Yes, if you don't drain the AI, they will often both run away with technology, and get a full treasury. The cash might get used up, if they go to war, but I'm not sure about this. I've seen this happen in games, where I had the backward civ for a while (at least until late Medieval Age). The rich AI would just get more and more cash stored, with a constant tech lead over the others. I suppose that if you don't drain the others, the AI tech leader will, giving him even more gold.
No announcement yet.
AU 505 The Power of Fascism DAR 5 - Research of Fascism Complete
I experimented a bit to see if Germany was selling tech to all the others. Can't really rule it out. But I tried selling tech turns before Germany got that tech and I could not get gold or gold per turn that was remotely close to the amount needed to build up 15k while still researching at a fast pace. My civ was in a golden age during much of this period and the level was only emperor. Interesting.....Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Emperor Level AU Mod
As the modern era dawned, the Germans were busy eliminating the rubberless Dutch, who were fighting everybody as the industrial era ended. The Germans were also growing gold (10,000+) and outpacing us on research, although we were number one in all the economic stats despite being relatively small since we had not attacked anyone. (deely suspicious)
The German free tech and good help for the Germans from Carthage left us one tech down (computers) and Carthage got to rocketry right before we got Ecology.
It was time to make a definitive move. We sent the brownshirts into the streets and went to anarchy, headed toward fascism. Took over the military right away, because we have to drive Carthage out of business and Germany into communism or they will outpace us drastically on tech.
1. Traded ecology and huge gold per turn to Germany for computers.
2. Traded ecology to Carthage for rockets and amphibious war.
3. Brought the backward Greeks up to the new era via gifts to see their free tech. It was fission, so we gave them ecology and rockets for it.
4. Everyone else was in the last era.
5. Declared war on Germany and bombed the hell out of their resources from carrier based locations. We got flight before motors and had a large bomber stack.
6. Bought alliances with everyone but Carthage against Germany using old tech.
7. Declared on Carthage and razed their largest city with arty and tanks.
8. Bought alliances with Greece and Germany against Carthage.
This ruined my spotless rep, but hey, I'm going to be a fascist dictator, and, anyway, we actually made a mistake on the nefarious front. We should have sold rubber and aluminum to Carthage for cash before starting this procedure. They had 5,000 gold.
It is now an evil world with everyone fighting everyone. We are basically leader fishing and resource hunting on our own continent, before we get synthetic fibers. Our armies are empty and waiting for modern armor.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum