Didn't get started until fairly late, but ran into some heavy stuff only a few turns in, because:
Persia has landed south of Bifrost!
I've marked the landing spot they used below (I saw them move from that tile to the mountain during the in-between turn)

Which is bad for many reasons : they're proably crowded on their home isle/continent, they also (obviously) have Map Making; this -is- the civ of the immortals, sooo
Many things to think about here. Some more notable bits before a few questions:
- Bifrost founded 1375BC
- the Hut off the coast of Valhalla yielded Iron Working
- Spain & Egypt have traded HBR & Philosophy (I forget who had it first) somewher in here Cleo also got Map Making
- Spain completed the Great Lighthouse
- Barad-Dur in the Black Land completed the Pyramids
- We have met the Persians; they have Map Making, and Code Of Laws but -lack- Ceremonial Burial & Philosophy; they are at an Annoyed state with us
Let me detail some possible trades:
Philosophy for Contact/Persia or 175 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Persia + 140 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Persia or 140 g (lump/gpt total)
Philosophy for Contact/Persia or 175 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Persia + 135 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Persia or 140 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Egypt(or Spain) + 50 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Egypt(or Spain) or Ceremonial Burial + 140 g (lump/gpt total) or 150 g
Code of Laws not possible (yet...)
9 gold for Ceremonial Burial
So I've had the thought of trading Egypt or Spain Contact/Persia for Philosophy, then see if we can get code from Persia for it and then quickly trade it to Egypt/Spain for HBR and/or Map Making. Of course that depends on getting Code which ol' Jerkxes values highly
And another big thing : what will be our policy on Persia?
Persia has landed south of Bifrost!

I've marked the landing spot they used below (I saw them move from that tile to the mountain during the in-between turn)

Which is bad for many reasons : they're proably crowded on their home isle/continent, they also (obviously) have Map Making; this -is- the civ of the immortals, sooo

Many things to think about here. Some more notable bits before a few questions:
- Bifrost founded 1375BC
- the Hut off the coast of Valhalla yielded Iron Working

- Spain & Egypt have traded HBR & Philosophy (I forget who had it first) somewher in here Cleo also got Map Making
- Spain completed the Great Lighthouse
- Barad-Dur in the Black Land completed the Pyramids
- We have met the Persians; they have Map Making, and Code Of Laws but -lack- Ceremonial Burial & Philosophy; they are at an Annoyed state with us
Let me detail some possible trades:
Philosophy for Contact/Persia or 175 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Persia + 140 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Persia or 140 g (lump/gpt total)
Philosophy for Contact/Persia or 175 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Persia + 135 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Persia or 140 g (lump/gpt total)
Map Making for Contact/Egypt(or Spain) + 50 g (lump/gpt total)
HBR for Contact/Egypt(or Spain) or Ceremonial Burial + 140 g (lump/gpt total) or 150 g
Code of Laws not possible (yet...)
9 gold for Ceremonial Burial
So I've had the thought of trading Egypt or Spain Contact/Persia for Philosophy, then see if we can get code from Persia for it and then quickly trade it to Egypt/Spain for HBR and/or Map Making. Of course that depends on getting Code which ol' Jerkxes values highly

And another big thing : what will be our policy on Persia?