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Chat/Turnthread 9 underway

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  • Chat/Turnthread 9 underway

    Chat 9 is going to start in a few minutes, though it's looking more like Turnthread 9 as Arnelos and I are the only ones there. It's in #civ3dem on the apolyton IRC server. Come join us!

    Edit: Starting save (950) is here
    Last edited by Kloreep; October 26, 2003, 20:02.

  • #2
    Some more people have joined the chat. Prez Maki and FAM MWIA are here, as is Rhothaerill.

    We sold Polytheism to the three other civs for peace with Persia, the three lacking techs, plus lots of golds and maps. It seems everyone is on an island. There's a small unsettled island between Persia and Egypt with an iron and a horse, and we hope to settle it. The southern island is probably pretty big, but Spain just founded a city there between turns. We may lose it completely if we don't hurry.
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    • #3
      Settler was built in Valhalla to colonize the southern island.
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      • #4
        And here's the final save
        Attached Files
        But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
        PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


        • #5
          Screenies at the end of 825bc

          Our core...looking pretty good except for that jungle. Our galley has a settler and archer heading to the south island so please take a look at the new city placement poll here

          Also note all the barb camps on the mountains to our east Yeesh! MoW Ghengis is gearing us up to take out some of those camps before they spawn huge numbers of horsies.
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          Last edited by Rhothaerill; October 27, 2003, 00:07.


          • #6
            The rest of our island and a look at where the VERY greedy Spanish plopped a city down on our south island...not for long if I can help it.
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            • #7
              After the big trades to get us everyone's map and bring us up to tech parity (for a few turns since we're behind again), here is a look at Persian territory.
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              • #8
                Egyptian territory. Notice Asyut on the island with iron and horses. The island also had a hut we were sending a warrior toward until Cleo popped it and out sprung a city the turn before we got there.
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                • #9
                  And Spanish territory. Lots of iwater for them.
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                  • #10
                    Just had a thought regarding all those barb camps. What if we LET them spawn bunches of horsies. The AI won't be too likely to settle there with bunches of horsies running around and most likely blocking all the possible tiles to land on. But in about 6 techs or so we'll have Berserks coming on line with AMPHIBIOUS ATTACK. We won't need to land to attack them and we can use all those horsies running around for elite promotion of our Berserks. Just think of all the GLs we could get.


                    • #11
                      That's a nice idea, but I think we should still go ahead and take on a few of them now for the gold and possible promotions. We are in no way committing to taking them all out now - we can wait for Berzerkers for all of that.

                      BTW does anyone know what happens when Barbs spawn on an island like that? Do they stay forever or do they gradually disband if they have nothing to attack a la Civ 2?

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #12
                        Let's hope the people of Jaen decide to join the Viking Apolyton empire themselves....
                        Greatest moments in cat:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                          BTW does anyone know what happens when Barbs spawn on an island like that? Do they stay forever or do they gradually disband if they have nothing to attack a la Civ 2?
                          They stay until someone kills them. It's not the Horsies I'm so worried about but the continuous spawning of galley's to attack our ships. I don't like the idea of hordes of galleys attacking our shipping and occasionally getting lucky and sinking ships with settlers.


                          • #14
                            Time to schedule Chat or Turnthread 10 !!
                            Greatest moments in cat:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                              They stay until someone kills them. It's not the Horsies I'm so worried about but the continuous spawning of galley's to attack our ships. I don't like the idea of hordes of galleys attacking our shipping and occasionally getting lucky and sinking ships with settlers.
                              Good point. The barbs probably should go. Alternatively, we could build extra galleys to sink them. The cost of this navy is minor compared with the cost of losing settleres or Berserks. If we don't have enough harbors, we should consider building regular galleys (empty for attack only).

