Welcome to TSG 201: Ancient Empires
Upon successful completion of TSG 101: Expansion, a new course has been started for those with passing grades and those from other fields with advanced experience

All starting conditions are the same, except we will be using the latest text, AU 1.07 and will be learning about Emperors as opposed to Monarchs. "How did they rule?", "What affected their decisions and strategies in economics, military and growth?" and "Why did some empires fall while others prospered?" will be central questions and themes for this course.
Here is where our featured civ for this course, the Babylonians began their rise to glory in 4000BC. They knew little of the surroundings, at the time.
Upon successful completion of TSG 101: Expansion, a new course has been started for those with passing grades and those from other fields with advanced experience

All starting conditions are the same, except we will be using the latest text, AU 1.07 and will be learning about Emperors as opposed to Monarchs. "How did they rule?", "What affected their decisions and strategies in economics, military and growth?" and "Why did some empires fall while others prospered?" will be central questions and themes for this course.
Here is where our featured civ for this course, the Babylonians began their rise to glory in 4000BC. They knew little of the surroundings, at the time.