Originally posted by falcon7o
First of all conflict doesn't always help. I just hope you know that. Secondly, I really wouldn't care if there were 3 civs and I had to choose from the guy at 7-11, Bill Gates, and the civilization with no people. IT'S CALLED A GAME. Also, what if I was to say that the wheel never exsisted (probably not true). I can argue, and argue, and argue, and although I'm wrong, THE CONFLICT LED TO NOTHING. So think before you write please....
First of all conflict doesn't always help. I just hope you know that. Secondly, I really wouldn't care if there were 3 civs and I had to choose from the guy at 7-11, Bill Gates, and the civilization with no people. IT'S CALLED A GAME. Also, what if I was to say that the wheel never exsisted (probably not true). I can argue, and argue, and argue, and although I'm wrong, THE CONFLICT LED TO NOTHING. So think before you write please....

Please open the mind, and close the stupidity.
If you would like to think, please do I wont stop you. Its not hard just try for once.
What is the point of doing anything, if there is no challenge, no goal? If there is a goal there is a conflict. Because any goal worth doing anything for is a goal 2 or more people will want. Now take your wheel. With out conflict the person\people involved in the invention would not take the time to think up the wheel because what is the point? The only point is to improve yourself so that you are better then your opponent. The reason for doing is conflict, to be better and to beat someone.
And if you argue stupid things, in conflict. A lot is gained. One if you argue and you are wrong, really wrong I know you're stupid and ignorant. Others know this. And You might learn more. Both large bonuses.
And to put it into a game. The only way people will improve the game is through knowing what people want. To know what people want you need sudjestions. Those sudjestions might anger a few. Some might comprimise, making a better sudjestion. More people are happy. And through conflict the design team is now aware of a comprimised idea, that will help sell the game because more people will be happy with new features. And they wont include features that people dont want. Conflict gives the Dev team the ideas that wioll sell the most games and refines them while also killing the ideas that people will hate.
Please pull your conservative head out of the utopia clouds you think you are floating in. Anarchy = wins