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AU 505 The Power of Fascism DAR 1 - Through 2150BC

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  • #31
    Ok, I tried again.
    The first turn I moved west my scout and north my worker. Next turn Washington on hill, start building scout, worker start mining, researching alphabet 100%
    The plan is to explore and then starting a massive Rex, with few military units.
    3750 Ceremonial Burial from hut
    3700 Second Scout is ready, start Granary
    3600 Romans, trade with Roman, Masonry for Alphabet, start Writing
    3450 Greeks, trade with them, Get Bronze Working and 1 slave worker
    3300 Chartage, Pooery for 45 gold
    3150 Granary, start settler
    2800 Settler, start curragh
    2670 New York, building granary
    2630 Mysticism from Hut
    2310 Writing
    Now I have 3 cities, I hope to survive...

    Suggestion from veterans are welcome
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    • #32
      AUmerica: the AUmod on Monarch

      Our scout heads 2 North and I discover that what I thought was an ideal starting spot has a flaw. I don’t like having a capital on a peninsula. Worker goes south and I don’t see the starting spot either. Settler goes SW and I don’t see much either. (Upper-left)

      Turn 2: the Sequel

      Scout NE finds two whales and a future city site is noted. Scout heads west to the hill and discovers the sea is not as generous on west side. Worker heads west and ‘Holy Cow’ another future city site is noted. What the hell? Let’s make it our capital.

      3 turns later:

      Our young capital starts on a granary as our scout heads inland.

      3400 B.C.

      As someone who doesn’t build any units for a while in most starts, I’m completely humbled by the map knowledge a free scout can give you. Expansionist continues to be the most underrated trait in the game. I decide to try something bold. New York, our 2nd city, will also be a settler pump. The Big Apple will most likely be our FP too.
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      • #33
        2150 B.C.
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        • #34
          AU mod: Demigod

          Washington was founded on the silky forest at 4000 BC, and immediately started building a Scout. A Granary was produced next, and then a Settler to claim the cattle to the southwest as soon as possible.

          In the meantime, the first Scout popped a Settler from a hut. The Settler moved two tiles and founded New York near the wheat plains.

          A couple of rounds of trading with all three AI civs brought everyone into tech parity, netting Bronze Working, Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial, Alphabet, and one Greek slave to the Americans. America then started researching Writing at full speed, as part of a Philosophy/Republic beeline.

          In 3150 BC, another Settler appeared from a hut , although it took him 640 years to found a city in a useful location.

          The only other good result from huts was the Wheel, which was traded to everyone for slaves and gold.

          Writing was discovered in 2270 BC, and was traded around to receive Horseback riding, Mysticism, Iron Working, gold, and more slaves.

          In 2150 BC, the American empire consisted of 5 towns (10 population points), 1 Curragh, 2 Scouts, 4 Workers, and 4 slaves. Thanks to the multitude of AI units eager to kill barbarians, no military was yet necessary. However, Washington was in the process of building a barracks to pump some units to deter the AI from getting any ideas as the map becomes more crowded. Washington and Boston had already built Granaries.
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          Last edited by alexman; December 9, 2004, 17:56.


          • #35
            Since this is my first time trying this, I decided to go Monarch, standard. I've been playing up to Emperor but am still more comfortable there.

            I built Washington at the start location because I could see no advantage to moving the settler for a turn. I did not want to waste any initial turns.

            My research path was to go straight to Philo and then with the hoped for bonus tech either grab MM for trade or COL to set up for Republic.

            My build order went: scout-warrior-curragh-curragh-settler-granary

            I chose settler before granary because of a cow I found a little SW of Washington. I figure to make that a settler pump and want to get it started early. I hesitated then to build the granary in Washington because it will not really flourish until government change but figured that it would pay off later.

            3500 Got CBurial from a goodie hut
            3400ish Met Romans to SW trade:
            Masonry for Alpha+10
            CB+Pottery for Warrior Code
            3400+ Met Greeks to S. trade:
            CB+Pottery for Bronze Working
            2470 New York founded. I put it on a hill because I don't want to clutter the valley with a city and there are lots of hills and mountains in the region for mining later.
            Also, around this time, I stumble on Carthagenians but they have nothing to trade.
            2310 My first curragh makes it across N channel to a presumed new land mass. Around this time, Romans and Greeks but appear with Iron Working. I have no trade for them
            2110 Shortly before this I popped a goodie hut on the W coast of the island/continent and received a warrior. THe warrior explored S and spotted a barb town. I debated attacking the town right away but wanted the warrior more for the moment. As I edged around the town I spotted a second warrior camped on a mountain SE of the barb settlement. I slinked my warrior onto a hill next to it to provoke an attack. I was lucky when it attacked and got an extra box on my own warrior with no damage. I then harvested the 25gp from the barbs.
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            • #36
              AU 505 Emperor -- let me put a story through 1700 bc in here and then go back read the above posts to see what I screwed up this time.

              Much against our usual nature, we awoke with a voice in our head telling us to guide our people on a peaceful path for the next few thousand years.

              How then to gain knowledge, if you can’t beat it out of your neighbors? There was another voice, who sounded like Aeson, saying thou shalt build scouts.

              So, we did. We also started to research ceremonial burial.

              Our worker wanted to chop some trees to build a granary. But we held him back, sending him on a road building task instead.

              Barbs appeared in 3750, much to our surprise.

              Met Greeks in 3650 and got Alpha. Picture
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              Illegitimi Non Carborundum


              • #37
                Met Rome a couple of turns later.

                In 3400 we had 3 scouts out and were about to chop some wood to hurry a granary. CB finishing, heading for mysticism.
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                Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                • #38
                  While strolling between the mountain ranges, in 3350, our westernmost scout popped a hut for bronze.
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                  Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                  • #39
                    in 3000 BC we did the following, perhaps controversial, trade.

                    America was able to grab 4 workers in total through 1700 -- not bad for an unfriendly map for population growth.
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                    Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                    • #40
                      By 2710, the granary and a garrison were finished in the capital. To keep from getting attacked, we decided to stall some more and build a temple, helped by further tree chops.

                      We still have a tech lead on everybody. But the continent has come into nearly complete view and it looks like we won't get much more tech from huts. The Greeks, now lacking workers, may fall behind.

                      Wait a minute, here's Carthage down in the tundra. We sell warrior code again for a full 10 gold and stare enviously at their ivory supply.

                      More worker trading in 2470, this time from Rome! Pottery was known by all when this took place. (He changed his mind about "it can't be done.")
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                      Last edited by jshelr; December 14, 2004, 16:32.
                      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                      • #41
                        In 2390, we traded cb to Carthage so they could see mysticism and then traded mysticism for iron and the wheel with Greece and Carthage. We¡¦re even on tech but well along the road to poly. The resource gods placed strategic resources at our disposal. To bad we can't use them
                        Meantime, some nefarious goings on were spotted in the Roman capital. Yikes!

                        The two Hoplites on the lux tile failed to take the capital, however.

                        That reminds me to ask, can we declare war as long as we don't attack? (In order to make an alliance and get them fighting among themselves)
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                        Last edited by jshelr; December 14, 2004, 15:57.
                        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                        • #42
                          Putter, putter, putter.......

                          We are building out toward Greece trying to get good river placements before back filling around our capital.

                          We got another worker for mysticism from Rome in 1725.

                          So, in 1700, we’re on Monarchy, with a polytheism tech lead and have the following stats.
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                          Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                          • #43
                            Under the course conditions, you cannot declare war, until you are in Fascism, even if you don't really attack.
                            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                            • #44
                              Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                              • #45
                                AU Mod, Emperor

                                4000BC: Washington was founded right at the position. Worker moved north to mine and road bonus grasslands. Judging by coastlines I had seen, it seemed like there would be more landmass in south than in north. So I sent initial scout south and trained a second one to north. Research of Alphabet was started at full speed.

                                3750BC: The second scout was ready to depart. Washington started granary. The first scout came across a small village, all he gained was a small map, which showed a red border. Sigh, better than nothing.

                                3700BC: The nation of red border was confirmed as Rome. They had their starting techs, but it was not the right time to trade, yet.
                                We also confirmed, by the second scout, that north of Washington is only a small pennisula. The scout was then sent southeast.

                                3350BC: The second scout spot a Greek hoplite. Now it's the time of tech trading. Masonry and Pottery for Alphabet, Warrior Code and 10 gold of Rome, then Warrior Code and Pottery for Bronzeworking of Greece. Our sages began to try Writing.

                                3050BC: The granary of Washington was completed, just before population grew.

                                3000BC: The second scout spot a Carthage warrior and a village by south of Rome. The Carthage didn't known Warrior Code yet, and couldn't afford a proper price to learn it.

                                2950BC: Our scout entered that village. No, not village, but city of New York!
                                New York started a worker. Since it's far from palace, the best ways of production are chopping and poprushing.

                                2710BC: Another hut, this time in jungle. Useless map, once again.
                                The first settler left Washington. 80 years later, Boston was settled at southwest of the capital. It was assigned as settler pump, and a new worker came to assist soon. The original worker was building road to next city spot.

                                2430BC: A barbarian warrior robbed undefended New York city, took away 2 golds.

                                2310BC: Writing was done. By this time, Ironworking and Ceremonial burial were known by all other 3 nations, and the Carthages knew how to make wheels. We and the Carthages share our learning with each other. Greece was also willing to pay 40 golds for the Wheel. Later in 2230BC, Rome bought it at a price of a slave.
                                Embassy in Rome was established.
                                We have iron and horse near home, that is a good news.

                                2150BC: The second settler was ready.

                                Future plans: Claims south plain as much as possible. Found a city at the blue dot in the picture, to keep Rome from iron.

                                Note: I was planning settle current settler at the red dot, but after reading other's DAR, I think the pink dot is better.
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