I know this has probably been discussed before, I haven't played in awhile. I decided to check out the latest patch and give it another whirl. While I can't say I haven't been enjoying the game, I can say that I am completely sick of the Persians!
Every single game of Civ3 I've ever played Xerxes is the fly in my ointment. (ok, occassionally its the Zulus, but they're relatively easy to beat) Persian Immortals are tough and they swarm in numbers like bees! In the game I'm playing now I'm barely keeping up tech wise, even as the Babylonians. Early in the game when everyone was still claiming territory I had to plop some cities in a jungle to (A.) Claim it for myself. I knew that my only real chance of finding any coal or rubber when it came available was to stakeout that area. Also the Only source of iron within my reach was there. And (B.) Cut off the russian expansion. Fortunately the russians were between me and the Persians. Unfortunately the Japanese and the Germans cut of my eastward expanse. I knew it would take centuries to make any city viable in that area but It took a long time just to get roads connected so I could exploit the iron, and right on time, here come the immortals. grrrr. I hate doing this, but I didn't want to let hours of planning go to waste so I went to a previous save and shuffled every available unit to my jungle cities. ("city" would be more appropriate. Since the AI knows where your troops are the Immortals made a beeline STRAIGHT for the least defended jungle city....bypassing the one with the iron which was closer!) Guess what? The immortals didn't even show up this time. Fine, I went back to trying to maintain a tech rate and improve my cities while also building a better military.
No big shock here....later on here come a swarm of persian riflemen and some immortals. So now I had to do what I hate doing! Make a mutual protection pact with the russians and give them Right of Passage.
I hate doing that because then I get dragged into someone elses war eventually. (I understand the irony of that statement....I'm dragging the russians into my war.) The persians however started kicking russian butt and took two cities bordering my land! I got scared at that and made alliances with the germans and the japanese (costing me a lot of gold!Grrr!) From what I can see the germans ain't much help, but the japanese sent a ton of samuria and cavalry pouring into the fight. The russians took one city back and I took the other since I could redirect my troops to it. (the japanese took on the closest stack of persians to my iron city.) I even found that the persians had a city on a nearby island with iron on it and captured it. But now, as a democracy my cities are going bananas. Is there a way to tell how long my alliances are right now? I don't want to break my word and make the others mad at me, but I need to stop the war now and make peace or I'll only start falling behind. (the russians made peace with Xerxes! Traitors!) I need to achieve peace while I still have an admittedly slim chance of winning. And why are the Persians always jack***es?
I'm really just ranting and venting but any advice or tips would be appreciated. Take care all! By the way, the game is regent level...I'm not a pro at this game!
Every single game of Civ3 I've ever played Xerxes is the fly in my ointment. (ok, occassionally its the Zulus, but they're relatively easy to beat) Persian Immortals are tough and they swarm in numbers like bees! In the game I'm playing now I'm barely keeping up tech wise, even as the Babylonians. Early in the game when everyone was still claiming territory I had to plop some cities in a jungle to (A.) Claim it for myself. I knew that my only real chance of finding any coal or rubber when it came available was to stakeout that area. Also the Only source of iron within my reach was there. And (B.) Cut off the russian expansion. Fortunately the russians were between me and the Persians. Unfortunately the Japanese and the Germans cut of my eastward expanse. I knew it would take centuries to make any city viable in that area but It took a long time just to get roads connected so I could exploit the iron, and right on time, here come the immortals. grrrr. I hate doing this, but I didn't want to let hours of planning go to waste so I went to a previous save and shuffled every available unit to my jungle cities. ("city" would be more appropriate. Since the AI knows where your troops are the Immortals made a beeline STRAIGHT for the least defended jungle city....bypassing the one with the iron which was closer!) Guess what? The immortals didn't even show up this time. Fine, I went back to trying to maintain a tech rate and improve my cities while also building a better military.
No big shock here....later on here come a swarm of persian riflemen and some immortals. So now I had to do what I hate doing! Make a mutual protection pact with the russians and give them Right of Passage.

I'm really just ranting and venting but any advice or tips would be appreciated. Take care all! By the way, the game is regent level...I'm not a pro at this game!