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AU 601: Single Player Version

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  • AU 601: Single Player Version

    Apolyton University is a school of strategy, where students sharpen their Civ3 skills and share their experiences in a series of thematic games. When playing an Apolyton University game, gaining and sharing knowledge is more important than getting a high score, or even winning the game. Participants are encouraged to share their strategy after the game, and even to try several attempts.

    There have been more than two dozen AU games to date, and the latest AU game is the first foray into multi-player Civ (see AU History 101 for an overview and links to all AU materials). AU 601 is a struggle between two human players playing as ancient Rome and ancient Greece in a play-by-email (PBEM) format on a standard size map, sharing their world with 6 AI civilizations. AU 601 also imposes unusual limitations on gameplay (individually agreed to by each pair of human competitors) that eliminates or severely restricts human aggression against the AI civs.

    The discussion thread leading to the AU 601 format; the discussion thread leading to the selection of civs; and the discussion thread regarding how to share game reports without spoiling others’ games can all be found in AU 601: Collection of Links and DARs. Don’t read the DAR (“during action report”) threads if you don’t want prior knowledge of the AU 601 map and circumstances.

    This thread offers the single-player (“SP”) version of AU 601. Play as Rome or play as Greece; play under standard rules** or play with the AU Mod (see Apolyton University Mod: C3C version); and play any difficulty level from Regent to Sid. Appropriate DAR threads will be created very soon for your own reporting of SP successes and failures.

    Due to attachment file size limitations, the saved games for all possible combinations of available variables are broken into 4 separate posts below – be sure to choose the saved game that interests you.


    ** In both the stock rules and AU Mod versions, one unique modification has been made by the scenario’s creator Sir Ralph – in place of the default German civ, AU 601 instead employs the Germanic Tribes, led by the Sovereign Hermann. The Germanic Tribes are a Militaristic and Agricultural civ with the Germanic Rider (3.1.2, available with Horseback Riding, replaces Horseman) as its UU.

  • #2
    The .zip file below contains 4000 BC saved games for each difficulty from Regent to Sid, playing as Rome under the AU Mod rules.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      The .zip file below contains 4000 BC saved games for each difficulty from Regent to Sid, playing as Greece under the AU Mod rules.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        The .zip file below contains 4000 BC saved games for each difficulty from Regent to Sid, playing as Rome under stock rules.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          The .zip file below contains 4000 BC saved games for each difficulty from Regent to Sid, playing as Greece under stock rules.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Thank you Catt!

            An important reminder: This is a bonus AU course for us SP only types. The "true" course is the MP version. Since SP plays quicker than MP, anyone playing the SP has an obligation NOT to release spoiler information.

            1) If your playing SP you really shouldn't post on the MP DAR threads. Limiting yourself to reading them will eliminate the possibilty of spoiler information getting posted.

            2) Don't start SP DAR threads. If Catt hasn't started a DAR thread for your period yet, it's because your ahead of the MP.


            • #7
              Good point.

              At some point in time however we should release this as a tournament game.

              That maybe not for very many weeks and even months but it should be released as such sometime in the future.

              More is better.
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • #8
                Thanks Catt. Could you post a 250x250 picture of the start for the HoF?


                • #9
                  Careful, that's a spoiler for MP.

                  And anybody can make a picture, now that the saves are available. Catt did enough already (thanks!).


                  • #10
                    Except me, since I don't have Conquests.


                    • #11
                      I agree that we shouldn't post a starting spot pic just yet -- the MP games are early enough that it would be spoiler info for the players and could be too easy to come across inadvertantly.

                      I don't plan on opening any SP DAR threads for a bit for the same reason (though if any SP player is dying to post his DARs, PM me and we'll get 'em started sooner).



                      • #12
                        I'm just happy playing, posting can come whenever Beside the MP DAR have been great


                        • #13
                          beaten by a pointy stick

                          Couldn´t help myself.
                          Downloaded to play greece, monarch standard.
                          (I get my a$$ handed to me anyway

                          the result

                          seriously edited, missed spoilers
                          Fun though !

                          Last edited by crilloan; July 29, 2004, 11:14.
                          longtime lurker


                          • #14
                            crilloan, I understand your enthusiasm, but could you please edit your above post and wait for the spoiler threads?


                            • #15
                              I will reiterate.

                              I believe this should be released as a tourney and become an HOF game eventually but not now.

                              80% of my fun in the AU world has been reading other peoples DAR's. Its KILLING me not to read them until Motown and I get farther along.
                              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

