Sorry W, didn't mean to attribute the sentiments about Arabs to you specifically. They're unfortunately pervasive where I'm situated, from even before the present awfulness, and now people are simply out of control with it. If you have to listen to bigots all the time, it only takes so long before you start to wonder if everyone thinks their way. At any rate, I apologize if any offense was taken.
As to the rest... while an argument over historical counterfactuals would no doubt prove endlessly entertaining to everyone reading this thread
, it probably wouldn't bear any fruit, except perhaps to send thousands of poor electrons on a scurrying mission to nowhere. I'll accept for the sake of an expedited discussion your argument that Democracy would absolutely require the discarding of Islam. In that case, Communism is still antithetical to the Arab commercial impulse in a way that Democracy is not. In my book that puts the score at Democracy -1, Communism -2.
In the words of a character whose accent resembles that of my present locale, even if his spirit doesn't -- "That's all I have to say about that."
As to the rest... while an argument over historical counterfactuals would no doubt prove endlessly entertaining to everyone reading this thread

In the words of a character whose accent resembles that of my present locale, even if his spirit doesn't -- "That's all I have to say about that."