I'm not sure if this has been pointed out yet, but on the first new picture on the Gamespot site, there is a middle ages asian city barely visible in the top left-hand corner. http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters...261-64,00.html
The city shown is green, which may suggest the Japanese are that shade of green, unless the indians use east asian architecture. The way I know it's an asian city is because a while back there was a picture of a french civ, with chinese cities at the very top. Don't know if I'm right, but it might be worth a check. I don't know where that other thread is that is putting civs and colors together, sorry.
The city shown is green, which may suggest the Japanese are that shade of green, unless the indians use east asian architecture. The way I know it's an asian city is because a while back there was a picture of a french civ, with chinese cities at the very top. Don't know if I'm right, but it might be worth a check. I don't know where that other thread is that is putting civs and colors together, sorry.