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Expansion Pack Civs: One more thread... (Let's do this right)

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  • #16
    Gibraltarians 160 - err, ....

    Ethiopians 20
    Dutch 20
    Arabs 20
    Incas 18
    Vikings 15
    Sioux 12
    Spanish 10
    Turks 9
    Polynesians 8
    Mongols 7
    Hopi 6
    Khmer 5
    Ghanese 4
    Tunguz 3
    Inuit 2
    Celts 1
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


    • #17
      Here are mine:

      15 Spanish
      15 Dutch
      15 Portuguese
      15 Viking
      15 Inca
      10 Canadian
      10 Celtic
      10 Arabia
      10 Mongol
      10 Italian
      10 Scots
      10 Zimbabwe
      5 Australian
      5 Mayan
      5 Turks


      • #18
        Arabs: 20
        Ethiopians: 20
        Inca: 20
        Mongols: 20
        Polynesians: 20
        Spanish: 20
        Turkish: 20
        Vikings: 20
        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


        • #19
          Originally posted by Locutus
          However, Japan is already in Civ3, so I'm gonna have to ignore that one. Feel free to post an update to your list though...
          Couldn't remember (and was to lazy to check ) so I thought, it was better to give it some points just incase it wasn't in the game
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #20
            BTW, while I see the danger of disrupting the 'reliability' of this poll, it would have been nice to be able to assign up to 40 points (1/4 of my total vote) to a single civ. Reason: I don´t think that an expansion pack will include more than 8 civs, yet feel that some of my suggested additional civs are more important than others.

            However, many thanks for starting this thread, Locutus.
            "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


            • #21
              1. Celts - 20 Points of Course
              2. Welsh - 20 Points (i'm biased)
              3. Spanish - 15 Points
              4. Vikings - 15 points
              5. Mongols - 15 Points
              6. Ottoman Turks - 15 Points
              7. Arabs - 10 Points
              8. Dutch - 10 Points
              9. Portugese - 10 Points
              10. Byzantines - 10 Points
              11. AustroHungary - 10 Points

              Oh and people join the anti Britain in Civ3 campaign !!!!


              • #22
                Spanish 15
                Mongol 15
                Viking 10
                Inca 15
                Arabia 20
                Celtic 15
                Maya 10
                Hebrew 20
                Mali 10
                Phoenicia 10
                Khmer 10
                Nubia 10
                The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                - Frank Herbert


                • #23
                  Couldn't you give negative points, cuz there's 2 civs I don't want to see in the game...I know if those come into the game I have some enemies from the start, civs I wont sign a peace treate with in any game played!?!
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • #24
                    1) Mongol 20
                    2) Spainish 20
                    3) Inca 15
                    4) Arabia 15
                    5) Celtic 12
                    6) Hebrew 12
                    7) Huns 20
                    8) Viking 12
                    9) Turkish 12
                    10) Byzanitines 11
                    11) Tibet 11 (what the hell!)
                    'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

                    'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


                    • #25
                      hey this is like eurovision!

                      1) Mongol - 20
                      2) Spanish - 20
                      3) Arabs - 20
                      4) Slavs - 10
                      5) Hebrew - 10
                      6) Carthage - 10
                      7) Aboriginals - 10
                      7) Polynesia - 10
                      8) Goths - 10
                      9) Viking - 10
                      10) Armenia - 10
                      11) Ethiopia - 5
                      12) Celts - 5
                      13) Phoenicia - 5
                      14) Sumerian - 5
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                      • #26
                        Well, here is my list:

                        Spanish 20
                        Mongol 20
                        Viking 20
                        Arabia 20
                        Turkish 20
                        Dutch 20
                        Apache 20
                        Portugal 20

                        I hope this expansion pack will come out soon! Or if not, that at least they will make an option that you can choose civs made in the editor to choose from in the standard game!


                        • #27
                          Here's my 'vote':

                          1.Vikings: 20 points
                          2.Celts: 18 points
                          3.Mongols: 16 points
                          4.Songhai: 15 points
                          5.Assyrians: 15 points
                          6.Carthaginians: 15 points
                          7.Incas: 11 points
                          8.Spanish: 10 points
                          9.Ottomans: 9 points
                          10.Hebrews: 7 points
                          11.Arabs: 6 points
                          12.Portugese: 5 points
                          13.Australians: 4 points
                          14.Khmer: 4 points
                          15.Mayas: 3 points

                          Great list by the way!
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                          • #28
                            The problem with this Poll is that some civers doesnt seems to realize that Civs in an official expansion-pack must be weighted against each other, and they must be placeable 3 of them in each of the 5 main cultures.

                            Check out the civ-specific abilities table. Two X-values in either of the 5 abilities; militaristic, commercial, expansionist, scientific, religious & industrious. And 3 civs in either of the 5 coloured culture-spheres.

                            Also; you can hopefully always download Civ-modpacks already a month or so after the official release, so I dont think you have to wait that long. Anyway; perhaps you should remodel this Poll with above in mind, and start again?


                            • #29
                              Votes updated up to Snapcase (you guys are posting way too fast! ). Since many civs have an equal amount of votes, I started to count the number of votes casted on each civ as well. If the # of points are a draw, # of votes determines the ranking (if that's a draw too, just plain old alphabetical order will have to do, unless someone knows another way to rank the civs).

                              I gave your Berber/Carthaginian votes to the Berber, in accordance with the new rules. All civs get 10 points.

                              Kilwans will do just fine. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that anyone else actually knows Swahili isn't really a civ but just a language.

                              Hehe, you still don't know the Civ3 civs by heart? You heretic! Anyway, as I said, because of this you still have 15 points to spend if you'd like to...
                              I don't see a real reason for negative points: what reason could there possibly be to not include certain civs (other than them not being significant enough to deserve a place)?

                              I can see your point, I choose the 20 limit rather arbitrary I'm afraid but it had to be set at something. Personally I'd say 40 is too high, but I guess 30 or so might have been possible (I actually doubted between 20 and 32 when setting that limit). Anyway, it's too late to change it now, too many people have already voted...

                              Yeah, I noticed that too. I already considered announcing my vote with 'And here are the results of the Dutch jury' but I figured I'd give someone else the opportunity to make that joke. Still waiting though...
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ralf
                                The problem with this Poll is that some civers doesnt seems to realize that Civs in an official expansion-pack must be weighted against each other, and they must be placeable 3 of them in each of the 5 main cultures.
                                ralf, lets leave it to Firaxis to do the "weightening"(if that's the word). we're just posting here what we would like to see.....

                                besides, since we've got people from all around the world, as we sum up the votes the... "weightening" is done "automatically"

                                btw locutus, if you're going to suggest minoans and macedonians, you might also suggest mycenaean, spartans, athenians, doreans, ioanians, thebeans, etc
                                hey, lets' forget the spanish and the mongol! firaxis should an expansion pack on Ancient Greece!!!
                                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

