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Age of Discovery Democracy Game

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  • Age of Discovery Democracy Game

    We would divide up into three teams, (France, England, and Spain?) Each team would elect a Royal Minister who performs the same function as President in a traditional Demogame.

    Settler/Colonists would be auctioned off by the Royal Ministers to the highest bidder to start a colony in the New World. All the income and production from said colony is the property and under the control of the winning bidder. Of course Royal Ministers/teams may vote to collect/impose taxes on the colonies.

    Basically it would be a three team themed Feudal Demogame system. With vested interest in building and cultivating their own colonies hopefully DemoGamers will be more active in the game. The theme and competition should provide ample fuel for Roleplay, and by keeping it limited to three teams it hopefully shouldn't get too bogged down.

    Any interest or discussion?

    Another possibility is to have a Native team that controls all three native tribes and plays them all at once.

    Confirmed Groups and Civ Choices

    Non Aligned (Team Spam)

    Uber KruX
    1/2 of GodKing


    Paddy the Scot
    1/2 of GodKing
    Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; January 30, 2004, 14:08.

  • #2
    Sounds interesting. If it happens I wouldn't mind being a part of it.


    • #3
      Hmm... Count me in.
      I'm especialy interested in playing the three indian Nations...
      Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


      • #4
        Sounds interesting.. What sort of turn shedule would we be talking, running one turn per week? something like that?
        The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


        • #5
          I would hope we could move a little faster than one turn a week with it being teams. Although it might take a few days to set up the first turn with teams auctioning off Settlers, ships and the what not.

          Okay, I added Spain and a team of all the Indians. If anyone else wants to join up under civ just post your choice.


          • #6
            As long as the civ color isn't PINK I'll be part of the France civ team.


            • #7
              I will not have enough time to become a royal minister but i would like to be a brave member of the mighty england!
              Consul of the Republic of Neu Demogyptica
              See our official announcements HERE!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rhothaerill
                As long as the civ color isn't PINK I'll be part of the France civ team.
                I don't remember what colors the Natives use but couldn't we use a Dark Blue for France, that would be somewhat appropriate.


                • #9
                  I don't think the same team should be playing all the MesoAmerican natives, I won embarssingly easy playing the Aztecs in this conquest by only building two cities to support more units being built by the non capital cities and had two wonders finished before starting the aqaduct for the capital.

                  Granted that was against the computer, and several of the european AIs sold me a slave to sacifice.

                  (Some of the natives did as well, and the Mayan declaring war on me two times led to me getting even more slaves and my empire trippling in number of cities. I let them live though so that all of them loved me when I culturaly won.)

                  The English AI also got it's CPU handed to it by the Irqouis AI
                  Last edited by joncnunn; January 26, 2004, 18:11.
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #10
                    Oh, when the Europeans are run by multiple humans instead of AI then eat the Natives alive. The Euros can coordinate their research and plan their colonies far superior to the AI as human players in my opinion.

                    But, if it seems to overwhelming we may need to change it. Thats what this discussion thread is for.


                    • #11
                      I don't have time to be the President and would probably be sproadic as a player, so I'd merely like to mostly lurk in on the French team if there's not a max number of players on each team.

                      (Because the French have 3 immedate neighbors with Scotand staring in French control.)
                      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                      Templar Science Minister
                      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                      • #12
                        The nice thing about this set up is those who can be active now can start the first colonies where as those who want to lurk or maybe be active later can start later colonies.

                        But you don't have to found colonies, you could bid on a ship and be Captain or Privateer and attack other nations ships and/or colonies. Theres a lot of different aspects to this.


                        • #13
                          Here's a rundown of what the civs have unit wise:

                          Seville: Settler(1), Caravels(2), Worker(1), Conquistidor(1), Pikemen(2)
                          Granada: Pikeman(1)
                          Barcelona: Pikeman(1) Caravel(1), Worker(1)
                          Madrid: Trebuchet(1), Pikemen(2), Longbowman(1)
                          Canary Islands: Pikemen(1)
                          Cagliari: Pikemen(1), Medieval Infantry(1), Caravel(1)
                          *1 Worker outside Madrid

                          Lisbon: Trebuchet(1), Pikemen(2), Longbowman(1), Caravels(2), Explorer(1)
                          Oporto: Pikemen(2)
                          Ceuta: Pikemen(1)
                          Madeira: Pikemen(1)
                          Azores: Pikemen(1)
                          Cape Verde Islands: Pikemen(1), Medieval Infantry(1), Caravel(1)
                          *1 Worker outside Lisbon

                          Paris: Trebuchet(1), Pikemen(3)
                          Bordeaux: Trebuchet(1), Pikeman(1), Settler(1), Caravels(2), Explorer(1)
                          Brest: Pikemen(1), Caravel(1)
                          Lyons: Longbowman(1), Worker(1), Pikeman(1)
                          Marseilles: Pikemen(1), Caravel(1)
                          Edinburgh: Pikemen(1), Medieval Infantry(1)
                          *1 Worker outside Paris

                          THE DUTCH
                          Amsterdam: Trebuchet(1), Pikemen(4), Caravels(2), Explorer(1), Settler(1)
                          Antwerp: Pikemen(2), Medieval Infantry(1), Caravels(2), Worker(1)
                          Brussels: Pikemen(2), Longbowman(1), Worker(1)
                          *1 Worker outside Amsterdam

                          London: Trebuchet(1), Pikemen(2), Medieval Infantry(1), Caravels(2), Explorer(1), Settler(1)
                          York: Worker(1), Pikemen(2)
                          Bristol: Caravel(1), Longbowman(1), Worker(1), Pikeman(1)
                          Plymouth: Caravel(1), Pikemen(2)
                          Dublin: Pikeman(1)
                          *1 Worker outside London

                          I think we should have a rule that disallows land war in Europe. European civs can wage war in the New World but no attacking each other on land in the Old World.


                          • #14
                            My Lakota roots call to me, sign me up as at least a lurker in the Native American team.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • #15
                              i'll join Spain.

                              note, there are no iroquois in the MP version of the scenario.
                              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

