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Expansion Pack Civs (Part 3): Just one more...

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  • 20 each:




    • poles 20


      • A minor change just to follow the trend

        Mongols -20
        Poles +20


        • Poles 20


          • NOOOOOOO, rebel!!!! Stray from the trodden path, don't be sucked in by one thread! If I have to I'll pull out the viking stuff!!!
            I never know their names, But i smile just the same
            New faces...Strange places,
            Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
            -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


            • First post ever:

              spanish 20
              dutch 20
              polynesians 20
              aborigenes 20
              portugese 20
              turks/ottomans 20
              incas 20
              ethiopians 20


              • Is it time for the thread to close?

                This is just a suggestion , but 300+ posts are a lot I think.Perhaps you should open Part 4?


                • Lumpkin: Actually no, it doesn't . I've recently received an e-mail from Pawel Lewicki. I publish it here, translated:

                  "The members of the Polish intelligence to this day have towards their British counterparts, as the latter have credited themselves with most of the accomplishements associated with the Enigma decryption.
                  The facts (after PWN) Translators note PWN - Polskie Wydawnictwa Naukowe is National Science Publishing:
                  A replica of the Nazi Enigma had been built in a Polish decryption center near Warsaw (among the contributors towards making it were mathematicians Jerzy Rajewski and Henryk Zygalski). The machine enabled a mechanical decryption of Nazi transmissions. In July, 1939, copies of the machine were given to Great Britain and France (one each). In September the decrypting group was evacuated and reactivated in France. It had worked in close cooperation with the British, who, basing on the accomplishements of the Polish cryptologists, built a monitoring center."

                  I hope that clears things up .

                  I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                  LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
        's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


                  • Originally posted by ranskaldan

                    Well lockstep, i'm voting for the Thais myself, and many people are voting for the Khmers.

                    As for the Poles, here's a cool map to show you the times when Poland was a major world power:

                    I voted for the Polynesians myself. IMHO, another African civ should be in, too. I voted for the Bantus, but I guess I'll change it to the Ethiopians since Bantus aren't doing so hot (2 votes currently). So, vote change:

                    -20 Bantus
                    +20 Ethiopians
                    "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
                    "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

                    Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


                    • Okay, clearly both Britain and Poland played a very important role in cracking the enigma code. I don't know enough about the mathematics behind the code to say "okay, Pole did 30% and Britain did 70%" so lets just say Enigma was cracked by both countries


                      The Ethiopians' sucess is already guaranteed. If you think more Africans should be in (as I do) vote for the Mali - they've already reached #18 reached the top 16 so just a few more votes and they'll be in the the top 16!

                      Another civ which needs your help is #20, the Khmer. South-East Asia is a big important region with plenty of genuine city-based historical civilizations, which the Khmer represent. Just a few more votes and they'll be in! If only the Siam/Thai vote could be agglomerated.

                      The Koreans (#15) could also do with a bit of bolstering to keep them in the top 16.


                      • Okay, clearly both Britain and Poland played a very important role in cracking the enigma code. I don't know enough about the mathematics behind the code to say "okay, Pole did 30% and Britain did 70%" so lets just say Enigma was cracked by both countries
                        But poles cracked enigma...
                        Marian Rajewski Guessed a riddle enigma

                        THE ORIGINS OF THE ENIGMA/ULTRA OPERATION by Dr. Wladyslaw Kozaczuk
                        Attached Files
                        Win98 ERROR 009: Press any key to continue or any other to quit
                        f**k the f****n f*****s!
                        I'am realy enjoing not talking to you...
                        let's not talk again REAL soon...


                        • Re: Is it time for the thread to close?

                          Originally posted by Internationalist
                          This is just a suggestion , but 300+ posts are a lot I think.Perhaps you should open Part 4?
                          The reason why the other parts closed was that the first thread messed up and didn't allow posting, and the second thread was not started by Locutus, so he could not update the list.
                          I see no reason why more then 300 posts should result in closing the thread.
                          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                          • Lumpkin: To put it shortly - I second Mankind's post.

                            Alright, here go my last free points:

                            Czech +2
                            Slovak +7
                            Latvians +11
                            Koreans +20

                            I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                            LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
                  's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


                            • Poles 20


                              • Poles 20

