Another suggestion from the CSA design workshop
'Seafaring': Free tech - alphabet; Effect 1 - water tiles yield more commerce; Effect 2 - civilization starts with a speedboat
The speedboat would be a civ-specific unit of seafaring civs, comparable to the expansionst civs´ scout. Its stats would be 0/1/4 (faster than a trireme, but no attack value), and it would be only in danger at oceans.
If we tolerated CSA free techs that aren´t located at the outset of the tech tree, map making would be another possible free tech for 'seafaring'. OTOH, I´d like to have the CSA-specific speedboat unit available before triremes.
Regarding the civilizations that are already included in Civ3, I think that the English could be termed a commercial and seafaring civ rather than commercial/expansionist as they are considered now by Firaxis. Civ´s from the top 24 of Locutus´ 'expansion pack' thread that I´d consider as seafaring are the Dutch, Phoenicians/Carthagians, Polynesians, Portugiese and Vikings.
Many thanks to Jeje2, Mark L and splangy for bringing forward the idea of a 'seafaring' (or 'maritime') civ-specific ability.

'Seafaring': Free tech - alphabet; Effect 1 - water tiles yield more commerce; Effect 2 - civilization starts with a speedboat
The speedboat would be a civ-specific unit of seafaring civs, comparable to the expansionst civs´ scout. Its stats would be 0/1/4 (faster than a trireme, but no attack value), and it would be only in danger at oceans.
If we tolerated CSA free techs that aren´t located at the outset of the tech tree, map making would be another possible free tech for 'seafaring'. OTOH, I´d like to have the CSA-specific speedboat unit available before triremes.
Regarding the civilizations that are already included in Civ3, I think that the English could be termed a commercial and seafaring civ rather than commercial/expansionist as they are considered now by Firaxis. Civ´s from the top 24 of Locutus´ 'expansion pack' thread that I´d consider as seafaring are the Dutch, Phoenicians/Carthagians, Polynesians, Portugiese and Vikings.
Many thanks to Jeje2, Mark L and splangy for bringing forward the idea of a 'seafaring' (or 'maritime') civ-specific ability.