Originally posted by Serb
So, portraying Chechnya as some kind of Russian colony is absolutely absurd...
So, portraying Chechnya as some kind of Russian colony is absolutely absurd...
Excuse me, we are, In Rwanda?
It is in Africa, right? Are you really talking about Russians?
In french you can use the 'you' to mean 'anybody', I thought in english, it was the same.
EDIT: Almost forget a very important thing.
Did your former colony attacked continental Belgium? And if (only hypothetically) Congo army attacks Belgium what would you do then?
Did your former colony attacked continental Belgium? And if (only hypothetically) Congo army attacks Belgium what would you do then?
I don't know exactly how we get in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, but I was never told about some great military campain. I know our king of that time bought it for himself. Later he gave it to the state of Belgium. But I don't know to whom he bought it.
We sent our troops in the past in Africa when our own citizens were in trouble, but it was always in coordination with France and US. But as you said, Congo was for us a colony, and never considered as our own territorial ground, so it is difficult to compare with Chechnya.
Of course natives were unable to rule themselves properly, if I understand you properly they do it as in times before they become a Belgian colony.
During the occupation/colonisation, you forbid those able/gifted natives to learn and adapt to the new situation, you forbid them also to learn their traditionnal ways (you kill local culture) and after a few generation, you have a people used to be servant of foreigner, with a foreign logic,...
To give you an excessive example, take Polpot in Cambodge: he killed all intellectuals and then he had a people unable to rule himself. Instead of killing them, forbid the gifted to learn and you will have the same result, or starve them, so read/write is secondary in regards to eat.
The situation after is worse than the situation before.
In Chechnya it was absolutely reverse situation:
So, portraying Chechnya, as some kind of colony is the super absurd, all colonial powers lost their colonies decades ago.
So, portraying Chechnya, as some kind of colony is the super absurd, all colonial powers lost their colonies decades ago.
Let me take a last example:
Take a people - any
and put them in refugee camps at 1 per 10sq meter, forbid communication between them - let's say it is for your own security
make water their first concern, before anything else;
forbid the political leaders to levy taxes to organize the whole thing - pretend that with the money they will buy weapons;
and of course, you can never forbid the religious leaders to receive money from their followers;
now that this people is not helped by politicals, but well by religious people, wait until they are able to rule themselves, wait until they become moderate and democratic.
That is another example of people who 's#!t in the boots' of others.