Originally posted by TheBigTurkey
What about just giving each civ 3 special advances? Like Turks Militarist/Scientific/Religious, Spanish Militarist/Expansionist/Religious, Arabs Expansionist/Scientific/Religious, Germans Militarist/Scientific/Industrious, etc.? I like the idea, makes interesting combinations
What about just giving each civ 3 special advances? Like Turks Militarist/Scientific/Religious, Spanish Militarist/Expansionist/Religious, Arabs Expansionist/Scientific/Religious, Germans Militarist/Scientific/Industrious, etc.? I like the idea, makes interesting combinations

well it works , however with that you give and take a lot , this way the benefits become a bit to much , .....
however if there would be more "civ-specific" abilities then it would work a lot , we need lets say 4 more "abilities" , ...
have a nice day