Maybe, but there were wars going on in europe at the same time frame as well.
1. Spanish Armada
2. The one hundred years war.
Following is a partual list of border changes that occured on the map during this time frame.
1. The Netherlands under the leadership of Holland revolts successfuly from Spanish empire, while Belgium remains part of the Spainish crown
2. Scotland and England's crowns merged, adding Scotland to the English empire.
3. Protogese and Spanish crowns merged, adding Protegual to the Spanish empire.
4. War between France and Spain nets France a few towns from the Spainish with both countries paying a heavy cost.
5. Protogese and Catalona provinces revolt against Spain due to the high taxes. Protegual is granted indepedence. The Catalonain revolt was put down and Catalona remained part of Spain.
1. Spanish Armada
2. The one hundred years war.
Following is a partual list of border changes that occured on the map during this time frame.
1. The Netherlands under the leadership of Holland revolts successfuly from Spanish empire, while Belgium remains part of the Spainish crown
2. Scotland and England's crowns merged, adding Scotland to the English empire.
3. Protogese and Spanish crowns merged, adding Protegual to the Spanish empire.
4. War between France and Spain nets France a few towns from the Spainish with both countries paying a heavy cost.
5. Protogese and Catalona provinces revolt against Spain due to the high taxes. Protegual is granted indepedence. The Catalonain revolt was put down and Catalona remained part of Spain.
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
Possibly. But its embraces the spirit of the Age of Discovery concept more.
Possibly. But its embraces the spirit of the Age of Discovery concept more.