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AU502 DAR 1: 4000BC - 2150BC

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Makahlua
    First off - though I've played quietly, this is the first time I've dared to post a DAR.
    Welcome to AU Makahlua!
    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


    • #32
      Re: AU502 DAR 1: 4000BC - 2150BC

      Ha. My first try on a DAR also Did play some PtW AU's and the Power of Seafaring, but never posted anything in these DAR's before. I'm just bad at keeping track of things while i play.

      OK. Lets give this a try:

      Demigod - 1.15 patch - AU mod version

      Didnt keep such detail as most of you have (years etc) but i'll report about things in general.

      Capital placement: spotted a corner of Oasis behind the mountain, so i moved the settler NW to get the Oasis in city radius (because Agricultural civs have +3 food from irrigated Oasis under despot)

      early exploration and development: first off, i built few warriors, then settler. continued that cycle. tried to build settler always the same turn when pop hit 3. didnt bother with granary as i saw the Iroquois, German and Sumerian units swarm nearby after few turns and was afraid about running out of space.

      Exploration didnt go well - i popped 4 huts - 3 had barbarians in them and one maps Also i lost 3 exploring warriors total to barbarians, so as you can see i still have lots of unexplored space. Demigod barbarians are TOUGH. Almost feels like they have attack/defense bonus against human

      Iroquois want Alesia After i found my 2nd city, Alesia, on top of Incense, the Iroquois seemed to move a stack of 3 warriors towards it. I had 2 warriors nearby and scrambled those to fortify in Alesia.

      When Iroq. stack was next to the city, i made a deal with them = all my GPT for Alphabet and Masonry + some of their gold. I then traded these techs to German and Sumeria and gained tech parity with them. If Iro's still attack next turn, thats their loss.

      Well - ofcourse Iroquois attacked next turn. Both of my defending warriors were promoted to Veteran and Iroquois lost their 3 warrior stack (finally some luck).

      After they heal i move all my 6 warriors in 2 stacks southward where evil Iro's came from and manage to destroy one of their cities (losing 2 warriors). After this i see a stack of Iroq archers and quickly sue for peace before they get too close.

      Warrior counterattack paid off - they are willing to give me Grand River. That reveals to be along the southern coast when i get it. Its size 2, so i immediately rush a Curragh for some exploration.

      Future plans: get some exploration done and get rid of the pesky barbarians. No other plans at the moment

      Sorry about the bad quality of the 2150 BC screenshot. I have big resolution and the image gets distorted when resizing it to 800.
      Attached Files


      • #33
        Stock rules on Monarch

        I have discovered I enjoy C3C more on the Monarch level. I feel confined when playing harder levels because I’m always trying to optimize everything. On Monarch I can play quick and sloppy which makes me feel free. So for me AU502 needs to be about fun.

        Now the one thing that would make AU502 suck would be no Iron. So my opening strategy tweak for the course is to “REX by the Highlands”. I will gain control of every hill and mountain I find to increase my odds of having Iron. And I’ll start by moving the settler to the Southeast. If I wasn’t gunning for Iron I would have gone Northwest, but other than a solitary Mountain the North just looks too flat.

        Entremont is founded and I become very pleased with my decision to go Southeast. I have tobacco, incense, and 3 potential Iron sites within my city radius. I start building a warrior and set research to 100% on Mysticism. My 1st warrior starts hiking the hills to see what is around. A cow by a lake (with hills and mountains) is quickly discovered and the location of my 2nd city is planned. After a 2nd warrior Entremont builds a settler and it wanders off to “Lake Cow Pie Fields.” Our new city builds a worker, a Granary, and you should know the rest of its building cue. Our capital keeps pumping warriors and settlers (without the benefit of a Granary) and squeezes in a temple and barracks.

        I quickly discover silk (with hills and mountains) and decide it’s worth the slower expansion to found a city in the jungle. My 4th city is another luxury jungle city that doesn’t help my REXH cause, but what the hell I’ve secured a 4th luxury.

        I believe my 40 turns ends before my 4th city is actually founded, but I didn’t write much down (or remember to take screen shots). My contacts and tech trading is nothing special and research continues full speed toward polytheism. My “REXH” strategy has netted me 15 tiles with Iron potential so I’m happy with my start. I won’t fix what isn’t broken so I’ll continue to REXH and research quickly to gain Monarchy. I also promise to remember a screen shot for DAR2.


        • #34
          Blast all of you and your SGLs. I haven't been the first to a tech in half an age!

          I'm thinking about all that I've learned from these forums... How many games I spent at 10% research when I'm at the cap, how many settler pump opportunites I missed... how many elites I let die in foolhardy battles. I might never be the micromanager that some here are... but I can definatly say my game is better!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Fosse
            Blast all of you and your SGLs. I haven't been the first to a tech in half an age!
            You're not alone there Fosse, although I might have had half a chance of an SGL if I'd picked my tech choices a little better!

            Still, playing at demigod I've given up the brief fling I once had with SGL's (2 in one AU501, but hardly any apart from that). Not to mention that I avoid goody huts like the plague.

            So add this to your list - players at emperor/demigod popping techs and settlers from huts. Blast you all!
            So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
            Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

            Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


            • #36
              Uh oh - Iroquois move stack of 4 archers next to Alesia. I manage to rush a spear and move 3 warriors there before the attack - but no luck. Iroquois archers win battles 4-0 and capture Alesia.

              1550 BC - Game Over. No Gallic Swords built.

              This is embarassing, i havent lost Civ3 SP game since.. hmm.. ever Besides the SID level tries. And few early Deity games with vanilla. C3C or new AU mod (or both), are really adding the challenge.

              This really is a learning experience I'll restart from 4000 bc and deal more carefully with the Iroquois.


              • #37
                Sorry you got the short end, but the AI can smack you if it goes for the throat early with those bonus units.

                Better luck on the next run.


                • #38
                  Monarch, AU mod

                  I think I have only beat monarch once. I have to admit, I looked at some of the threads, so I have a little advanced knowledge.

                  This is my first game with AU. I think its great that there is a cooperative effort to put together a well-planned mod.

                  The luck of the Irish gave me an extra settler right away. At 2150 BC, I have 4 cities.

                  So far I have encountered the Germans, Sumerians, and Iroquois. No wars yet

                  I have bronze working, alphabet, pottery, warrior code, ceremonial burial, and mysticism. My tech plan is to get monarchy, as I expect to be fighting. I'm sure someone will want to pick a fight around the time I get GS

                  I hope the screenshot looks decent. I noticed I forgot to build mines. Guess I shouldn't be civing past my bedtime.
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Conqueror, the community will shed it's collective tear over your misfortune, and then quickly ask "did you learn something?"

                    I could (would) have suffered the same fate when the Iroquois declared on me in 2750BC, if it hadn't been for their plain stupid war tactics (and a touch of RNG luck). They had 3 warriors surrounding my only town, defended by 2 regular warriors IIRC, and they each proceeded to attack and die, 1 each turn for 3 turns, by which time I had built a spear and another warrior.
                    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                    • #40
                      Madine save the pic as a jpeg and you can post it inline:
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Thanks for the tip


                        • #42
                          My first AU game in a year and my first CIV3 game in over a month. I have mostly been visiting the OT forum the last year. I picked Monarch level, which I normally find challenging enough, but in retrospect I would probably had done well on emperor as well. This was a little too easy.

                          Moved settler SE and build capital. Irrigated sugar, which provend to be a mistake under despotism.

                          Building order: warrior (scouting) - warrior (defending) - settler - warrior - settler - ...

                          2nd city founded on jungle square by the eastern cow lake. I didn't remember if it was possible to plant cities on jungle, so I took a chance and it worked. City 2 started to build a worker, then warriors and settlers.

                          Wasn't lucky with the huts. One map and then only barbarians, who killed some of my warriors.

                          3rd city on the river to the SW, by the coast.

                          Made contact with Iroqis and Sumerians and traded some tech. Beelined for Monarchy, which gave some tech for trading, and fit well into my later war and GA plans.

                          This first part of the game was only peaceful expansion.
                          So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                          Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


                          • #43
                            This was a little too easy.
                            When you get to the Post-Game Thread, if you have any suggestions on what would have made it more challenging at your normal level, please let me know.
                            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                            • #44
                              Ducki, I think the game is suppose to be easy at Monarch.


                              • #45
                                AU Mod - Monarch

                                This is the first game I've tried from the AU threads, I only came across them recently. It all looks pretty hard core really, so I didn't really know how it was going to pan out. In the end it was a Space Victory in 1870, with 4039 pts.

                                I wrote stuff as I played, so here it is:

                                4000bc – moved settler 1 sqr south to get the extra hill and grassland while retaining the tobacco and sugar.
                                3950bc – Settled in the river fork.. view expands.. bugger about all this jungle, but like the look of that incense to the east. Set science to 100% and head straight for Iron Working.
                                3900bc – Worker starts mining tobacco next to the river.
                                3600bc – 1st warrior is completed and heads east to find a suitable 2nd city site to make use of that incense.
                                3450bc – Warrior discovers primo site next to small lake and cow! All right! Boarders have expanded so worker heads north to mine shield grassland.
                                3400bc – Warrior goes NW to mountain and spots the goody hut NE of capital. I think I’ll save that for now in case I can pop it by founding a city up there somewhere.
                                3350bc – 2nd warrior complete, push him off NE - I saw a bit of dessert and river up there and want to see if there are floodplains to be had. Switch production to settler.
                                3000bc – Wow, plenty of floodplains alright! Found a nice 3rd city site. Popped a goody hut with my east wandering warrior but got barbarians. Manage to kill them all.
                                2950bc – NW warrior meets an Iroquois warrior. Iroquois offer 10 gold for Ceremonial Burial but predictably they aren’t interested in trading for Alphabet. I tell them to take a hike.
                                2710bc – 2nd city founded and production set on temple to get those boarders going. Capital is a few turns off Barracks as are a bit worried about those Iroquois. NW and E warriors have found coastlines – NW going N and E warrior going S. The Iroquoi warrior is following me N. Bugger this jungle but in the later game this land will be primo.
                                2670bc – Meet the Germans. They have The Wheel and Warrior Code, but I have nothing, so offer them 1g as goodwill. God knows why. Warrior heads E along the bottom of Germany’s boarders.
                                2430bc – discover the Sumerians. They trade Alphabet for Ceremonial Burial. South warrior discovers dyes – and sees that the Iroquois are very close indeed…
                                2270bc – discover Iron Working. Head for Philosophy. Wow, Iron right next to my 2nd city, awesome! Worker has nearly completed a road to the 2nd city, he can just continue to that iron. Capital has completed a temple (for culture and happiness) and is a few turns away from my 3rd Settler.

                                More to follow in DAR2. No screeny just yet, but there are a few to come
                                Last edited by Andydog; March 29, 2004, 09:30.

