Consider also if you will, the Celts- a distinct culture, or cultures, La Tene, Hallstatt, and the fusion of Norse/Celt cultures in Ireland and Scotland, different languages, different ways of worship and differing gods, even, and yet spoken of as one civilization, one people, but hardly ever forming distinct 'nations' in ancient times.
The idea of the 'nation', distinct in ethnic and cultural terms, really kicks off in Europe post the Thirty Years' War, with rulers and ruled forming more distinctive ethnic and religious blocs.
Obviously, there were exceptions, such as the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the seeds of nationalism were sprouting.
I plump for civs being cultures and nations- it simply depends on the grouping you want to play.
The idea of the 'nation', distinct in ethnic and cultural terms, really kicks off in Europe post the Thirty Years' War, with rulers and ruled forming more distinctive ethnic and religious blocs.
Obviously, there were exceptions, such as the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the seeds of nationalism were sprouting.
I plump for civs being cultures and nations- it simply depends on the grouping you want to play.