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In case someone has some information on the ethnic links between current nations and ethnicities, please, share with us. Especially links to websites or if anyone has specicific site or map to show - would be a good reading material.
As far as this subject goes, how about if nationalities didn't go away. 20 turns is awfully fast for ethnic assimilation. Couldn't all new citizens not be belonging to the conquering race, i.e. the Chinese take Tokyo, a Japanese city, but all new citizens are the children of ethnically Japanese people and so keep their ethnicity. Then, the only way to get rid of them could be workers/settlers/drafters or by adding ethnically Chinese workers/settlers to the city. Then, their ethnicity would still stay important for longer. Modern example: how many Irish-Americans opposed American intervention in WWI and WWII on Britain's side because of Britain's oppressive mismanagement of Ireland?
Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
As far as this subject goes, how about if nationalities didn't go away. 20 turns is awfully fast for ethnic assimilation. Couldn't all new citizens not be belonging to the conquering race, i.e. the Chinese take Tokyo, a Japanese city, but all new citizens are the children of ethnically Japanese people and so keep their ethnicity. Then, the only way to get rid of them could be workers/settlers/drafters or by adding ethnically Chinese workers/settlers to the city. Then, their ethnicity would still stay important for longer. Modern example: how many Irish-Americans opposed American intervention in WWI and WWII on Britain's side because of Britain's oppressive mismanagement of Ireland?
i agree...
on the other hand, i'm a second generation immigrant in switzerland and grew up here. i feel more swiss than my of parents nationality. and that took less then 20 years (20 turns).
i guess it depends, where you grow up. in america the "assimilation rate" works a lot faster... but if you live in china town of little italy or whereever, it can take several generations....
but back to civ3: i think it's not 20 turns to change nationality, but "half the time living in xxx". so if china founded beijing in 4000 BC and you conquer it in 50 turns later... it'll take 50 more turns to assimilate.
but if you conquer the city after putting the population down to '1' and your new city grows and china takes in back a few moves later, they'll have no problem assimilating... (i think)
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
As far as this subject goes, how about if nationalities didn't go away. 20 turns is awfully fast for ethnic assimilation. Couldn't all new citizens not be belonging to the conquering race, i.e. the Chinese take Tokyo, a Japanese city, but all new citizens are the children of ethnically Japanese people and so keep their ethnicity. Then, the only way to get rid of them could be workers/settlers/drafters or by adding ethnically Chinese workers/settlers to the city. Then, their ethnicity would still stay important for longer. Modern example: how many Irish-Americans opposed American intervention in WWI and WWII on Britain's side because of Britain's oppressive mismanagement of Ireland?
Nationality doesn't change in 20 turns, I think. I recall reading that a citizen switches nationalities after being a member of a minority nationality (in that city) for longer than not. (Also, they will obviously only switch to the nationality of the nation that controls the city.) I think this is mentioned in the Civilopedia now. To give a concrete example:
New York is founded by the Americans. One new citizen is produced each 10 turns after its founding. Just after its population reaches 3, it is captured by the Aztecs. It continues producing one citizen every 10 turns, only now each new citizen is Aztec. 70 turns after New York was founded -- 40 turns after being captured -- its Aztec population reaches 4, and the Americans become a minority nationality in that city.
Since the most recently produced American citizen has already been around in an ethnic-American majority city(actually, for the last 10 turns, there were as many Aztecs as Americans, but the important thing is that the Americans weren't a minority) for 40 turns, it takes 40 turns for that citizen to change his/her nationality. 10 turns after that -- 50 turns after the Aztecs gained a majority, 90 turns since the city was captured-- the second-most recently produced American citizen, who had been part of of an ethnic-American majority (or near-majority) for 50 turns, is assimilated. 10 turns after that, the city's most ancient American citizen finally gives up hope of reuniting with the mother land and identifies with the Aztecs.
Yikes! It took the Aztecs *100 turns* to fully assimilate a size-3 city! (I mean it was size 3 when it was captured, of course -- it is now much larger.) In fact, American citizens didn't even begin assimilating into Aztec culture for 80 turns after their city was captured. Assimilating members of a foreign culture really *does* take a long time! And immigine what would have happened if the city hadn't been built next to fresh water or had its aqueduct built on time, as I assumed here-- it would have taken the Aztecs even longer to push the city's size above 6, which they needed to do to even begin the assimilation process. And if the city had been even larger or older, it would have taken that much longer.
Come to think of it, capturing a city may reduce its population by 1 -- I can't recall-- so maybe it would have taken the Aztecs a shorter time (exactly how long would depend on which citizen got killed). And maybe time is measured in years instead of turns for nationality changing purposes (I don't think they say), in which case it could potentially take much longer (since years/turn decreases as you play the game). So my math could be way off here. But you get the general idea (I hope).
I don't think that any of this is affected by the strength of either of the 2 relevant nations' cultures, or by the amount of culture either nationality has built up in the city, even though it probably should be. I mean, obviously, if the conqueing nation has a strong culture, or if it has built up a lot of culture in that city, foreign nationals should be more inclined to join them, right? And if the conquered people have a strong culture of their own -- either shared with their native nation (that civ's cultural value) or local (the amount of culture the "conquered" civ accumulated in that city) -- they should take a longer time to give that culture up, right? Why, it might motivatethem to try to acheive independence, even if their nation of origin had been destroyed!
By the way, all that's required, the way I read it, is that a conquered people be an ethnic minority for the assimilation process to begin. Now, if I take a city with 3 Egyptians and 5 Greeks in it, the Egyptains are already in the minority and may have been living under foreign rule for quite some time. They could start joining my culture in just a few turns, as they give up their old nationality. Similarly, the city need only reach size 11, not size 17, for the Greeks to begin to be assimilated. And if the captured city contained 3 different ethnic groups, they might all be minorities! The assimilation process would begin immediately for every nationality in the city. And this seems reasonable enough to me, since the smaller your ethnic group is in a city, the less likely you are to strongly identify with it, and thus the more likely you are to identify with the nation you live in instead. (You don't think America would have been such a "melting pot" if all of its immigrants had come from the same place, do you?)
By the way, in case it's not clear, when I say a nationality has begun "the assimilation process", what I mean is that it's now a minority, so in however long a citizen of that nationality was in the majority (or living under his/her own nation's rule, I presume), he/she will assimilate into the ruling nation.
As a final note, if you are captured by the Borg, you will of course be assimilated immediately.
"God is dead." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead." - God
^[Assimilation] is the process by which $LINK change their nationality
from one civlization to another. When a foreign national has been a part of a minority population longer than not,
he or she assimilates and becomes a member of the majority nationality.
well, basicly, that sucks. if you take a size-18 city, you'll actually never be able to assimilate them... except if you build a lot of orkers... but who sais, that the foreign population is taken. maybe the game choses the "own" workers...
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Originally posted by sabrewolf
well, basicly, that sucks. if you take a size-18 city, you'll actually never be able to assimilate them... except if you build a lot of orkers... but who sais, that the foreign population is taken. maybe the game choses the "own" workers...
Huh? I didn't quite follow that last part. But anyway...
Let's assume that the captured city is built on land that can be appropriately irrigated and railroaded to the point that it can support 19 more inhabitants. Making the further simplifying assumption that population always increases about every 10 turns:
The city's first inhabitant was there when the city was founded ~180 turns ago. In ~190 turns, your nationality will be the majority in that city. After that, it will take another ~180 turns before all of the city's natives are assimilated into your culture. So about 370 turns after you capture a size 18 city, all of the inhabitants will be of your civ's nationality. As I recall, the game lasts some 540 turns or so, so it can be done, in theory.
Now, why does it "suck" that citizens get assimilated so slowly? I've never had a big problem with foreign nationals -- they don't like it when you're at war with their country, of course, but it's not really any more difficult to deal with than normal unhappiness problems. What's the big deal?
"God is dead." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead." - God
Originally posted by JohnM2433
Huh? I didn't quite follow that last part. But anyway...
Let's assume that the captured city is built on land that can be appropriately irrigated and railroaded to the point that it can support 19 more inhabitants. Making the further simplifying assumption that population always increases about every 10 turns:
The city's first inhabitant was there when the city was founded ~180 turns ago. In ~190 turns, your nationality will be the majority in that city. After that, it will take another ~180 turns before all of the city's natives are assimilated into your culture. So about 370 turns after you capture a size 18 city, all of the inhabitants will be of your civ's nationality. As I recall, the game lasts some 540 turns or so, so it can be done, in theory.
Now, why does it "suck" that citizens get assimilated so slowly? I've never had a big problem with foreign nationals -- they don't like it when you're at war with their country, of course, but it's not really any more difficult to deal with than normal unhappiness problems. What's the big deal?
you just showed it yourself: 370 turns in our example! that's about 2/3 of all possible rounds (something over 500). that's quite long to integrate foreigners, don't you think?
that part you didn't understand:
let's say, you've got a size 4 city with 2 foreigners and who "own" people. now you build a worker. one of these four will be removed from the city population and i think the AI chooses it randomly. if it's a "own" worker he's faster, but the average foreigner percentage in the city rises.
however, doesn't really matter. fight short wars and the "trouble makers" havn't got a big influence
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Originally posted by sabrewolf
you just showed it yourself: 370 turns in our example! that's about 2/3 of all possible rounds (something over 500). that's quite long to integrate foreigners, don't you think?
that part you didn't understand:
let's say, you've got a size 4 city with 2 foreigners and who "own" people. now you build a worker. one of these four will be removed from the city population and i think the AI chooses it randomly. if it's a "own" worker he's faster, but the average foreigner percentage in the city rises.
however, doesn't really matter. fight short wars and the "trouble makers" havn't got a big influence
Well, Hong Kong was under British control for a long time. Many of its citizens may have been loyal to and grateful for their government, yet in an important respect their nationality was not really British. I suspect that there would have been much more of a fuss over China finally resuming control of the place if most of its citizens had been of English, rather than Chinese, decent. It's not that Hong Kong's residents aren't resentful about the change in government-- no doubt many are-- but that they're less likely to violently oppose it. The type of "nationality" under consideration here is very relevant to retaking cities and does not go away for a very long time.
Ah, now I see that by "'own' worker" you mean "one of your 'own' workers", i.e., a worker of your civ's nationality. I was unaware that foreign-nationality workers were slower than domestic-nationality ones-- are you sure about that?
And regarding the small influence of the "troublemakers", that was my point. If they created a lot of problems, I might agree that it's unfair for assimilation to proceed so slowly. As it is, I don't think it's unfair at all; it's realistic.
"God is dead." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead." - God
Originally posted by JohnM2433
Ah, now I see that by "'own' worker" you mean "one of your 'own' workers", i.e., a worker of your civ's nationality. I was unaware that foreign-nationality workers were slower than domestic-nationality ones-- are you sure about that?
yep... workers of your civ's nationality work double as fast... if you play a civ with the industrial trait. i'm sure about it. and it mas mentioned in quite a few threads.
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Originally posted by sabrewolf
yep... workers of your civ's nationality work double as fast... if you play a civ with the industrial trait. i'm sure about it. and it mas mentioned in quite a few threads.
Huh, no kidding. I had noticed that sometimes it took workers different lengths of time to complete exactly the same task. But I guessed that improving squares with lots of railroaded squares next to them went faster, for some reason. Maybe that was just my imagination. Or did anyone else notice that?
Now, I assume from what youv'e said that a worker's speed depends only on its nationality. In other words:
If you are industrial, your workers from industrial nations will perform the same as your own, but those from non-industrial nations will be slowerer. If you are not industrial, your workers from non-industrial nations will perform the same as your own, but those from industrial nations will be faster.
Now, that seems a little silly to me, unless the laborers in your cities retain their nation's traits too. For example, if you capture a city from a commercial civ, it should have lower-than-usual corruption because of the commercial trait of its citizens. Is that the case? I'm guessing the answer is no, but I can't say for sure.
"God is dead." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead." - God
Huh, no kidding. I had noticed that sometimes it took workers different lengths of time to complete exactly the same task. But I guessed that improving squares with lots of railroaded squares next to them went faster, for some reason. Maybe that was just my imagination. Or did anyone else notice that?
Now, I assume from what youv'e said that a worker's speed depends only on its nationality. In other words:
If you are industrial, your workers from industrial nations will perform the same as your own, but those from non-industrial nations will be slowerer. If you are not industrial, your workers from non-industrial nations will perform the same as your own, but those from industrial nations will be faster.
Now, that seems a little silly to me, unless the laborers in your cities retain their nation's traits too. For example, if you capture a city from a commercial civ, it should have lower-than-usual corruption because of the commercial trait of its citizens. Is that the case? I'm guessing the answer is no, but I can't say for sure.
uh... you've got me there
to be honest: i don't know exactly. i remember reading a thread at apolyton or civfanatics about this.
i'm sure, that foreign nationals are NOT faster then your own, even if they are industrialists and you aren't.
railroads nearby don't have any effect.
speed depends of:
- workers task (basic number of turns)
- governement (democracy has 4, republic & monarchy 3, despotism iirc 2)
- industrial trait doubles speed (at least of your workers of your own nationality)
- discovery of replacable parts doubles speed too.
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
In a CIV-like game, there should be different options you could do with minorities; For example:
- Kill them off, like the Europeans did in Americas (of course, much of that was due to the lack of resistance to the Eurasian diseases... and things like that make the game-system even more complicated), or like Stalin did during his reign.
- Give them liberties to keep them happy; Make their language official, perhaps a limited authonomy. Not flooding their cities with your nationality, etc...
Like Greenland/Denmark, or Ã…land/Finland, etc. Of course, this is rather a new "tactic", and should require a certain score of culture, or scientific progress (Democracy, perhaps...)
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