Reporter reads parts of the American constitution to a Floridan Republican. He asks the Republican what he thinks it is. The Republican answers contemptfully: "commy stuff"
Let me put this straight : 150.000 civilian casualties was announced on all our media (including the most serious ones) shortly after the war. It's not the number of deaths caused by the sanctions : according to the UN, international sanctions have killed 1 million people in 10 years. Of course, as not everybody is equal about hunger, it mostly targeted children, elders and women.
The are 7 states that are socialist in our country out of 50.
I'm almost sure you'd find it shocking if the situation was the opposite : if the "socialist" (
If we Europeans act like intellectuals, you sure act like a redneck (you like prejudices, I'll use them). In Europe, we have done many mistakes in our history. For example, in Germany, if a German says he's proud of his country, he can be considered as a fascist by other Germans. As we've done mistakes, we fancy ourselves doing something : thinking before acting.
Get my point : a terrorist organization strikes bloodly the US. What's the result of the US revenge ? The fall of a regime, and Bin Laden still unfindable. I hate the Taliban (as a European leftist intellectual, I hated how they threw their country back to the middle ages), but thay were not the adequate target... While the Saudi Arabia is still the "friend" of the free world while being a ruthless obscurantist state, which gives loads of money to muslim fundamentalism (and terrorism which comes with it).
I'm French, and you'll say the French military was laughable during the war in Afghanistan. Absolutely right. But French secret services were in Afghanistan for a long time, and furnished many valuable info about the terrorists. In whole Europe, the police worked to dismantle the terrorists networks. Maybe there were some mistakes, but in general, only the culprits were punished.
I was surprised and pleased when I heard that, just after Sept 11, most Americans wanted a reflected counter-attack, and not a blind revenge. We had this to some extent, as only the Afghani regime was targeted, and colateral damage was much smaller than what I expected.
Still, LordDread, you act as a caricatural American, one of those who make America getting bashed. You refuse any other data than the ones you love, and say that what we provide is utter bullsit (oh, it's a nice word, isn't it ?