch
Paddy: and they have 2 movement
Paddy: 4Saving
theViking: no good
Paddy: Spain is looking better every moment...

Paddy: 4end turn