Originally posted by joncnunn
The reason we've never had a state sponsered religion is because the founders had DIFFERENT favorate religiious denominations;
The reason we've never had a state sponsered religion is because the founders had DIFFERENT favorate religiious denominations;
If, as you claim, all the founding fathers were the same kind of religious zealots that insisted on adding "one nation under God" in the 1950s, then whichever religion was the most populous would have dominated the others and made themselves the official religion in the aftermath of the revolution.
Furthermore, they would not have insisted on separation of church and state. Even if you accept the bad argument that religious believers would willingly accept other people practicing a different faith, they would not have insisted on keeping religion out of the government. Even in this modern and supposedly enlightened era most religious folk (regardless of which faith) are offended by the very idea of a government that is not controlled or at least guided by faith. Their faith. That sentiment is the same here, in India, the Middle East, etc., etc.
Like it or not, it was the presence and prominence of so many "heathen infidel unbelievers" that made this country the ultimate safe haven for religion. Otherwise, we would probably have a fundamentalist government, à la Iran, complete with public executions for feminine infidelity.