greek scientists have discovered the secret of gunpowder!
it is a black powder and looks a bit like grinded pepper (but doesn't taste like it!). when lit, it makes a big bang and expands the air around massively. when this pressure is channeled in a gun barrel, small bits of stones and nails can be catapulted over a large distance and kill anything that gets hit by it!
this gun powder requires a seldom material called saltpeter. fortunatly, we have found a source within our empire, not too far from the carthagian borders.
as soon as rome completes leonardo's workshop, we will give all our spearmen and pikemen some of these guns (we call them muskets) to defend. from our enemies!
it is a black powder and looks a bit like grinded pepper (but doesn't taste like it!). when lit, it makes a big bang and expands the air around massively. when this pressure is channeled in a gun barrel, small bits of stones and nails can be catapulted over a large distance and kill anything that gets hit by it!
this gun powder requires a seldom material called saltpeter. fortunatly, we have found a source within our empire, not too far from the carthagian borders.
as soon as rome completes leonardo's workshop, we will give all our spearmen and pikemen some of these guns (we call them muskets) to defend. from our enemies!