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A quick question

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  • #16
    Hi there NukeMaster! You've been in the chatrooms a few times, IIRC. Consider yourself joined.

    As for what each Minister does:

    President is the one who plays the game on behalf of the whole group, according to the orders that are posted by the Ministers. This requires you to hold turnchats (meaning you are just online in a chatroom at the same time as you are playing), and that you post a report of what happened along with any screenshots from the game, and the savegame where you finish play. You are the head of the Government, so you are responsible for the game as a whole, and for promoting and continuing discussion about the game.

    Vice President the right-hand person for the Prez, does what the Prez can't or hasn't the time to do. Usually plays the game the same way as the Prez every now and again. Is responsible for putting up election polls at the right time (end of the month).

    Foreign Affairs Minister Gives orders to the Prez on what to do in terms of trading with the AI/war/peace/ROPs/everything to do with the negotiations screen. Should keep everyone aware of the attitudes/states of the various other civs too.

    Supreme Military Commander Gives orders to all military or scout units and to the Leaders (but not on how to use the Leaders, only on where to move them to)

    Domestic Minister Responsible for giving orders on city builds, what squares the city works, where settlers and workers go and what they do there. Quite a job, and VERY important.

    The orders are not given arbitrarily, but are a reesult of discussion in the forum by all who want to contribute and, where necessary, via polls on what option(s) to choose.

    Does that help a bit?

    EDIT: Cross post! Gaah! That cartoon again.....
    EDIT x2: At least the flag is appropriate right now - I'm still stuck in Oz.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #17
      Thank so much. Look forward for me running next term


      • #18
        Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
        EDIT: Cross post! Gaah! That cartoon again.....
        EDIT x2: At least the flag is appropriate right now - I'm still stuck in Oz.
        That cartoon is never going away, it's my wallpaper!

        I almost editted in the right flag, but wanted to get Aro's permission first.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #19
          I love that cartoon. And welcome.
          If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


          • #20
            Thank you for the warm welcome everybody.

            I've downloaded the turn 8 save and is currently looking at it.

            I few practical questions cropped up

            1) I understand playing ahead is considered cheating... but can we move any of the units in the same turn?

            2) Can you spend money on the treasury to conduct spy missions?

            3) What check is there to prevent members from playing ahead? I would assume there would be a healthy community of people playing their own variants of the demo gamer quietly ?

            4) I've read the FAQ but I'm still not too clear how lowly pleabians like myself would be participating in terms of say, decisions on where to settle if there are already good players in ministirial positions advising the president and vp

            Last edited by dexters; June 3, 2003, 21:20.
            AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
            Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
            Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


            • #21
              Originally posted by dexters
              Thank you for the warm welcome everybody.

              I've downloaded the turn 8 save and is currently looking at it.

              I few practical questions cropped up

              1) I understand playing ahead is considered cheating... but can we move any of the units in the same turn?

              2) Can you spend money on the treasury to conduct spy missions?

              3) What check is there to prevent members from playing ahead? I would assume there would be a healthy community of people playing their own variants of the demo gamer quietly ?

              4) I've read the FAQ but I'm still not too clear how lowly pleabians like myself would be participating in terms of say, decisions on where to settle if there are already good players in ministirial positions advising the president and vp

              Welcome dexters, from an ex-Vancouverite!

              1) Nope.

              2) Nope. The FAM may check for diplomacy deals, but that is it.

              3) The Honour system. I haven't heard of anyone playing the DG on their own, aside from after the first one completed and some wanted to try winning a different way.

              4) The ministers should be posting their orders for coming chats ahead of time. Then everyone else is encouraged to dissect and comment on them. Also show up at the chats where you can participate in any on-the-fly polls that take place (there's always a couple), and watch for in-chat developments that could affect orders/decisions. It is hard for the ministers to watch everything during a chat, and a good number of things can slip by, only to be noticed by those assessing the final save after the chat is complete.

              Lastly, if you're reading a thread and someone has already proposed something you were thinking, or has agreed with a prior point...don't just not comment. Agree as well, adding any supporting information you thought of that hasn't been raised. But let your voice be heard, even if you simply agree with someone. Good orders/decisions can't be made if we don't know what everyone thinks.


              • #22
                The best way to join in is to come up with ideas, post them, and to comment on others ideas. Like dijon say's, if you agree, say so. If not, say so also (but please be polite and explain). Most positions are looking for assistants to help out, particularly FAM in the chats. Glad to have you.
                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                • #23
                  Thanks for the tips.
                  AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
                  Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
                  Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


                  • #24
                    I agree with all that has been said. In addition, I have to reaffirm that any citizen who turns up to the chats ends up having quite a big effect. Quite often unexpected things will come up, and the Prez/Minister may need to host a "quickpoll" on what to do with all those in the chat. This quickpoll will be based on ideas that those people in the chat come up with too. Even further, during the chat it is likely that you could be asked to help with contacting other civs and checking for deals with them.

                    In short, during the chats everyone can have a strong say on what happens in the game, and they can be quite fun too. They're not all shop, and you can even maybe get units etc named after you!

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

