(obviously I'm defending you)
Apolyton ExtraCivs Pack: Americans
Originally posted by jasev
I've just voted and I discoverd the "anglo-only" option is winnig. Do people really think anglo-colonies are the only true ones and the spanish and portuguese colonies aren't? If so, this has two interpretations:
a) Ignorance
b) Racism
I'll suppose it's the (a) option.c) No item in the poll said "just America," and that one was the closest thing without choosing other.
That's not ignorance or racism. I could just care less if Latin American countries are included or not. By all means use the Inca there to fill up South America. But I am perfectly happy with the inclusion of the Iroquois confederation: after all, they did make my < 5,000 population home Owego one of their cities.
Originally posted by Trachmir
If were going to clean house, I suggest that a certain cut off date be set... say 1000AD. If you weren't around by then, your not in the game. This would also mean losing all industrial/modern special units!
Oh, and the civ uses the name of pre-1000AD, not post.If you want a date that's not so arbitrary, one book I'm reading about the Holy Roman Empire refers to Charlemagne's crowning as Emperor in Rome as the division between ancient and modern (this edition was published in 1904, if that seems like too sharp a contrast).
That happened on Christmas day, in the year 800.
not a true civilization? Umh, we all start somewhere buddy.
I could argue the same for the English, French, Japanese, etc, etc, etc.
You have to stop asking childish quesitons like "Did they come from another civilization". That's absurd. The common culture is there for all of us, but I do not see you saying "Homo habilis" should be the only true civilization.
Civs that Civ III should have
North America (Canada and the US, led by Roosevelt or Lincoln)
Central America (Mexico and all the Central American and Caribbean Nations let by Benito Juarez or Castro for a Cuba based scene)
South America
(All South American Nations, capital in Caracas Venezuela because that's where Bolivar started his revolution and led by Bolivar or Chavez)
Spain (Ferdinand or Franco)
Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm or jolly Adolf the *******)
Italy (Mussolini or Julius Caesar)
France (DeGaulle or Charlemagne)
Britain (George VI or Henry VIII)
India (Nehru or Indira Gandhi, real leaders of India)
China (Sun Yat-Sen or Mao)
Russia (Lenin or Khruschev, Stalin was an *******)
Japan (Hirohito of Tokugawa)
Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Phillipines, Malaysia, left out entirely in all civ games, but a very very important region, especially during the 16th-18th century, and from '39-'75, lead by either Ho Chi Mihn or Pol Pot)
Arabs (Saladin or Mohammed)
Persians (Shah Pavlavi or Ayatollah Ass-a-holla Kumeini sp.?)
Turks (Suileman or Atarturk)
Balkans (Franz Ferdinand or Tito)*
Ashante ?
Zululand Shaka
*now this is a tricky one. the Balkans are a MAJOR source of conflict during the late 19th through 20th centuries. I don't really think eliminating Greece would be a great idea, but after the Turks invaded Greece, the area all fell into the big Balkan jumble that so happened to be under control of the Hapsburg empire. After WWII it was shrouded by the iron curtain and Yugoslavia was led by Tito, the biggest power there. there just aren't enough civs to go around.
this was my attempt, you obviously can't make the perfect world, but just so long as you can make it workable, I am content.