Again pathetic!
Oppression - That which oppresses; a hardship or injustice; cruelty; severity; tyranny
Your stance seems to be that the US oppresses people in a sneaky, underhanded way so that most people don't notice it. A major issue here appears to be the lying (or, to choose a better word, propoganda). I agree with you there. I think our government causes a lot of the resentment by assuming the moral high ground and thundering down at the rest of the world about right and wrong, and then proceeding to act as all nations do - amorally, in our best interests. That smacks of hypocrisy, and pisses people off, myself included. So, with regard to that, point taken.
However, while the US government acts in what our leaders think is our (or their) own best interest, we are not responsible for all of the injustice in the world. Some of it, yes. All, or even most of it, no. I bet you find it mighty convenient to blame everything on the big bad USA. No need to blame anyone else then. Nice and neat.
Misleading someone to do what they would normally not do on thier own through controlled information, half truths and information not given at all. This is making the american public consent and feel that what the US government is doing is okay. This is different from communism in only that it is more sneakier. It gives you teh falise that you are not being lied to and that you know what is going on.
But I have a feeling your point was about propoganda, so I'll address that. Yeah, the government isn't always telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, one of the benifits of democracy is that the government keeps on lying, it eventually gets caught, tarred and feathered. You think the US media would hesitate to crucify Bush if any truely scandalous connection to Enron was proven? Hell, no! They would be all over him like a pack of ravening wolves, and rightly so.
I agree the US public isn't as aware as it should be. But your notion that the government has this whole conspiracy, which the media is involved in, to fool us into allowing them to do dark and terrible things is really a stretch. The fact is that most people, no matter where they are, are primarily concerned with that which impacts their daily lives. People like us, who care enough about international affairs to spend hours debating them, are fairly rare.