Sorry Jaybe, I didn't mean to sound upset. I was just frustrated....and let me tell you why!
I spent a few hours reading tips here and on civfanatics and decided to start a new game with the Iroqouis. Same level, cultural links disabled....and who do I start off next to?
It was still early in the game so I figured that maybe I should change my usual habits and just kill them all while I had the chance. I can't see how many cities Xerxes has but I'm guessing not more than four. He established a city near an iron deposit and I took it with my new Mounted riders. I started cranking out MR's as fast as I could while using my further away from the Persian cities to build settlers and expand in the other direction. But, of course, Xerxes has a seemingly limitless amount of immortals and archers. I finally got frustrated enough to quit....well, that and it was 3 AM. I'll probably try to give it another go later when I'm rested but heres what bugged me:
1. Well, this is just rottten luck, starting next to the Persians. I really really didn't want to see them.
2. Mounted Riders aren't very good, at least not for me. Mere archers killed many of them. I don't expect to win every fight, but the persian archers...and sometimes their warriors...would beat my riders more often than not and I'm talking with no terrain bonuses.
3. Is there a way to see through the fog of war? I don't wanna cheat, but I'd sure like to know where the hell all of these immortals and archers are coming from! The patch of land where the persians are looks like it terminates at the ocean and can only fit three or four cities. So there has to one that I can't see thats at least size 5! Unless the land mass stretches out into a resource thick peninsula that I have no view of, I know I have more cities than Xerxes...and decent production! Yet, the persians seem to be able pump out a lot of troops fast. I wouldn't mind that but as I said, even their warriors are defeating my Riders and Spearmen. I feel as if the computer is giving me the finger.
4. Barbarians! I have them set on "roaming" but I've been constantly attacked! If I was next to anyone else but the Persians (ok, ok, throw the zulus into that too) I'd find this part interesting...the Barbarians are as thick as flies! They keep on attacking!
Its like the AI is really just sticking its tongue out at me. At least it felt like that at 3AM!
Ok, I'll stop moaning and ask for advice....should I wait for a few turns, build up a a ridiculous amount of riders, like 30 and attack? (I don't think I can afford that many and still maintain any research or that I have the time...the persians will only build up too.)
The Chinese are somewhere behind me. They haven't met Xerxes yet. If I manage to destroy Persia before they do will they hate me for it?
Maybe I can find out how to save the file and one of you experts can tell me what to do. Or at least see how much I must suck at this.
I spent a few hours reading tips here and on civfanatics and decided to start a new game with the Iroqouis. Same level, cultural links disabled....and who do I start off next to?

It was still early in the game so I figured that maybe I should change my usual habits and just kill them all while I had the chance. I can't see how many cities Xerxes has but I'm guessing not more than four. He established a city near an iron deposit and I took it with my new Mounted riders. I started cranking out MR's as fast as I could while using my further away from the Persian cities to build settlers and expand in the other direction. But, of course, Xerxes has a seemingly limitless amount of immortals and archers. I finally got frustrated enough to quit....well, that and it was 3 AM. I'll probably try to give it another go later when I'm rested but heres what bugged me:
1. Well, this is just rottten luck, starting next to the Persians. I really really didn't want to see them.
2. Mounted Riders aren't very good, at least not for me. Mere archers killed many of them. I don't expect to win every fight, but the persian archers...and sometimes their warriors...would beat my riders more often than not and I'm talking with no terrain bonuses.
3. Is there a way to see through the fog of war? I don't wanna cheat, but I'd sure like to know where the hell all of these immortals and archers are coming from! The patch of land where the persians are looks like it terminates at the ocean and can only fit three or four cities. So there has to one that I can't see thats at least size 5! Unless the land mass stretches out into a resource thick peninsula that I have no view of, I know I have more cities than Xerxes...and decent production! Yet, the persians seem to be able pump out a lot of troops fast. I wouldn't mind that but as I said, even their warriors are defeating my Riders and Spearmen. I feel as if the computer is giving me the finger.
4. Barbarians! I have them set on "roaming" but I've been constantly attacked! If I was next to anyone else but the Persians (ok, ok, throw the zulus into that too) I'd find this part interesting...the Barbarians are as thick as flies! They keep on attacking!

Ok, I'll stop moaning and ask for advice....should I wait for a few turns, build up a a ridiculous amount of riders, like 30 and attack? (I don't think I can afford that many and still maintain any research or that I have the time...the persians will only build up too.)
The Chinese are somewhere behind me. They haven't met Xerxes yet. If I manage to destroy Persia before they do will they hate me for it?
Maybe I can find out how to save the file and one of you experts can tell me what to do. Or at least see how much I must suck at this.