Some want the Weimar Republic to be the Golden Age of the Germans...
The time of the Wimar Republic is not a good idea for a golden age. That is because of high unemployment, dying economy and growing hatred towards racially different groups.... just cinema and art were on a climax, maybe also science... but inthat time, the science was globally used, not nationally... so the discoveries of Bohr, Heisenberg, etc were not useful for Germany as a country, just general physical acknowledgements... in contrast to CIV, where a tech is something crucial for the single civ only...
Also, the capital of Germany during the Wimar Republic was Berlin. From the first point on. Yet the national congress took place in Weimar because there were riots in Berlin.
And then, what unit would cause that golden age? Zeppelin of WWI?
The Panzer unit as a unique one is not a good diea either. Truly, we had some damn good tanks in WWII, but so did the Russians and also the Americans and English... ours weren't that cool... and then, a winning Panzer would make the war time the beginning of a golden age... the end of the Nazi time...
Of course, the golden age would also cover the time after the war, including the time of economic growth... you might argue history won't repeat in CIV, but you have to consider the facts from real history...
There are 2 phases of German history that are in my eyes elligible for golden ages for the whole empire.
1. Middle Ages. Expansion to the north and east, conquering territories of Prussia, Pommerania, expansion ofthe territory of the Teutonic Order etc... the unique unit causing this age would be a Teutonic Knight, an improved Knight
2. Founder's Age. Foundign of the 2nd Reich under Bismarck and Wilhelm I in 1871. Introduced expansion of the empire in Africa (4 puny colonies, OK) and economic growth, though there was that crisis from 1873-1879. anyway, the causing unit could be some infantry unit, because the empire was founded after beating France... a Prussian Grenadier would be a good unit, some kind of improved Rifleman. In this case the golden age would end at 1890 (20 turns after the victory over France)... and who resigned in 1890?
Another idea would be some time in the 18th century, expansion of Prussia, works of Leibniz and all, but there was no unified Germany back then, not really...
So I dislike both the ideas of Panzer being unique unit and Weimar Republic being golden age, as some wanted it to be... Either we go for the Founder's Age with the Prussian Grenadier, or we stick with the fine middle ages for Germany... but then, the latter would cause Germany to be strong in the renaissance time, which it surely wasn't...
The time of the Wimar Republic is not a good idea for a golden age. That is because of high unemployment, dying economy and growing hatred towards racially different groups.... just cinema and art were on a climax, maybe also science... but inthat time, the science was globally used, not nationally... so the discoveries of Bohr, Heisenberg, etc were not useful for Germany as a country, just general physical acknowledgements... in contrast to CIV, where a tech is something crucial for the single civ only...
Also, the capital of Germany during the Wimar Republic was Berlin. From the first point on. Yet the national congress took place in Weimar because there were riots in Berlin.
And then, what unit would cause that golden age? Zeppelin of WWI?
The Panzer unit as a unique one is not a good diea either. Truly, we had some damn good tanks in WWII, but so did the Russians and also the Americans and English... ours weren't that cool... and then, a winning Panzer would make the war time the beginning of a golden age... the end of the Nazi time...

There are 2 phases of German history that are in my eyes elligible for golden ages for the whole empire.
1. Middle Ages. Expansion to the north and east, conquering territories of Prussia, Pommerania, expansion ofthe territory of the Teutonic Order etc... the unique unit causing this age would be a Teutonic Knight, an improved Knight
2. Founder's Age. Foundign of the 2nd Reich under Bismarck and Wilhelm I in 1871. Introduced expansion of the empire in Africa (4 puny colonies, OK) and economic growth, though there was that crisis from 1873-1879. anyway, the causing unit could be some infantry unit, because the empire was founded after beating France... a Prussian Grenadier would be a good unit, some kind of improved Rifleman. In this case the golden age would end at 1890 (20 turns after the victory over France)... and who resigned in 1890?

Another idea would be some time in the 18th century, expansion of Prussia, works of Leibniz and all, but there was no unified Germany back then, not really...
So I dislike both the ideas of Panzer being unique unit and Weimar Republic being golden age, as some wanted it to be... Either we go for the Founder's Age with the Prussian Grenadier, or we stick with the fine middle ages for Germany... but then, the latter would cause Germany to be strong in the renaissance time, which it surely wasn't...