Golden ages (times of unusual productivity, leading to great acheivements) for a civ occur when their special unit wins its first battle. This is done to roughly sequence which civs have golden ages when EG egyptians early, americans in late game, etc. While this is not a feature I wanted in civ2's successor, in terms of what Firaxis was trying to achieve it seems like a fairly elegant solution.
But it also creates some problems.
Germany's unique unit is the panzer tank. Since they clearly wanted germany to achieve its golden age in the late game - competing with americans and russians - a unit like teutonic knight is ruled out. And what 20th c German military unit is most well-known? The panzer tank of course, and the performance of German armour in WW2 (Guderian, Rommel, etc).
BUT - this implies that Germany's "golden age" was the 1940's. This is an obscenity. It is even worse in that Germany had a true golden age just a little bit earlier - The period of the Weimar republic, (1919-1933) when Germany made more contributions to civilization, in the areas of art, literature, film, social science, architecture, natural science, philosophy, etc then any civ I can think of in such a short period of time. The panzer triggered golden age is an insult to the memory of Weimar.
Well, as so many here say, if you dont like it, build a mod.
Very well, how does one do so? I can think of many special attribtues Id like my Weimar civ to have, but cannot think of a MILITARY unit that goes with that era. Indeed Germany was not at war during those 14 years, and the distinctiveness of Weimar is that it was not a militarist regime, like those which preceeded and succeeded it. As far as I can tell, theres no reasonable way in a Civ3 modpack to give Germany a Weimar golden age.
But it also creates some problems.
Germany's unique unit is the panzer tank. Since they clearly wanted germany to achieve its golden age in the late game - competing with americans and russians - a unit like teutonic knight is ruled out. And what 20th c German military unit is most well-known? The panzer tank of course, and the performance of German armour in WW2 (Guderian, Rommel, etc).
BUT - this implies that Germany's "golden age" was the 1940's. This is an obscenity. It is even worse in that Germany had a true golden age just a little bit earlier - The period of the Weimar republic, (1919-1933) when Germany made more contributions to civilization, in the areas of art, literature, film, social science, architecture, natural science, philosophy, etc then any civ I can think of in such a short period of time. The panzer triggered golden age is an insult to the memory of Weimar.
Well, as so many here say, if you dont like it, build a mod.
Very well, how does one do so? I can think of many special attribtues Id like my Weimar civ to have, but cannot think of a MILITARY unit that goes with that era. Indeed Germany was not at war during those 14 years, and the distinctiveness of Weimar is that it was not a militarist regime, like those which preceeded and succeeded it. As far as I can tell, theres no reasonable way in a Civ3 modpack to give Germany a Weimar golden age.