First to the legalities:
1) This is not an 'official' AU course in any way (whatever constitutes that.)
2) If this causes any of the AU, uh, 'bureaucracy' to feel I've overstepped my bounds (wherever they lie) please let me know. That wasn't my intention; I did it for a reason.
3) This will be played with C3C 1.22
Ok, I, being a player of the ability of winning stock deity games without capturing any cities I didn't found, feel that I might be able to give some very direct advice on how to play this game to people that play on some of the lower difficulties. Specifically I'm looking for two or three players that play from the range of 'Usually/always beat Warlord' to 'Usually/always lose Monarch' (so that would include anyone who generally plays Regent). This will be a Monarch level game, but most of the settings I leave to the discretion of the students.
I strongly recommend the AU mod, especially as this would probably be about the easiat way to learn its intricacies, as I can explain as we go along. I also want a Standard map, or possibly Small, as I don't want a huge long game and I find Tiny to simply be so small as to change many of the integral dynamics of an epic game. I recommend either 'average' (ie. 70% continents, Temperate, Normal, 4 billion) or random settings for world type. Civ choice is meaningless to me (both player and AI) so that can be completely up to any takers. Rules will be default minus 'Culturally Linked Start Loc.'. Aggression may as well be normal. All in all most of my preferences lie in having a reasonably 'normal' game.
For those unfamiliar with the concept of the Succession Game, it is a game where several players take turns playing the save (ten turns each, generally) and pass it on to the next person, while posting logs of everything they have done. I will play the first ten turns and explain why I do what I do in my log. The next person (probably just order of signup) will then play ten turns and log, pass to the next who plays and logs until it gets back to me. Repeat until game is over. A few beauties of the SG include that they don't require 'true' multiplayer capablities (ie. people with Vanilla can still do their own SGs) and that you get to learn how other players play in a very direct way that you generally can't find anywhere else short of being at someone's computer whilst they are playing. Also finding replacements if someone drops out is fairly easy as there is no password or anything and even without a replacement the game can still continue without a player.
P.S. If there are any Sid players who would like to run a Sid Training SG, I would be happy to join
1) This is not an 'official' AU course in any way (whatever constitutes that.)
2) If this causes any of the AU, uh, 'bureaucracy' to feel I've overstepped my bounds (wherever they lie) please let me know. That wasn't my intention; I did it for a reason.
3) This will be played with C3C 1.22
Ok, I, being a player of the ability of winning stock deity games without capturing any cities I didn't found, feel that I might be able to give some very direct advice on how to play this game to people that play on some of the lower difficulties. Specifically I'm looking for two or three players that play from the range of 'Usually/always beat Warlord' to 'Usually/always lose Monarch' (so that would include anyone who generally plays Regent). This will be a Monarch level game, but most of the settings I leave to the discretion of the students.
I strongly recommend the AU mod, especially as this would probably be about the easiat way to learn its intricacies, as I can explain as we go along. I also want a Standard map, or possibly Small, as I don't want a huge long game and I find Tiny to simply be so small as to change many of the integral dynamics of an epic game. I recommend either 'average' (ie. 70% continents, Temperate, Normal, 4 billion) or random settings for world type. Civ choice is meaningless to me (both player and AI) so that can be completely up to any takers. Rules will be default minus 'Culturally Linked Start Loc.'. Aggression may as well be normal. All in all most of my preferences lie in having a reasonably 'normal' game.
For those unfamiliar with the concept of the Succession Game, it is a game where several players take turns playing the save (ten turns each, generally) and pass it on to the next person, while posting logs of everything they have done. I will play the first ten turns and explain why I do what I do in my log. The next person (probably just order of signup) will then play ten turns and log, pass to the next who plays and logs until it gets back to me. Repeat until game is over. A few beauties of the SG include that they don't require 'true' multiplayer capablities (ie. people with Vanilla can still do their own SGs) and that you get to learn how other players play in a very direct way that you generally can't find anywhere else short of being at someone's computer whilst they are playing. Also finding replacements if someone drops out is fairly easy as there is no password or anything and even without a replacement the game can still continue without a player.
P.S. If there are any Sid players who would like to run a Sid Training SG, I would be happy to join