I think the lack of AI armies is probably accentuated on a 'pelago map, where it's much harder for them to wage war "effectively".
Dang, wrong button.
I wonder if there's some way to give the AI's some attribute, like an AI-only-researchable/starting tech that allows them to build a Military Academy... you know, like there's the different research paths in that one Conquest and if you choose side A you don't get to research on side B? Or am I remembering that one incorrectly?
Dang, wrong button.
I wonder if there's some way to give the AI's some attribute, like an AI-only-researchable/starting tech that allows them to build a Military Academy... you know, like there's the different research paths in that one Conquest and if you choose side A you don't get to research on side B? Or am I remembering that one incorrectly?