Originally posted by Urban Ranger
Canada isn't expansionistic since all the territories were given to it by the Brits.
Canada isn't expansionistic since all the territories were given to it by the Brits.
Was that expansionist? Not the way I think of it, but the method of growth was very similar to the addition of over half of the US through the Louisiana Purchase and Seward's Folly (the Alaska purchase). As for Texas - didn't that state voluntarily join after declaring independence from Mexico? Maybe the addition of California was expansionist, but economic colonization followed by a takeover without a shot fired is not exactly the same as the crushing of all foes under the bootheels of Napoleon's Grand Army (well, almost all

If you look at the amount of geography that was added after Canada was formed in 1867 it is pretty close to what the US added to the 13 colonies after the War of Independence (it may even be more, since Canada ended up being the larger country and I suspect the original 6 were smaller than the 13 Colonies that formed the US - not sure about that though).
So if the US is expansionist - Canada is too. Which seems so absurd that I object to either being called "expansionist".
But hey, if Firaxis figures the game effects of the US being labelled "expansionist" makes the country act most like "the American way", so be it. I'll just make sure I don't give the same label to the Canadians in my own games.
