Originally posted by Bad Ax
The capital should probably be Mecca anyway, though Baghdad was really the more influential city in a commercial sense.
The capital should probably be Mecca anyway, though Baghdad was really the more influential city in a commercial sense.
I believe that the shunned form of government should be democracy; unfortunately through a combination of factors, few if any of the 'new' Arab states have enjoyed a fully functioning democracy. Some are quasi-democratic republics, some authoritarian absolutist monarchies, some a combination of socialist and absolutist (Libya) and others just outright dictatorships, along semi-tribal lines (Iraq).
The Mamelukes Rise to Power
' The latter Sultans of the Ayyubid dynasty formed a guard of elite fighter slaves that were known as Mamelukes. Most of these Mamelukes were of Turkish, Afghan or Circassian origins. Their original countries were stricken by the waves of Mongol invaders who inflicted chaos and turmoil on the Muslim population. Much of the lost children were caught by slave traders. The Ayyubid sultans bought many of these children, and formed from them an elite, well-trained, well-educated force. When the power of the Ayyubid dynasty waned, one of those Mamelukes rose to power and assumed the Sultanate of Egypt and Syria. The name of the first Mameluke Sultan was Sayf al-Din Qutuz . The moment he assumed power, he was confronted by the Mongol hordes who destroyed the Islamic Caliphate in Baghdad, massacred the bulk of its Muslim population and moved to subdue the Syrian towns of Aleppo, Homs and Damascus. '
This is why I have difficulty with the Mamelukes being the Arab unique unit; they are of differing ethnic origins in the main, and for me it would be rather like having the Gurkha or the Sikh as the English/British fighting unit. If you consider the desert origins of the Arabs, the beast that symbolizes desert power is the camel. A useful beast of burden, capable of travelling long distances on little water, edible in an emergency, supplying milk...couple it with a well-armed motivated Arab soldier, and you have a winning combination,as the Byzantine and Sassanid empires discovered.