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Apolyton ExtraCivs Pack: Spanish Unique Unit

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  • #31
    I think the Galleon with a extra defensive point (or two, depending how crazy we want to be) would be a good idea, because it shows that when the other side is attacking them they can use their guns as they will, but the other side can evade them if the galleons come after them...

    I don't think the Tercio would work, simply because I can't think of a good unit for it to replace anywhere. It COULD replace the Musketman, but I can't think of how it would replace that would somehow be a different unit than the Musketeer, or just being dumb. I think the Tercio would be much more of an attacking unit than defensive, and the Musketman is far from an attacking unit...

    And yeah, Conquistador is a bit stereotypical, so I think we can do without that.

    Just any ship that is indicative of the Spanish Armada would probably be good.


    • #32
      How about 4/4/1?

      How about making the unit cost only 40 shields and Upgrade from Swordsman (Note other civs would not get such a unit at all)? That way, the Spanish can upgrade their army in Offensive Infantry (The fact that you can't upgrade the Swordsman to anything makes me think it is pointless and obsolete later in the game). Note the Technology still requires Gunpowder, but the big difference is making the Swordsman units posessed by the Spanish SEMI useful.


      • #33
        Re: Re: No Spain!!!


        ok ok, Conquistador

        Originally posted by Martinus

        Wow. What a BS
        bull $!t ?
        Win98 ERROR 009: Press any key to continue or any other to quit
        f**k the f****n f*****s!
        I'am realy enjoing not talking to you...
        let's not talk again REAL soon...


        • #34
          A question

          I think Jrad has a good idea but, would a 4/4/1 unit be considered offensive? I mean attack and defense are equal, so it might still be seen as a defensive unit, especially since it has a move of 1 and a UU can only be had by one civ anyway. I agree that in General swordmen should get upgraded- probably to riflemen once Nationalism comes (same attack). If not, for lots of money to Marines (offensive infantry).
          Still, 4/4/1, while a big jump from 2/4/1 musketmen, sounds very good since Tercios were excellent both at attack and defense.
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          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
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