Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
I don't know why people seem to think the Aztecs are deserving to represent South American culture... The much older civilizations of the Olmecs, Chavin and Mayans were around much, much longer and produced many magnificent achievements. How exactly these civilizations disapeared and why is a mystery.
I don't know why people seem to think the Aztecs are deserving to represent South American culture... The much older civilizations of the Olmecs, Chavin and Mayans were around much, much longer and produced many magnificent achievements. How exactly these civilizations disapeared and why is a mystery.
I suspect the same approach was taken with the Zulu- the creation of an African Sparta, from the ground up in a relatively short timespan, makes them of interest. Gameplay may well dictate that a southern African civilization was chosen over an East African (Ethiopian/Somali) or West African (Songhai/Benin/Dahomey/Mali/Ghana) or North African civilization (Moors/Almohad/Almoravid/Berber), so as not to eliminate Egypt or Carthage too early, although putting the Celts and the English in the same game in Civ II did seem rather pointless, given the closeness of their starting positions in real world games.
Given that Turks (whether Ottoman, Seljuk or a pan-steppe representative Turkish civ) were left out, along with Arabs, and also any South East Asian civilization (no Srivijaya, Khmer) and the Spanish (!), it is difficult to see why more thought could not have been taken with the civilizations and the leaders that were included. The William Wallace hero generated for the 'English' civ being a real case in point.
I agree with you concerning the Joan of Arc choice for leader; better as a great hero. Due to France's Salic law, France managed to effectively not have any female rulers in their own right, although a good case could be made for say, Eleanor of Aquitaine, or Catherine de Medici, as a 'French' woman leader.
I usually opt out of playing the leaders assigned anyway; its much more interesting to have Trotsky conquering Western Europe, or Sun Yat Sen invading America, or Emma Goldman and her anarchist/communist hordes planting the American hammer and pitchfork (think Grant Wood and 'American Gothic') across the globe....