When will people understand that there is no such thing as the greatest civilization or the top 16????????? Don't people understand that every civilization on earth that ever existed has contributed something like a unique language, or a form of writing. And just because some civilizations had a greater population, managed to construct more buildings, expanded more, or won more battles, it is more important than the smaller, more peaceful civilizations. That would be like saying that Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam is more important than Judaism and Hinduism; although, Christianity and Islam stem from Judaism, and Buddhism stems from Hinduism. Come on people, your favorite civilization is not more important than any other civilization in the world and if you think so, then you have some serious problems. I really think that the way they picked the civilizations is that they asked a group of people to write down 16 civilizations they know of, so if you have a problem with their picking, then don't buy the game!
