1310AD: India: Medicine for 868 Gold
Steal Industrialization from Celts "Safely" for 2060 Gold
I got a big scare here, as the AI appeared to (collectively) still have enough Gold to out-research me: one turn, I was up a tech, the next, through a trading frenzy, the AIs overtake me with Medicine, Industrialization, Communism and Espionage. No civ had any gpt left to buy my techs! If I could not be the tech broker, the game was all but lost...Anyway, I used like 10% of my huge Gold reserves to keep up, but this was not the way I wanted to earn my techs!
1320AD: Factory
1330AD: Coal Plant
1340AD: Celts: 61 Gold per turn for Iron
1360AD: Scientific Method
England: 149 Gold per turn and 6 Gold for Scientific Method
Korea: 68 Gold per turn and 17 Gold for Scientific Method
Rome: 56 Gold per turn and 3 Gold for Scientific Method
Celts: 50 Gold for Scientific Method
A dirty trick (to sell a tech that allows a Wonder for full price, the turn before you complete said Wonder), but this is OCC after all. This put me back into the tech broker saddle.
1365AD: Theory of Evolution
Atomic Theory
1375AD: Rome: The Corporation and Sanitation for Atomic Theory
Korea: Communism, 57 Gold per turn and 93 Gold for Atomic Theory
England: 51 Gold per turn and 203 Gold for Atomic Theory
1380AD: Hydro Plant
1385AD: Rome declares war on English
1390AD: Hospital
1395AD: Celts: Spices for 23 Gold
Korea: Furs for 45 Gold
I'll stop mentioning these kinds of trades now, but they kept happening until the end of the game.
1400AD: Stock Exchange
1410AD: Police Station
1445AD: Universal Suffrage
1450AD: Sipahi
Having built most everythign of importance in the Industrial age, there was nothing left to do but research and broker techs. I figured this was a good time to ensure I would not be run over by an overly-aggressive civ sometime down the line. I was also planning for the eventual trigger for my GA (hence the Sipahi).
1460AD: Radio
1465AD: Civil Defense
1470AD: Coastal Fortress
1485AD: Korea: Espionage, 207 Gold per turn and 209 Gold for Electronics
Celts: Horses, 77 Gold per turn and 183 Gold for Electronics
England: 50 Gold per turn and 99 Gold for Electronics
Rome: 15 Gold per turn and 17 Gold for Electronics
1490AD: Celts and Rome declare war on England
1495AD: Intelligence Agency
Agent planted in Seoul for 118 Gold
Agent planted in London for 128 Gold
Ended up being rather useful.
1500AD: Revolution!
1515AD: Government: Democracy
Steal Refining from English "Safely" for 2014 Gold - FAILED!
Agent planted in London for 128 Gold
1520AD: Steal Refining from Koreans "Safely" for 2376 Gold
The Koreans wanted way more than this amount for Refining in a trade, so I just stole it from then. My Rep. and Korea's Attitude were so good that there was no real risk.
1530AD: Steel
1540AD: Worker
1545AD: Worker
1550AD: Infantry
1560AD: India: 8 Gold for Atomic Theory
A bargain, eh Ghandi?
1565AD: Korea declares war on England
1570AD: Infantry
1575AD: Korea: 85 Gold per turn for Steel
Korea: 121 Gold per turn for Radio
Celts: 125 Gold per turn for Radio
Rome: 73 Gold per turn for Radio
England: 68 Gold per turn for Steel
India: 4 Gold for Iron
1585AD: Artillery
1590AD: Artillery
1595AD: Combustion
Korea: Oil for 129 Gold
1600AD: Destroyer
India: 9 Gold per turn and 77 Gold for Combustion
1605AD: Destroyer
1650AD: Mass Production (Motorized Transportation in 10 turns!)
That parenthetical comment was acutally in my notes. I was pretty happy to research techs in 10 turns at the end of the Industrial age with only one city, giving that the maximum research speed is 4 turns.
1665AD: Battleship
1670AD: Transport
Here's a screenshot of a few turns before I reached the Modern age (notice the absurd Treasury):
Steal Industrialization from Celts "Safely" for 2060 Gold
I got a big scare here, as the AI appeared to (collectively) still have enough Gold to out-research me: one turn, I was up a tech, the next, through a trading frenzy, the AIs overtake me with Medicine, Industrialization, Communism and Espionage. No civ had any gpt left to buy my techs! If I could not be the tech broker, the game was all but lost...Anyway, I used like 10% of my huge Gold reserves to keep up, but this was not the way I wanted to earn my techs!
1320AD: Factory
1330AD: Coal Plant
1340AD: Celts: 61 Gold per turn for Iron
1360AD: Scientific Method
England: 149 Gold per turn and 6 Gold for Scientific Method
Korea: 68 Gold per turn and 17 Gold for Scientific Method
Rome: 56 Gold per turn and 3 Gold for Scientific Method
Celts: 50 Gold for Scientific Method
A dirty trick (to sell a tech that allows a Wonder for full price, the turn before you complete said Wonder), but this is OCC after all. This put me back into the tech broker saddle.
1365AD: Theory of Evolution
Atomic Theory
1375AD: Rome: The Corporation and Sanitation for Atomic Theory
Korea: Communism, 57 Gold per turn and 93 Gold for Atomic Theory
England: 51 Gold per turn and 203 Gold for Atomic Theory
1380AD: Hydro Plant
1385AD: Rome declares war on English
1390AD: Hospital
1395AD: Celts: Spices for 23 Gold
Korea: Furs for 45 Gold
I'll stop mentioning these kinds of trades now, but they kept happening until the end of the game.
1400AD: Stock Exchange
1410AD: Police Station
1445AD: Universal Suffrage
1450AD: Sipahi
Having built most everythign of importance in the Industrial age, there was nothing left to do but research and broker techs. I figured this was a good time to ensure I would not be run over by an overly-aggressive civ sometime down the line. I was also planning for the eventual trigger for my GA (hence the Sipahi).
1460AD: Radio
1465AD: Civil Defense
1470AD: Coastal Fortress
1485AD: Korea: Espionage, 207 Gold per turn and 209 Gold for Electronics
Celts: Horses, 77 Gold per turn and 183 Gold for Electronics
England: 50 Gold per turn and 99 Gold for Electronics
Rome: 15 Gold per turn and 17 Gold for Electronics
1490AD: Celts and Rome declare war on England
1495AD: Intelligence Agency
Agent planted in Seoul for 118 Gold
Agent planted in London for 128 Gold
Ended up being rather useful.
1500AD: Revolution!
1515AD: Government: Democracy
Steal Refining from English "Safely" for 2014 Gold - FAILED!
Agent planted in London for 128 Gold
1520AD: Steal Refining from Koreans "Safely" for 2376 Gold
The Koreans wanted way more than this amount for Refining in a trade, so I just stole it from then. My Rep. and Korea's Attitude were so good that there was no real risk.
1530AD: Steel
1540AD: Worker
1545AD: Worker
1550AD: Infantry
1560AD: India: 8 Gold for Atomic Theory
A bargain, eh Ghandi?
1565AD: Korea declares war on England
1570AD: Infantry
1575AD: Korea: 85 Gold per turn for Steel
Korea: 121 Gold per turn for Radio
Celts: 125 Gold per turn for Radio
Rome: 73 Gold per turn for Radio
England: 68 Gold per turn for Steel
India: 4 Gold for Iron
1585AD: Artillery
1590AD: Artillery
1595AD: Combustion
Korea: Oil for 129 Gold
1600AD: Destroyer
India: 9 Gold per turn and 77 Gold for Combustion
1605AD: Destroyer
1650AD: Mass Production (Motorized Transportation in 10 turns!)
That parenthetical comment was acutally in my notes. I was pretty happy to research techs in 10 turns at the end of the Industrial age with only one city, giving that the maximum research speed is 4 turns.
1665AD: Battleship
1670AD: Transport
Here's a screenshot of a few turns before I reached the Modern age (notice the absurd Treasury):